Content Importers and Shaders for MonoGame and Kni framework.
- 'Animation' - Import animations from a Model.
- 'GPU AnimatedModel' - Import an animated Model.
- 'CPU AnimatedModel' - Import an animated Model to be animated by the CPU. Based on DynamicModelProcessor, the imported asset is of type Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Model where the VertexBuffer is replaced by a CpuAnimatedVertexBuffer. CpuAnimatedVertexBuffer inherits from DynamicVertexBuffer.
- 'DDS Importer' - Import of DDS files (images, Cubemaps). Supports importing of DDS with DTX format.
- 'RawModelProcessor' - Import 3D Models with a raw copy of Vertex/Index data for platforms that don't support GetData().
- 'DynamicModel' - Base Processor to customize the build in Model. It allows to modify VertexBuffer & IndexBuffers, make them Dynamic and WriteOnly.
- 'VoxelModelImporter' - Import .vox files as 3D Models.
- 'AtlasImporter' - Import sprite atlas. Supports .tmx files. Mipmaps are generated individually for each sprite, no color-leak.
- 'TilemapImporter' - Import tilemap files. Supports .tmx files.
Play animated 3D models and support for CPU animation. CPU animation is optimized using unsafe code, writing directly to mapped VertexBuffer memory using reflection (DirectX).
Draw Atlas sprites from TextureAtlas. Draw Tilemaps.
- 'FXAA' - MonoGame port of NVIDIA's FXAA 3.11 shader.
- 'Deferred' - Deferred rendering.
- 'InfiniteGrid' - Draws an Infinite Grid.
- 'Tilemap' - Draws a Tilemap texture.