General purpose slack bot
Current version: 2.3.0
is the driver for the bot. It handles creating the bot, connecting to slack, and the rtm read loop
sets up the event handlers, assigning them appropriately and sending messages
contains all the event handlers and their specific parsers
contains the handlers for bot commands
contains various utility functions, such as ID matching and exit codes
Bot return codes:
RC=0x exit codes are special meaning codes, usually for signalling monitor script
RC=00 , bot exited normally and will not restart
RC=01 , there was an uncaught python error and will not restart. Likely needs manual fixing
RC=02 , bot exited normally and will restart after updating
RC=1x exit codes signify an error during bot set up
RC=10 , invalid bot id was returned to bot, should restart
RC=11 , failed to connect to RTM, possible network hiccup, should restart
RC=2x exit codes signify an error during rtm use
RC=20 , generic error during RTM read, should restart
RC=21 , timeout error during RTM read, should restart
RC=3x exit codes signify an error during command processing
RC=30 , malformed user id found