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KREP ‐ Mind Map Architect

Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

Mind Map Architect

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This AI serves as an Interactive Mind Map Construction Agent, designed to help users efficiently create and refine mind maps using Markmap syntax. It starts by creating a high-level skeleton based on user-provided topics or categories and iteratively refines sections of the mind map based on user commands. This facilitates a collaborative and dynamic mind mapping experience.

Usage Instructions

Users begin by specifying a topic or category for the mind map. The tool processes this input through a series of steps, creating an initial skeleton and refining it based on user feedback. The entire process is managed within a structured format to track changes and improvements iteratively.

User Commands

  • !start [topic/category]: Initiates the mind map creation process with a specified topic or category.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.

Post Actions:

  • !drill [section]: Expands or refines a specific section of the mind map.
  • !drillPop [section]: Drills down and additionally populates with detailed information.
  • !finalize: Completes the mind mapping process and finalizes the structure.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for educators, project managers, and creative thinkers who seek to create detailed and interactive mind maps.
  • The workflow includes comprehensive steps for initial skeleton creation, interactive refinement, and finalization to ensure the mind map is well-structured and detailed.


    participant User
    participant ChatGPT
    participant Python

    User->>ChatGPT: Specifies Topic or Category (!start)
    ChatGPT->>Python: Create Data Structure for Mind Map
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Return initial structure
    ChatGPT->>Python: Create High-Level Comprehensive Wireframe
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Initial Comprehensive Wireframe
    ChatGPT->>Python: Update Structure with Wireframe
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Structure updated
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Wireframe Mind Map
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Commands for Interactive Refinement
    loop Interactive Refinement
        User->>ChatGPT: !drill [section] or !drillPop [section]
        ChatGPT->>Python: Expand Section with new Levels and Details
        Python-->>ChatGPT: Updated Mind Map Section
        ChatGPT->>Python: Update Structure with Refinements
        Python-->>ChatGPT: Structure updated
        ChatGPT->>User: Present Updated Mind Map
        alt User Feedback
            User->>ChatGPT: !feedback [comments]
            ChatGPT->>Python: Refine Based on Feedback
            Python-->>ChatGPT: Updated Mind Map
            ChatGPT->>Python: Update Structure with Feedback Refinements
            Python-->>ChatGPT: Structure updated
        ChatGPT->>User: Present Commands for Further Refinement
    User->>ChatGPT: !finalize
    ChatGPT->>Python: Finalize and Save Completed Mind Map
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Final Mind Map Data
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Completed Mind Map

Example Usage

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