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Configure CODE and Nextcloud office for Nextcloud snap

scubamuc edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 99 revisions

Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server and Nextcloud office for Nextcloud snap

The following configuration was tested on a fresh Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS for for x86_64 processor and Nextcloud snap latest/stable considering two scenarios:

  • The Nextcloud snap handles SSL itself and is accessed directly via https and port forwarding without a reverse proxy or local DNS.
  • The Nextcloud snap is behind a reverse proxy which handles SSL and redirects only http to the Nextcloud snap.

1. Install missing packages

Install missing packages on host:

sudo apt install fontconfig glibc-source

2. Set Hostname

Set host in /etc/hosts on host: See Hosts & FQDN       localhost hostname

## The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

3. Set overwrite-cli in Config-php

Set overwrite.cli.url in config-php by adding the following line to your configuration:

  'overwrite.cli.url' => '',

or issue command:

sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set overwrite.cli.url --value=""

4. Set trusted proxy in Config-php

Set trusted proxy in config-php if your Nextcloud snap is behind a reverse proxy.

  'trusted_proxies' => 
    array (
      0 => 'your.proxy.ip',

or issue command:

sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_poxies 0 --value="your.proxy.ip" ;

5. Configure CODE

5a. Configure CODE & Office for Nextcloud snap on AMD64:
These steps (in sequence) are required to reconfigure/reset and configure CODE & Nextcloud office on Nextcloud snap.

  1. disable CODE: sudo nextcloud.occ app:disable richdocumentscode
  2. disable Office: sudo nextcloud.occ app:disable richdocuments
  3. delete old configs: sudo nextcloud.occ config:app:delete richdocuments public_wopi_url
  4. delete old configs: sudo nextcloud.occ config:app:delete richdocuments wopi_url
  5. enable Office: sudo nextcloud.occ app:enable richdocuments
  6. enable CODE: sudo nextcloud.occ app:enable richdocumentscode

5b. Configure CODE & Office for Nextcloud snap on ARM64:
These steps (in sequence) are required to reconfigure/reset and configure CODE & Nextcloud office on Nextcloud snap.

  1. disable CODE: sudo nextcloud.occ app:disable richdocumentscode_arm64
  2. disable Office: sudo nextcloud.occ app:disable richdocuments
  3. delete old configs: sudo nextcloud.occ config:app:delete richdocuments public_wopi_url
  4. delete old configs: sudo nextcloud.occ config:app:delete richdocuments wopi_url
  5. enable Office: sudo nextcloud.occ app:enable richdocuments
  6. enable CODE: sudo nextcloud.occ app:enable richdocumentscode_arm64

You should get a green check if you've followed the above sequence.



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  • First load could take a while, be patient
  • First load after CODE app upgrade could take a while, be patient
  • Double check steps 1 to 4
  • Double check step 5
  • For ARM64 devices: There is an actual upstream issue with ARM64 devices since v23.5.5.
    Keep tracking and help with providing your system and setup information here:

See also:

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