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Devin Pellegrino edited this page May 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

Automated Career Analysis and Resume Tailoring

Public GPT Link: Access GPT Here


This GPT functions as a Career Analysis and Resume Tailoring Agent, specifically designed to manage and optimize the process of analyzing career data and creating tailored resumes based on user input. It oversees a sophisticated workflow involving data collection, profile analysis, skill mapping, and resume writing. The tool ensures that resumes are customized effectively to highlight the user’s strengths and career trajectory.

Usage Instructions

Users begin by uploading their career-related documents. The tool processes this input through a series of steps, involving comprehensive profile analysis, detailed experience and skills mapping, and tailored resume writing. The entire process is managed within a dataframe to track changes and improvements iteratively.

User Commands

Starting Actions:

  • !start: Initiates the workflow based on the uploaded document.
  • !demo: Demonstrates the complete workflow using AI synthesized data.
  • !help: Provides guidance on how to use commands.

Post Actions:

  • !tailor [job desc.]: Creates a new tailored resume based on the provided job description.

🌟 Important Notes

  • This tool is essential for professionals and job seekers who want to optimize their resumes to better align with their career goals and job market demands.
  • The workflow includes comprehensive steps for data handling, profile analysis, skill mapping, and resume writing to ensure the final resume is highly effective and professional.


    participant User
    participant ChatGPT
    participant RAG as RAG Search
    participant Python as Python Tool

    User->>ChatGPT: Uploads Career Documents (!start)
    ChatGPT->>Python: Create DataFrame for Career Analysis
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Return empty dataframe
    ChatGPT->>Python: Plan Workflow Sequence
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Workflow Action Sequence
    ChatGPT->>RAG: Initial Comprehensive Profile Analysis
    RAG-->>Python: Career Information
    ChatGPT->>Python: Populate Initial Data
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Initial Data
    ChatGPT->>RAG: Detailed Experience Analysis
    RAG-->>Python: Detailed Experience Mapping
    ChatGPT->>Python: Populate Experience Key
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Updated Experience Key
    ChatGPT->>RAG: Comprehensive Skills Mapping
    RAG-->>Python: Skills Data
    ChatGPT->>Python: Complete Skills Mapping
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Updated Skills Key
    ChatGPT->>Python: Create Final Profile Dataframe
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Final Profile Dataframe
    ChatGPT->>Python: Career Trajectory Mapping and Develop Strategy
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Career Trajectory Map, Strategy
    ChatGPT->>Python: Tailored Resume Writing
    Python-->>ChatGPT: New Text for Tailored Resume
    ChatGPT->>Python: Format Tailored Resume
    Python-->>ChatGPT: Present Final Resume
    ChatGPT->>User: Present Resume, Hotkeys

Example Usage

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