Nosia is a platform that allows you to run an AI model on your own data. It is designed to be easy to install and use.
It will install Docker, Ollama, and Nosia on a Debian/Ubuntu machine.
curl -fsSL | sh
You should see the following output:
✅ Setting up environment
✅ Setting up Docker
✅ Setting up Ollama
✅ Starting Ollama
✅ Starting Nosia
You can now access Nosia at https://nosia.localhost
On macOS, install Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install Ollama with Homebrew:
Replace <HOST_IP>
with the IP address of the host machine and run the following command:
brew install ollama
ollama pull phi3:medium
ollama pull nomic-embed-text
On the Debian/Ubuntu VM:
Replace <HOST_IP>
with the IP address of the host machine and run the following command:
curl -fsSL | OLLAMA_URL=http://<HOST_IP>:11434 sh
You should see the following output:
✅ Setting up environment
✅ Setting up Docker
✅ Setting up Ollama
✅ Starting Ollama
✅ Starting Nosia
From the VM, you can access Nosia at https://nosia.localhost
If you want to access Nosia from the host machine, you may need to forward the port from the VM to the host machine.
Replace <USER>
with the username of the VM, <VM_IP>
with the IP address of the VM, and <LOCAL_PORT>
with the port you want to use on the host machine, 8443 for example, and run the following command:
ssh -f <USER>@<VM_IP> -L <LOCAL_PORT>:localhost:443
After running the command, you can access Nosia at https://nosia.localhost:<LOCAL_PORT>
By default, Nosia uses the phi3:medium
completion model and the nomic-embed-text
embeddings model.
You can use any completion model available on Ollama by setting the OLLAMA_CHAT_COMPLETION_MODEL
environment variables during the installation.
For example, to use the llama3:latest
model, replace <HOST_IP>
with the IP address of the host machine and run the following command:
curl -fsSL | OLLAMA_URL=http://<HOST_IP>:11434 OLLAMA_CHAT_COMPLETION_MODEL=llama3:latest OLLAMA_COMPLETION_MODEL=llama3:latest sh
At this time, the nomic-embed-text
embeddings model is required for Nosia to work.
You can start, upgrade and stop the services with the following commands:
cd nosia
If you encounter any issue:
- during the installation, you can check the logs at
- during the use waiting for an AI response, you can check the jobs at
- with Nosia, you can check the logs with
docker compose -f ./docker-compose.yml logs -f
- with the Ollama server, you can check the logs at
If you need further assistance, please open an issue!