This Github repository is intended as a Node.js starter pack for people wishing to get a basic library produced without having to configure a wide range of common tools. You can just fork and start building your module to share with the world.
This repository, like all templates in our GitHub Org is MIT licensed. That means you can use it freely without restriction or attribution. If this helped you get started, give the repo a star on GitHub and help spread the word.
The starter pack currently features the following tools and techniques:
- Code Coverage Analysis (Package: istanbul / gulp-istanbul)
- Documentation Generation (Package: esdoc/gulp-esdoc)
- Standards Enforcement (Package: eslint/gulp-eslint
- Special nod to Airbnb for their coding standards ruleset.
- Unit Testing with:
These are all validated and working on NodeJS 4.x and above, we test for multiple variations of node which can be seen in our .travis.yml
If you are looking to create an application then please use one of the other project templates from our GitHub Org which will be better suited, this will include:
- MVC Web Applications
- Swagger Based REST Microservices
- And others.
To get started, please do the following:
- Create a fork of our repository into your own workspace or organisation (this way you can track improvements and updates as we make them).
- Replace this file with your own project-specific content.
- Update package.json to give your app it's own unique identity and version.
- If you aren't using VSCode, then you can also drop the .vscode directory, which defines some IDE options to make sure the standards for tabs and spacing are used.
Then it's as simple as:
npm install
The following gulp tasks are defined:
- gulp docs - Regenerate esdoc documentation.
- gulp lint - Run ESLint validation of code standards.
- You can also lint-lib or lint-tests to look at specific areas.
- gulp test - Run unit tests.
It's a big ecosystem: with each library and template the intent is to show one of the best, most widely accepted ways to achieve the outcome. If you've got a suggestion to change to another module, we welcome pull requests as long as they are prefaced with some discussion.