- Provides O(log(n)) runtime complexity for put, get, and delete in average cases and O(n) in worst case.
- put(key, val) Inserts a key with value.
- get_key(key) Returns the key or nil if there is no such key.
- get_val(key) Returns the value or nil if there is no such key.
- del(key) Deletes a key.
- Guaranteed O(log(n)) runtime complexity for put, get and delete in all cases by dynamically balancing BST.
- LLBBST treemap is still under early development.
- New features will be continuously added in order to support basic treemap functionality.
- put(key, val) Inserts a key with value.
- get_key(key) Returns the key or nil if there is no such key.
- get_val(key) Returns the value or nil if there is no such key.
- del(key) Deletes a key.
- del_min() Deletes min key.
- del_max() Deletes max key.
- min() Returns the min key.
- max() Returns the max key.
- higher_key(key) Returns the least key strictly greater than the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- lower_key(key) Returns the greatest key strictly less than the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- ceiling_entry Returns a key-value hash mapping associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- ceiling_key(key) Returns the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- floor_entry(key) Returns a key-value hash mapping associated with the greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- floor_key(key) Returns the greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or nil if there is no such key.
- entry_set Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
- Clone this repo into your project root directory.
- require it
require_relative './lib/BST'
data = some_data_in_an_array
tree = BST.new()
# populate the tree
data.each_with_index do |key, idx|
BST.put(key, idx)
require_relative './lib/LLBBST'
data = some_data_in_an_array
tree = LLBBST.new()
# populate the tree
data.each_with_index do |key, idx|
LLBBST.put(key, idx)