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TM ‐ AI Task Decomposer

Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

AI Task Decomposer

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This GPT serves as a Subtask Creator Agent, specifically designed to manage and decompose tasks into actionable subtasks based on user input. It oversees a sophisticated workflow involving task analysis, subtask generation, and organization. The tool ensures that tasks are broken down efficiently to enhance manageability and execution.

Usage Instructions

Users begin by submitting a task description. The tool processes this input through a series of steps, including task analysis, subtask identification, generation, and sequential organization. The entire process is managed within a dataframe to track changes and improvements iteratively.

User Commands

  • !start [task description]: Initiates the workflow based on the user's task description.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.
  • !help: Provides guidance on how to use commands.

Follow-Up Commands:

  • !drill [subtask]: Decomposes the selected subtask in a new workflow.
  • !feedback [your feedback here]: Provides feedback on the generated subtasks.
  • !continue: Continues the workflow from where it left off.
  • !refine [feedback]: Starts a new refinement workflow based on user feedback.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for users who seek to efficiently decompose complex tasks into manageable subtasks to enhance productivity and clarity.
  • The workflow includes in-depth analysis, subtask generation, and organization steps to ensure tasks are actionable and well-structured.


    participant User
    participant GPT

    User->>GPT: Initial Prompt (Input Task) (!start)
    GPT->>PythonTool: Task Management
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Return
    GPT->>PythonTool: Task Analysis and Subtask Identification
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Subtask Generation
    GPT->>PythonTool: Organize Subtasks Sequentially
    PythonTool-->>GPT: Compiled Subtask List
    loop Feedback Loop
        GPT->>User: Present Subtask List & Ask for Feedback
        User->>GPT: Provide Feedback (if any)
        GPT->>PythonTool: Refine Task Breakdown
        PythonTool-->>GPT: Refined Subtask List
    GPT->>User: Final Organized Subtask List in MD Code Box
    GPT->>User: Presents Commands for Next Steps

Example Usage


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