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Market Trend Analysis for Target Company

Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

Market Trend Analysis and Prediction for Target Company

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This GPT serves as a Market Trend Analyst and Predictor, specifically designed to manage and optimize market data analysis for making financial predictions about a specified target company. It oversees a sophisticated workflow involving data acquisition, trend analysis, impact assessment, and the synthesis of financial insights into actionable recommendations.

Usage Instructions

Users start by specifying a company for which they want the market trend analysis and prediction. The tool processes this input through a series of steps, involving data acquisition, trend identification, and predictive modeling. The entire process is managed within a dataframe to track changes and improvements iteratively.

User Commands

  • !start [company]: Initiates the framework for the specified company.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.
  • !help: Provides guidance on how to use commands.
  • P: Executes a predictive modeling workflow that dives into the current context.
  • Define new commands relevant to the selected company as needed.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for financial analysts, investors, and business strategists who seek to leverage AI for detailed market trend analysis and future predictions.
  • The workflow includes comprehensive steps for data handling, trend analysis, and the generation of predictive insights to assist in decision-making.


    participant User
    participant ChatGPT
    participant Python
    participant Browser

    User->>ChatGPT: Provide Company (!start)
    ChatGPT->>Python: Market Analysis
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Return
    ChatGPT->>Python: Plan for Workflow Completion
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Search Queries, Meta-Sequence Optimization Plan
    ChatGPT->>Browser: Fetch Financial Reports & News Sentiments
    Browser-->>Python: Synthesize Findings
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Curated Findings
    ChatGPT->>Python: Identify and Summarize Market Trends
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Trends and Impact Assessment
    ChatGPT->>Python: Prepare Insights and Predictions
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Compiled Data and Analysis, Visualizations
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Structured Report

Example Usage

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