This tap is deprecated. Please consider using my docker-setup instead.
I am using many tools from the container ecosystem for which no automated installation exists. I decided to create Homebrew formulae for them.
brew install nicholasdille/tap/<formula>
Or brew tap nicholasdille/tap
and then brew install <formula>
Containers (Docker/OCI):
- buildkitd
- buildkitd-dockerfile
- buildx
- cni
- cni-isolation
- containerd
- distribution
- docker
- dockerd
- docker-app
- docker-compose v1 (binary formula)
- docker-compose v2
- docker-proxy
- docker-scan
- fuse-overlay (binary formula)
- fuse-overlay-snapshotter (binary formula)
- hub-tool
- img
- imgcrypt
- manifest-tool
- nerdctl
- notation (notary v2)
- notary v1
- oci-image-tool
- oci-runtime-tool
- oras
- regclient
- rootlesskit
- runc
- slirp4netns
- stargz-snapshotter (binary formula)
- stargzify
- trivy
Containers (RedHat)
- bubblewrap
- buildah
- cni-dnsname
- conmon
- containers-common
- containers-image
- containers-storage
- crun
- podman
- podman-remote
- umoci
Rootless containers
- buildkitd-rootless
- containerd-rootless
- dockerd-rootless
- nerdctl-immortal
- clusterctl
- clusterawsadm
- cmctl
- cri-o
- crictl
- datree
- havener
- imgpkg
- kapp
- kbld
- kink
- kubectl-build
- kubeletctl
- kubeone
- kubescape
- kubeswitch
- kube-bench
- kustomizer
- kwt
- localizer
- loft (binary formula)
- sloop
- vcluster
- ytt
Formulae related to containers:
- bst (PR #339)
- cado
- catatonit
- cntr
- containerssh
- cosign
- diun
- duffle
- faasd
- faasd-rootless
- firecracker
- firecracker-containerd
- firejail
- footloose
- gosu
- gvisor (PR #177)
- ignite
- kata-containers
- ipfs
- kim
- norouter
- nsutils
- nydus (PR #612)
- porter
- quark (PR #211)
- rekor
- runq (PR #353)
- sshocker
- stacker (PR #606)
- su-exec
- sysbox
- tini
- uidmap
- uptodate
- yasu
- youki (PR #609)
- zot
Formulae for useful tools:
- artifactory-cleanup
- bin
- chisel
- cloudflared
- criu (PR #350)
- dyff
- envcli
- envsub
- goss
- npiperelay (binary formula)
- patat / patat-bin
- promql
- reptyr
- semver-tool
- ssh-key-confirmer
- task
- tl
- trillian
- vendir
Formulae for fun:
- emojisum
- mp3binder
- Docker (official)
- act (official)
- argocd (official)
- cowsay (official)
- crane (official)
- dialog (official)
- doitlive (official)
- drone-cli (official)
- earthly (official)
- faas-cli (official)
- figlet (official)
- flarectl (official)
- fleet-cli (official)
- flux (official)
- fluxctl (official)
- gh (official)
- gitlab-runner (official)
- glab (official)
- govc (official)
- hcloud (official)
- havener (3rd party)
- helm (official)
- hub (official)
- jfrog-cli (official)
- jp (3rd party)
- k3d (official)
- k3sup (official)
- kind (official)
- krew (official)
- kubeaudit (official)
- kubeconform (3rd party)
- kubernetes-cli (kubectl) (official)
- kustomize (official)
- lab (official)
- logcli (official)
- loki (official)
- lolcat (official)
- marp (official)
- minikube (official)
- mitmproxy (official)
- oras (official)
- pack (3rd party)
- pluto (3rd party)
- ponysay (official)
- powerline-go (official)
- promtail (official)
- pv (official)
- qrencode (official)
- scorecard (official)
- semgrep (3rd party)
- shellcheck (official)
- shellinabox (official)
- singularity (official)
- skopeo (official)
- socat (official)
- terrascan (official)
- toast (official)
- toilet (official)
- tunnelto (3rd party)
- yamllint (official)
- yq (official)
brew help
, man brew
or check the Homebrew homepage.