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@Ferroin Ferroin released this 08 Jun 18:51
· 4242 commits to master since this release

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❗ We're keeping our codebase healthy by removing features that are end of life. Read the deprecation notice to check if you are affected.

Netdata open-source Agent statistics

  • 7.6M+ troubleshooters monitor with Netdata
  • 1.3M+ unique nodes currently live
  • 3.3k+ new nodes per day
  • Over 556M Docker pulls all-time total

Release highlights

Anomaly Advisor & on-device Machine Learning

We are excited to launch one of our flagship machine learning (ML) assisted troubleshooting features in Netdata: the Anomaly Advisor.

Netdata now comes with on-device ML! Unsupervised ML models are trained for every metric, at the edge (on your devices), enabling real time anomaly detection across your infrastructure.


This feature is part of a broader philosophy we have at Netdata when it comes to how we can leverage ML-based solutions to help augment and assist traditional troubleshooting workflows, without having to centralize all your data.

The new Anomalies tab quickly lets you find periods of time with elevated anomaly rates across all of your nodes. Once you highlight a period of interest, Netdata will generate a ranked list of the most anomalous metrics across all nodes in the highlighted timeframe. The goal is to quickly let you find periods of abnormal activity in your infrastructure and bring to your attention the metrics that were most anomalous during that time.

In our latest release, we improved the usability of Anomaly Advisor and also ensured that the anomalous metrics are always relevant to the time period you are investigating.

A great deal of care has gone into ensuring that ML running on your device is as light weight in terms of resource consumption as possible. For instance, metrics that do not have sufficient data for training and metrics that are consistently constant during training periods are considered to be "normal" until their behavior changes significantly to require re-training of the ML models.

To use this feature, please enable ML on your agent and then navigate to the "Anomalies" tab in Netdata cloud. Update netdata.conf with the following information to enable ML on your agent:

    enabled = yes

Read more about Anomaly Advisor at our blog.

Metrics Correlation on Agent

Metric Correlations allow you to quickly find metrics and charts related to a particular window of interest that you want to explore further. Metric correlations compare two adjacent windows to find how they relate to each other, and then score all metrics based on this rating, providing a list of metrics that may have influence or have been influenced by the highlighted one.

Metric Correlation was already available in Netdata Cloud, but now we are releasing a version implemented at the Netdata Agent, which drastically reduces the time required for to run. This means the metric correlation can now run almost instantly (more than 10x faster than before)!

To enable the new metric correlation at the Netdata Agent, set the following in your netdata.conf file:

    enable metric correlations = yes

Kubernetes monitoring

On very busy Kubernetes clusters where hundreds of containers spawn and are destroyed all the time, Netdata was consuming a lot of resources and was slow to detect changes and under certain conditions it missed certain containers.

Now, Netdata:

  1. Detects "pause" containers and skips them greatly improving the performance during discovery
  2. Detects containers that are initializing and postpones discovery for them until they are properly initialized
  3. Utilizes less resources more efficiently during container discovery

Netdata is also capable of detecting the network interfaces that have been allocated to containers, by spawning a process that switches network namespace and identifies virtual interfaces that belong to each container. This process is improved drastically, now requiring 1/3 of the CPU resources it needed before.

Additionally, Netdata cgroups.plugin now collects CPU shares for Kubernetes containers, allowing the visualization of the Kubernetes CPU Requests (Kubernetes writes in cgroup CPU Shares the CPU Requests that have been configured for the containers).

A new option has been added in netdata.conf [plugin:cgroup] section, to allow filtering containers by (resolved) name. It matches the name of the cgroup (as you see it on the dashboard).

We have also released a blog post and a video about CPU Throttling in Kubernetes. You will be amazed by our findings. Read the blog and watch the video about Kubernetes CPU throttling.

Visualization improvements

Netdata Cloud dashboards are now a lot faster in aggregating data from multiple agents, as the protocol between agents and the Cloud is approaching its final shape.

New look for Netdata charts

Netdata Cloud has a new look and feel for charts, which resembles the look and feel for coding IDEs:


New home for war rooms

The new home tab for war rooms allows you to quickly inspect the most important metrics for every war room, like number of nodes, metrics, retention, replication, alerts, users, custom dashboards, etc.

Time units

Time units now in charts auto-scale from microseconds to days, automatically based on the value of time to be shown.

Cloud queries timeout

The agent now sets a timeout on every query it sends to the agents, and the agents now respect this timeout. Previously, the cloud was timing out because of a slow query, but the agents remained busy executing that query, which had a waterfall effect on the agent load.

Custom dashboards

Custom dashboards on Netdata Cloud can now be renamed.

Alerts management

All configured alerts on the Cloud

We have added a new Alert Configs sub tab which lists all the alerts configured on all the nodes belonging to the war room. You have now a possibility of listing the alerts configured in the - war room, nodes and alert instances respectively.

Stale alerts

There have been a number of corner cases under which alerts could remain raised on Netdata cloud. We identified all such cases, and now Netdata Cloud is always in sync with Netdata agents about their alerts.

Nodes management

Cloud provider metadata

Netdata now identifies the Cloud provider node type it runs on. It works for GCP and AWS, and exposes this information at the Nodes tab, the single node dashboard, and the node inspector.

Virtualization detection fixes

We improved the virtualization detection in cases where systemd is not available. Now Netdata can properly detect virtualization even in these cases.

Global nodes filter on all tabs of a space

The new Netdata Cloud now supports a global filter on nodes of war rooms. The new filter is applied on every tab for each room, allowing users to quickly switch between tabs while retaining the nodes filtered.

Obsoletion of nodes

Netdata admin users now have the ability to remove obsolete nodes from a space. Many users have been eagerly waiting for this feature, and we thank you for your patience. We hope you will be happy to use the feature and have cleaner spaces and war rooms. A few notes to be considered:

  • Only admin users have the ability to obsolete nodes
  • Only offline nodes can be marked obsolete (Live nodes and stale nodes cannot be obsoleted)
  • Node obsoletion works across the entire space, so the obsoleted node will be removed from all rooms belonging to the space
  • If the obsoleted nodes eventually become live or online once more, they will be automatically re-added to the space

StatsD improvements

Every Netdata Agent is a StatsD server, listening on localhost port 8125, both TCP and UDP. You can use the Netdata StatsD server to quickly visualize metrics from scripts, Cron Job, and local applications.

In this release, the Netdata StatsD server has been improved to use Judy arrays for indexing the collected metrics, drastically improving its performance.

At the same time we extended the StatsD protocol to support dictionaries . Dictionaries are similar to sets, but instead of reporting only the number of unique entries in the set, dictionaries create a counter for each of the values and report the number of occurrences for each unique event. So, to quickly get a break down of events, you can push them to StatsD like myapp.metric:EVENT|d. StatsD will create a chart for myapp.metric and for each unique EVENT it will create a dimension with the number of times this events was encountered.

We also added the ability to change the units of the chart and the family of the chart, using StatsD tags, like this: myapp.metric:EVENT|d|#units=events/s.

Finally, StatsD now automatically creates a dashboard section for every StatsD application name. Following StatsD best practices, these application names are considered to be the first keyword of collected metrics. For example, by pushing the metric myapp.metric:1|c, StatsD will create the dashboard section "StatsD myapp".

Read more at the Netdata StatsD documentation. A real-life example of using Netdata StatsD from a shell script pushing in realtime metric to a local Netdata Agent, is available at this gist.

3x faster agent queries

Netdata dashboards refresh all visible charts in parallel, utilizing all the resources the web browsers provide to quickly present the required charts. Since Netdata only stores metric data at the agents, all these queries are executed in parallel at the agents.

This parallelism of queries is even more intense when metrics replication/streaming is configured. In these cases, parent Netdata agents centralize metric data from many agents, and, since Netdata Cloud prefers the more distant parents for queries, they receive quite a few queries in parallel for all their children.

We also reworked many parts of the query engine of Netdata agents to achieve top performance in parallel queries. Now, Netdata agents are able to perform queries at a rate of more than 30 million points per second, per core on modern hardware. On a parent Netdata agent with a 24-core CPU we observed a sustained rate of 1.3 billion points per second! This is 3 times faster compared to the previous release.

To achieve this performance improvements we worked in these areas:

Query memory management

When querying metric data, a lot of memory allocations need to happen. Although Netdata agents automatically adapt their memory requirements for data collection avoiding memory operations while iterating to collect data, unfortunately at the query engine site, this is not feasible.

To make the agent more efficient for queries, the number of system calls allocating memory had to be drastically decreased. So, we developed a One Way Allocator (OWA), a system that works like a scratchpad for memory allocations. When the query starts, we now predict the amount of memory needed to execute the query. The query engine still does all the individual allocations, but all these are now made against the scratchpad, not against the system. OWA is smart enough to increase the size of the scratchpad if needed during querying. And it frees all memory at once without the need for individual memory releases.

For huge data queries, the benefit is astonishing. For certain heavy data queries, 45000 memory allocations before are down to 20 with this release! This doubled the performance of the query engine.

Number unpacking

To optimize its memory footprint for metric data, Netdata agents store collected metric data into a fixed step database (after interpolation) with a custom floating point number format we developed (we call it storage_number), requiring just 4 bytes per data collection point, including the timestamp. When on disk, mainly due to compression, Netdata's dbengine needs just 0.34 bytes per point (including all metadata), which is probably the best among all monitoring solutions available today, allowing Netdata to massively store and manage metric data at a very high rate.

This means however, that in order to actually use a point in a query, we have to unpack it. This unpacking happens point-by-point even for data cached in memory. 1 billion points in a data query, 1 billion numbers unpacked.

In this release we analyzed the CPU cache efficiency of the number unpacking and we refactored it to make the best use of available CPU caches to finally increase its performance by 30%.


This release includes a better algorithm to pick the available parent to stream metrics to. The previous version was always reconnecting to the first available parent. Now it rotates them, one by one and then restarts.

An issue was fixed regarding parents with stale alerts from disconnected children. Now, the parent validates all alerts on every child re-connection.

Netdata parents now have a timeout to cleanup dead/abandoned children connections automatically.

We also worked to eliminate most of the bottlenecks when multiple children connect to the same parent. But this is still under testing, so it will make it in the next release.

More optimizations

Workers optimizations

Netdata uses many workers to execute several of its features. There are web workers, aclk workers, dbengine
workers, health monitoring workers, libuv workers, and many more.

We manage to identify a lot of deadlocks happening that slowed down the whole operation. We also
increased the amount of workers to deliver more capacity on busy parents.

There is a new section for monitoring Netdata workers at the "Netdata Monitoring" section of the dashboard. Using this
work we are still working to make them even more efficient.


The last release was hindered by rare deadlocks on very busy parents. These deadlocks are now gone, improving the agents ability to centralize data from many children.

Dictionaries are now using Judy arrays

Judy arrays are probably the fastest and most CPU cache-friendly indexes available. Netdata already uses them for
dbengine and its page cache. Now all Netdata dictionaries are using them too, giving a performance boost to all
dictionary operations, including StatsD.

/proc collectors are now a lot faster >

Initialization of /proc collectors was suboptimal, because they had to go over a slow process or adapting their read
buffers. We added a forward-looking algorithm to optimize this initialization, which now happens in 1/10th of the

/proc/netdev collector is now isolated

Some users have experiences gaps in /proc plugin charts. We identified that these gaps were triggered by the netdev module, which were cause the whole plugin to slow down and miss data collection iterations.

Now the netdev module of /proc plugin runs on its own thread to avoid this influencing the rest of the /proc

Internal Web Server optimizations

The internal web server of Netdata now spreads the work among its worker threads more evenly, utilizing as much of the
parallelism that is available to it.

Options in netdata.conf re-organized

We re-organized the [global] section of the netdata.conf, so that it is more meaningful for new users. The new
configurations are backward compatible. So, after you restart netdata with your old netdata.conf, grab the new one
from http://localhost:19999/netdata.conf to have the new format.

New MQTT Client - Tech Preview

We now have our own MQTT implementation within our ACLK protocol that will eventually replace the current MQTT-C client
for several reasons, including the following:

  • With the new MQTT implementation we now support MQTTv5 as our older implementation only supported MQTTv3
  • Reduce memory usage - no need for large fixed size buffers to be allocated all the time
  • Reduce memory copying - no need to copy message contents multiple times
  • Remove max message size limit
  • Remove issues where big messages are starving other messages

Currently, it’s provided as a tech preview, and it’s disabled by default. Feel free to have some fun with the new
implementation. This is how to enable it in netdata.conf:

    mqtt5 = yes


  • @JaphethLim for adding priority to Gotify notifications.
  • @MarianSavchuk for adding Alma and Rocky distros as CentOS compatibility distro in
  • @aberaud for working on configurable storage engine.
  • @atriwidada for improving package dependency.
  • @coffeegrind123 for adding Gotify notification method.
  • @eltociear for fixing "GitHub" spelling in docs.
  • @fqx for adding tailscaled to apps_groups.conf.
  • @k0ste for updating net, aws, and ha groups in apps_groups.conf.
  • @kklionz for fixing a compilation warning.
  • @olivluca for fixing appending logs to the old log file after logrotate on Debian.
  • @petecooper for improving the usage message in netdata-installer.
  • @simon300000 for adding caddy to apps_groups.conf.




  • Add "UPS Load Usage" in Watts chart (charts.d/apcupsd) (#12965, @ilyam8)
  • Add Pressure Stall Information stall time charts (proc.plugin, cgroups.plugin) (#12869, @ilyam8)
  • Add "CPU Time Relative Share" chart when running inside a K8s cluster (cgroups.plugin) (#12741, @ilyam8)
  • Add a collector that parses the log files of the OpenVPN server (go.d/openvpn_status_log) (#675, @surajnpn)


⚙️ Enhancing our collectors to collect all the data you need.

Show 14 more contributions
  • Add Tailscale apps_groups.conf (apps.plugin) (#13033, @fqx)
  • Skip collecting network interface speed and duplex if carrier is down (proc.plugin) (#13019, @vlvkobal)
  • Run the /net/dev module in a separate thread (proc.plugin) (#12996, @vlvkobal)
  • Add dictionary support to statsd (#12980, @ktsaou)
  • Add an option to filter the alarms (python.d/alarms) (#12972, @andrewm4894)
  • Update net, aws, and ha groups in apps_groups.conf (apps.plugin) (#12921, @k0ste)
  • Add k8s_cluster_name label to cgroup charts in K8s on GKE (cgroups.plugin) (#12858, @ilyam8)
  • Exclude Proxmox bridge interfaces (proc.plugin) (#12789, @ilyam8)
  • Add filtering by cgroups name and improve renaming in K8s (cgroups.plugin) (#12778, @ilyam8)
  • Execute the renaming script only for containers in K8s (cgroups.plugin) (#12747, @ilyam8)
  • Add k8s_qos_class label to cgroup charts in K8s (cgroups.plugin) (#12737, @ilyam8)
  • Reduce the CPU time required for (cgroups.plugin) (#12711, @ilyam8)
  • Add Proxmox VE processes to apps_groups.conf (apps.plugin) (#12704, @ilyam8)
  • Add Caddy to apps_groups.conf (apps.plugin) (#12678, @simon300000)

Bug fixes

🐞 Improving our collectors one bug fix at a time.

Show 11 more contributions
  • Fix adding wrong labels to cgroup charts (cgroups.plugin) (#13062, @ilyam8)
  • Fix cpu_guest chart context (apps.plugin) (#12983, @ilyam8)
  • Fix counting unique values in Sets (statsd.plugin) (#12963, @ktsaou)
  • Fix collecting data from uninitialized containers in K8s (cgroups.plugin) (#12912, @ilyam8)
  • Fix CPU-specific data in the "C-state residency time" chart dimensions (proc.plugin) (#12898, @vlvkobal)
  • Fix memory usage calculation by considering ZFS ARC as cache on FreeBSD (freebsd.plugin)(#12879, @vlvkobal)
  • Fix disabling K8s pod/container cgroups when fail to rename them (cgroups.plugin) (#12865, @ilyam8)
  • Fix memory usage calculation by considering ZFS ARC as cache on Linux (proc.plugin) (#12847, @ilyam8)
  • Fix adding network interfaces when the cgroup proc is in the host network namespace (cgroups.plugin) (#12788, @ilyam8)
  • Fix not setting chart units (go.d/snmp) (#682, @ilyam8)
  • Fix not collecting Integer type values (go.d/snmp) (#680, @surajnpn)




  • Improve failover logic when the Agent is configured to stream to multiple destinations (#12866, @MrZammler)
  • Increase the default "buffer size bytes" to 10MB (#12913, @ilyam8)


  • Add the URL query parameter that filters charts from the /allmetrics API query (#12820, @vlvkobal)
  • Make the "send charts matching" option behave the same as the "filter" URL query parameter for prometheus format (#12832, @ilyam8)


📄 Keeping our documentation healthy together with our awesome community.

Show 11 more contributions

Packaging / Installation

📦 "Handle with care" - Just like handling physical packages, we put in a lot of care and effort to publish beautiful
software packages.

Show 29 more contributions
  • Add Alma Linux 9 and RHEL 9 support to CI and packaging (#13058, @Ferroin)
  • Fix handling of temp directory in kickstart when uninstalling (#13056, @Ferroin)
  • Only try to update repo metadata in updater script if needed (#13009, @Ferroin)
  • Use printf instead of echo for printing collected warnings in kickstart (#13002, @Ferroin)
  • Don't kill Netdata PIDs if successfully stopped Netdata in installer/uninstaller (#12982, @ilyam8)
  • Properly handle the case when 'tput colors' does not return a number in kickstart (#12979, @ilyam8)
  • Update libbpf version to v0.8.0 (#12945, @thiagoftsm)
  • Update default fping version to 5.1 (#12930, @ilyam8)
  • Update go.d.plugin version to v0.32.3 (#12862, @ilyam8)
  • Autodetect channel for specific version in kickstart (#12856, @maneamarius)
  • Fix "Bad file descriptor" error in netdata-uninstaller (#12828, @maneamarius)
  • Add support for installing static builds on systems without usable internet connections (#12809, @Ferroin)
  • Add --repositories-only option to kickstart (#12806, @maneamarius)
  • Rename --install option for (#12798, @maneamarius)
  • Fix to avoid recompiling protobuf all the time (#12790, @ktsaou)
  • Fix non-interpreted new lines when printing deferred errors in netdata-installer (#12786, @ilyam8)
  • Fix a typo in the warning() function in netdata-installer (#12781, @ilyam8)
  • Fix checking of environment file in netdata-updater (#12768, @Ferroin)
  • Add a missing function and Alma and Rocky distros as CentOS compatibility distro to netdata-updater (#12757, @MarianSavchuk)
  • Improve the usage message in netdata-installer (#12755, @petecooper)
  • Make atomics a hard-dependency (#12730, @vkalintiris)
  • Add --install-version flag for installing specific Netdata version to kickstart (#12729, @maneamarius)
  • Correctly propagate errors and warnings up to the kickstart script from scripts it calls (#12686, @Ferroin)
  • Fix not-respecting of NETDATA_LISTENER_PORT in docker healthcheck (#12676, @ilyam8)
  • Add options to kickstart for explicitly passing options to installer code (#12658, @Ferroin)
  • Improve handling of release channel selection in kickstart (#12635, @Ferroin)
  • Treat auto-updates as a tristate internally in the kickstart script (#12634, @Ferroin)
  • Include proper package dependency (#12518, @atriwidada)
  • Fix appending logs to the old log file after logrotate on Debian (#9377, @olivluca)

Other Notable Changes


⚙️ Greasing the gears to smoothen your experience with Netdata.

Show 43 more contributions
  • Add hostname to mirrored hosts int the /api/v1/info endpoint (#13030, @ktsaou)
  • Optimize query engine queries (#12988, @ktsaou)
  • Optimize query engine and cleanup (#12978, @ktsaou)
  • Improve the web server work distribution across worker threads (#12975, @ktsaou)
  • Check link local address before querying cloud instance metadata (#12973, @ilyam8)
  • Speed up query engine by refactoring rrdeng_load_metric_next() (#12966, @ktsaou)
  • Optimize the dimensions option store to the metadata database (#12952, @stelfrag)
  • Add detailed dbengine stats (#12948, @ktsaou)
  • Stream Metric Correlation version to parent and advertise Metric Correlation status to the Cloud (#12940, @MrZammler)
  • Move directories, logs, and environment variables configuration options to separate sections (#12935, @ilyam8)
  • Adjust the dimension liveness status check (#12933, @stelfrag)
  • Make sqlite PRAGMAs user configurable (#12917, @ktsaou)
  • Add worker jobs for cgroup-rename, cgroup-network and cgroup-first-time (#12910, @ktsaou)
  • Return stable or nightly based on version if the file check fails (#12894, @stelfrag)
  • Take into account the in queue wait time when executing a data query (#12885, @stelfrag)
  • Add fixes and improvements to workers library (#12863, @ktsaou)
  • Pause alert pushes to the cloud (#12852, @MrZammler)
  • Allow to use the new MQTT 5 implementation (#12838, @underhood)
  • Set a page wait timeout and retry count (#12836, @stelfrag)
  • Allow external plugins to create chart labels (#12834, @ilyam8)
  • Reduce the number of messages written in the error log due to out of bound timestamps (#12829, @stelfrag)
  • Cleanup the node instance table on startup (#12825, @stelfrag)
  • Accept a data query timeout parameter from the cloud (#12823, @stelfrag)
  • Write the entire request with parameters in the access.log file (#12815, @stelfrag)
  • Add a parameter for how many worker threads the libuv library needs to pre-initialize (#12814, @stelfrag)
  • Optimize linking of foreach alarms to dimensions (#12813, @vkalintiris)
  • Add a hyphen to the list of available characters for chart names (#12812, @ilyam8)
  • Speed up queries by providing optimization in the main loop (#12811, @ktsaou)
  • Add workers utilization charts for Netdata components (#12807, @ktsaou)
  • Fill missing removed events after a crash (#12803 , @MrZammler)
  • Speed up buffer increases (minimize reallocs) (#12792, @ktsaou)
  • Speed up reading big proc files (#12791, @ktsaou)
  • Make dbengine page cache undumpable and dedupuble (#12765, @ilyam8)
  • Speed up execution of external programs (#12759, @ktsaou)
  • Remove per chart configuration (#12728, @vkalintiris)
  • Check for chart obsoletion on children re-connections (#12707, @MrZammler)
  • Add a 2 minute timeout to stream receiver socket (#12673, @MrZammler)
  • Improve Agent cloud chart synchronization (#12655, @stelfrag)
  • Add the ability to perform a data query using an offline node id (#12650, @stelfrag)
  • Implement ks_2samp test for Metric Correlations (#12582, @MrZammler)
  • Reduce alert events sent to the cloud (#12544, @MrZammler)
  • Store alert log entries even if alert it is repeating (#12226, @MrZammler)
  • Improve storage number unpacking by using a lookup table (#11048, @vkalintiris)

Bug fixes

🐞 Increasing Netdata's reliability one bug fix at a time.

Show 33 more contributions

Code organization

🏋️ Changes to keep our code base in good shape.

Show 48 more contributions

Deprecation notice

The following items will be removed in our next minor release (v1.36.0):

Patch releases (if any) will not be affected.

Component Type Will be replaced by
python.d/chrony collector go.d/chrony
python.d/ovpn_status_log collector go.d/openvpn_status_log

All the deprecated components will be moved to the netdata/community repository.

Deprecated in this release

In accordance with our previous deprecation notice, the following items have been removed in this release:

Component Type Replaced by
node.d plugin -
node.d/snmp collector go.d/snmp
python.d/apache collector go.d/apache
python.d/couchdb collector go.d/couchdb
python.d/dns_query_time collector go.d/dnsquery
python.d/dnsdist collector go.d/dnsdist
python.d/elasticsearch collector go.d/elasticsearch
python.d/energid collector go.d/energid
python.d/freeradius collector go.d/freeradius
python.d/httpcheck collector go.d/httpcheck
python.d/isc_dhcpd collector go.d/isc_dhcpd
python.d/mysql collector go.d/mysql
python.d/nginx collector go.d/nginx
python.d/phpfpm collector go.d/phpfpm
python.d/portcheck collector go.d/portcheck
python.d/powerdns collector go.d/powerdns
python.d/redis collector go.d/redis
python.d/web_log collector go.d/weblog

Platform Support Changes

This release adds official support for the following platforms:

  • RHEL 9.x, Alma Linux 9.x, and other compatible RHEL 9.x derived platforms
  • Alpine Linux 3.16

This release removes official support for the following platforms:

  • Fedora 34 (support ended due to upstream EOL).
  • Alpine Linux 3.12 (support ended due to upstream EOL).

This release includes the following additional platform support changes.

  • We’ve switched from Alpine 3.15 to Alpine 3.16 as the base for our Docker images and static builds. This should not
    require any action on the part of users, and simply represents a version bump to the tooling included in our Docker
    images and static builds.
  • We’ve switched from Rocky Linux to Alma Linux as our build and test platform for RHEL compatible systems. This will
    enable us to provide better long-term support for such platforms, as well as opening the possibility of better support
    for non-x86 systems.

Netdata Agent Release Meetup

Join the Netdata team on the 9th of June at 5pm UTC for the Netdata Agent Release Meetup, which will be held on
the Netdata Discord.

Together we’ll cover:

  • Release Highlights
  • Acknowledgements
  • Q&A with the community

RSVP now - we look forward to
meeting you.

Support options

As we grow, we stay committed to providing the best support ever seen from an open-source solution. Should you encounter
an issue with any of the changes made in this release or any feature in the Netdata Agent, feel free to contact us
through one of the following channels:

  • Netdata Learn: Find documentation, guides, and reference material for monitoring and
    troubleshooting your systems with Netdata.
  • GitHub Issues: Make use of the Netdata repository to report bugs or open
    a new feature request.
  • GitHub Discussions: Join the conversation around the Netdata
    development process and be a part of it.
  • Community Forums: Visit the Community Forums and contribute to the collaborative
    knowledge base.
  • Discord: Jump into the Netdata Discord and hangout with like-minded sysadmins,
    DevOps, SREs and other troubleshooters. More than 1100 engineers are already using it!