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Releases: odamex/odamex

Odamex 10.6.0

12 Sep 00:27
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Odamex 10.6.0

This is a minor release that should be followed by a more substantial major release in the near future. Key highlights of this release are DOOM + DOOM II support, insofar as Odamex will automatically find the commercial game data on a Steam install; (U)MAPINFO related additions and fixes; and other general bug fixes and improvements.

For a full list of changes and contributors, check out the list below:


  • Added support for DOOM + DOOM II Steam release (IWAD searching only - widescreen asset support coming in next version).
  • Added support for UMAPINFO LABEL fields (thanks @bcahue and @electricbrass!)
  • Added support for doublesky and sky2 MAPINFO fields
  • Restored support for ZDoom/Hexen scrolling skies


  • Changes to MAPINFO parser and read priority


  • Some fixes to old Vanilla Doom style intermission screen (thanks @enaiel!)
  • Client wad downloader can now locate wads with spaces in their names
  • Correct a demo playback issue related to the viewer's camera (thanks @ceski-1!)
  • Items picked up by a player aren't added to their local item count (thanks @loopfz!)
  • Fixed renderer not properly displaying non-power of 2 width textures
  • Avatars (online voodoo dolls) are no longer blocked by monster-blocking lines
  • Prevent voodoo dolls from affecting player viewheight in single player
  • Fixed height transfer sector ceiling/floor plane visibility check

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Odamex 10.5.0

18 May 03:14
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Odamex 10.5.0

This is a minor release with mostly quality of life fixes. The client has seen a number of useful updates. One of the more notable additions in 10.5.0, @loopfz improved the in-game wad downloader so that it can now download files with mixed case file names. That means server admins no longer have to host wads that are either all upper case or lower case. This will be incredibly useful for server admins looking to host servers with many wads.

@ceski has improved controller support by improving analog stick deadzones, as well as flushing unused game controller events. @chewi has improved our general codebase by correcting some aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code fixes. @matoro has also helped update our CMake configuration.

Also, a shout out to @bcahue for improving our demo testing suite, which helps us continue to strive toward full vanilla Doom compatibility.

For a full list of changes and contributors, check out the list below:


  • When a player becomes a spectator, display the number of kills & deaths they had in a message.
  • Added Freedoom 0.13.0 support to the IWAD Loader. Thanks @GeorgePieVG!
  • Added par times for Chex Quest. Thanks @Acts19quiz!


  • g_coopthingfilter is now g_thingfilter. This variable can be used to: 1) remove weapons flagged for cooperative; 2) remove all things flagged for cooperative; or 3) remove all things that can be picked up. Thanks @loopfz!
  • Improvement to game controller support, via improved deadzones and flushing unused game controller events. Thanks @ceski-1!
  • Updated the network connection error graphic to include text indicating there is a network issue.
  • Improvements to SIMD flags in our CMake configuration. Thanks @matoro!


  • The in-game wad downloader can now locate wad files with mixed case file names. Thanks @loopfz!
  • MBF21 instakill sector no longer kills players in IDDQD mode. Thanks @Sbzro12345!
  • Corrected aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code improvements. Thanks @chewi!
  • Improved vanilla demo testing and accuracy over last release.
  • Backed out changes to conveyor handling introduced in 10.4.0. These changes fixed thing behavior on conveyors, but caused some monsters to no longer spawn in-game.
  • Fixed compiling on Mac OSX where internal system libraries for LIBPNG and ZLIB were being called.
  • Fixed a crash when changing wads with different HORDEDEFs. Thanks @AlexMax!

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Odamex 10.4.0

10 Aug 01:12
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Odamex 10.4.0 - QCon 2023 Edition

This is a minor release with a few nice features and a lot of quality of life fixes. The client has seen a lot of updates. First, the new client frontend has been improved with an options tab and some quality of life fixes. Second, the client itself now sounds and looks better! Ceski has rewritten the portmidi music driver which corrected many issues with midi playback. Ceski also added ultra widescreen support up to 32:9 - WOW! Other client changes that may be noticeable are improvements to on-screen messaging in the menus and in-game HUDs.

Many tricky bugs related to MBF21 support, as well as the various MAPINFO lumps, were also corrected.

For a full list of changes, check out the list below:


  • Addition of ultra widescreen support, as well as automatic aspect ratio detection. Thanks ceski!
  • Include preset colors in the player setup menu. Thanks Acts19quiz!
  • Added an options menu to the client launcher. Thanks @electricbrass!
  • Double clicking an iwad in the client launcher now launches the game. Thanks Mia!
  • Out-of-the-box improvements to Chex Quest support, including green screen tinting.
  • Add more helpful messaging to Horde and Survival Coop modes.


  • Improvements to IWAD selection on the client launcher. Thanks Mia!
  • Player setup menu improvements. Thanks Acts19quiz!
  • Rewrite of the portmidi music driver by @ceski-1. Huge improvements!
  • Some server console improvements on Windows systems.
  • CI improvements for multiple platforms.
  • Minor changes to default horde waves packaged with Odamex.
  • Improved options for frames-per-second selection in the video options menu.
  • Quality of life improvements to preferred weapon order menu.
  • Allow movebob and red damage screen correction on clientside by default. Can still be controlled by server.
  • Only read a UMAPINFO file if both a UMAPINFO and MAPINFO file exist.
  • Improvements to installer.


  • Allow bypassing no-cheat rules in all skill levels offline.
  • Restore floor damage text obituaries. Thanks Mia!
  • Corrected generic text obituaries displaying backwards.
  • Removed ZMAPINFO support as it was breaking a lot of wads.
  • Fix multitrack MIDI looping on MacOS. Thanks ceski!
  • MBF21 +RIP projectiles now work as intended.
  • Custom dehacked projectiles now display in a sane way on the killfeed.
  • Fix MAPINFO token compat_invisibility from causing an error
  • MBF21 custom tracer projectiles no longer seek spectating players.
  • Fixed items desyncing between client and server on Boom/ZDoom conveyor floors.

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Odamex 10.3.0

10 Dec 04:42
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Odamex 10.3.0

Another minor release with some nice new features thrown in. The most noticeable new feature is the brand new PWAD selector tab when you start Odamex. It will search the cl_waddownloaddir and waddirs cvars, the -waddir command line parameter, and DOOMWADDIR and DOOMWADPATH environment variables for WAD files. You can select which ones you want to play and even rearrange their load order.

Aside from that, perhaps the most noticeable fixed bug is the fact that a long-standing weapon desync caused by picking up a weapon that was not known to the client yet has been addressed. This should virtually eliminate cases where the wrong weapon is held at the start of levels or on a reset.

That's enough of a summary. Let's dig in!


  • The Odamex boot window selector now has a PWAD selector to go with it! Thanks Mia!
  • Odamex's window will now flash if the window is not focused and you respawn. Thanks Mia!
  • Obituaries now show up for MBF21 customized weapons and monsters.
  • Additional versions of the Unity IWADs are now noticed by Odamex.
  • Ctrl-Delete and Alt-Delete now delete words on either side of the cursor in the console.
  • Chat macros are now usable on the numeric keypad if numlock is enabled.


  • A much better error message should show up if you try to join a server without the proper IWAD. It also tells you if it found an IWAD, but was an incorrect version.
  • Odalaunch will now show all servers for the current major version only.
  • Odamex will now respond to all launcher requests for the current major version, instead of checking the major and minor version.


  • Instances where weapon pickups were triggered for weapons that were not known to the client yet, such as on level load or reset, should now no longer cause a weapon desync.
  • A crash that occurred when an actor doesn't have an associated subsector when looking for players has been fixed.
  • Latched cvars now show pending changes correctly instead of a purple square.
  • The traditional status bar was not rendering correctly in non-cooperative modes, this has been addressed.
  • A circumstance where Odamex would crash due to attempting to render level data that had been freed due to an error condition has been fixed.
  • DeHackEd monsters could not walk underneath thing bridges, now they can.
  • Line special 192's searching routine was broken when 0 was used as a search base - this is now fixed. Thanks Mia!
  • The BIGFONT comma was way too high, now it's where a comma should be.
  • Generalized linedefs were not being flagged as switches online, now they are.
  • A few MIDI controller events weren't being passed through properly, leading to music weirdness that happened when switching between certain songs. Thanks Ceski!
    • Fixes music in Sunlust going from Title Screen to MAP01.
    • Fixes music in Three is a Crowd warping from MAP03 to MAP10.
  • Yet more vanilla demo desyncs have been addressed - now all of Doom, Doom 2, Plutonia and TNT demos play without desyncs.
  • Using 10-key functions with numlock should now work as expected.
  • MAPINFO compatflags are now properly ignored, instead of breaking the parser.
  • Tag 666 was occasionally causing the game to crash, and Tag 667 simply didn't work at all. Not anymore.
  • The "Server Full" message was missing a flags field, causing the client to not understand it - now it does.
  • Automap's pan speed was bigger than intended when follow mode was off, fixed. Thanks Mia!

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Odamex 10.2.0

16 Aug 19:19
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Odamex 10.2.0

A pretty low-key release. A modest box of new customizations for players and server admins to play with, and multitude of netcode fixes, horde fixes and an assortment of others.


  • A new r_softinvulneffect setting, enabled by default, which changes the invulnerability effect to the visible weapon as opposed to the entire screen.
    • The vanilla invulnerability effect has always been a bit of an eyesore, but now that we have spawn invulnerability it has turned migrane-inducing.
    • The current look is not necessarily set in stone, and we plan on making further tweaks to it in the future.
  • A new g_preroundreset setting which will reset the level between the pre-round countdown and the actual game.
  • You can now change the length of time messages appear in the obituary feed with hud_feedtime. This setting is also surfaced in the menu.
  • Item counts now show up in the automap.
  • A new cl_centerbobonfire setting which emulates the ZDoom 2.x behavior of centering the weapon when firing.
  • Introduce co_removesoullimit for eliminating the 20 count lost soul limit offline. Online, this adjusts the cap to 128. Thanks, Mia!
  • Horde now respects sv_nomonsters.
  • Boss monster projectiles now have the same palette shifts as the bosses themselves. The projectile behavior itself is still identical...for now.
  • hordenextwave now respawns players. Thanks, Mia!
  • "AUTOMAP" graphic now appears in the automap options menu.
  • Support for the new Steam WAD file locations.


  • Horde bosses now lose their "sparkles" on death.
  • All non-RGB sliders in options menu now display current value to the right.
  • con_notifytime and con_midtime now accept non-integer message timeout times.
  • Certain variations of the scoreboard surrounding round and lives logic had less-than-useful configurations, these have been improved.


  • A significant "pump fake" misprediction of monster behavior was fixed.
  • Multiplayer vanilla demos did not play back at all, now they should work, though there are some remaining assorted issues.
  • Ultimate Doom E2M7 didn't always get detected correctly in the previous map behavior fix, now it should.
  • Online, certain trigger-once line specials were not properly cleared by the client, or improperly able to be triggered again by a newly connecting client. Now these issues have been fixed.
  • Scrolling floors were being mispredicted in client/server by a factor of two, now they scroll properly.
  • Secrets areas were not getting cleared properly when triggered by other players - now they clear properly.
  • Online, scrollers were being inited twice when restarting the map, this has been fixed.
  • Horde bosses now trigger special lines again.
  • Horde spawns were capable of being pushed around by scrolling floors, now they stay in place.
  • Online, glowing sectors were incorrectly reinitializing when restarting the map, this has also been fixed.
  • Sector flags did not properly save to a savegame, now they do.
  • Single-activation specials were not being cleared on the client, resulting in a desync. This has been fixed.
  • Horde monsters no longer get crunched by doors.
  • A_HealCorpse did not give resurrected monsters height, now they do.
  • judgment.wad now loads correctly.
  • WDLStats now properly count the last frag in deathmatch modes.
  • Fixed instances of doubled sounds when using A_PlaySound.

Odamex 10.1.0

22 Apr 19:16
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Odamex 10.1.0


  • Many improvements to Horde
    • Monster spawning speed has been completely changed.
      • Now, the speed of monster spawning changes based on the wave difficulty and how empty or full the map is.
      • This should prevent instances where a group of marines could overwhelm some of the easy waves to the point of it being boring.
      • There are several new cvars that allow you to modify these speed settings.
        • `g_horde_spawnempty_min`, `g_horde_spawnempty_max`, `g_horde_spawnfull_min`, `g_horde_spawnfull_max`.
      • The initial 60 seconds of each wave slow down the rate of spawning. It also slows down if there is at least one boss alive.
    • When starting a wave, you are now told if there are new weapons for you to pick up, and which ones if so.
    • Every wave is now assigned a difficulty based on its maximum spawn HP.
      • We use the same rating scale as the Dean of Doom; X for eXtreme, E for Easy, A through D in between.
    • You can now override already-defined waves by naming them the exact same.
      • In other words, if you want to put your own spin on `Tangerine Skies` you can simply create your own horde wave named `Tangerine Skies` and Odamex will use that one instead of the original.
  • Several improvements to the Automap
    • Automap arrows and colors are now abstracted to the point where they can be substituted, much like ZDoom allows.
    • Add customizable default automap colors for wad's using MAPINFO
  • Odamex now understands `skill` blocks in MAPINFO.
  • VSync is now accessible from the Video Settings menu.
  • SNDINFO now understands `$aliasand$random`.
  • Improvements to the FPS graph.
    • Scales itself rounding to powers of two. This should cut down on the amount of disorienting changing of graph scale.
    • Added green and blue lines to signify 60fps and 35fps, for orientation.
    • Drop-shadow added to the graph border, to fit in with the font and be less of an eyesore.
  • Linux users can now build against the system jsoncpp and miniupnpc library.
    • The vendored versions of these libraries have also been updated.


  • Release builds of Odamex are now built with LTO, which should result in some performance gains.
  • Odalaunch now shows servers of the current major version (10.x) and next major version (11.x).


  • Some of the auto-aim options in Player Setup couldn't be selected, now they can.
  • MBF Smooth Lighting didn't work right, now it does.
  • Invalid sound effects with no assigned lump now show a warning instead of crashing the game.
  • Generalized specials in BOOM were not persisted to network clients with full precision, resulting in broken specials. Now they are persisted correctly.
  • `A_MonsterProjectile` was firing projectiles that never go anywhere, now they behave as expected.
  • Generalized key doors were misbehaving, now they should function.
  • Generalized Sector Ceiling with Change Texture was not behaving as expected, now it should.
  • Network messages were not getting properly cleaned up after use, now they are.
    • For those who have been running into Out-Of-Memory or hard freeze conditions when playing online, see if this release makes a difference.
  • Spectators were mistakenly allowed to activate certain line classes when they shouldn't, now they are ghosts once again.
  • Certain ceiling raising or lowering triggers were not functioning, now they should.
  • Ultimate Doom E1M8's ending was killing the player instead of ending the level, now it works as intended.
  • 5 minute door crashed the game on activation, now it opens as it should.
  • Changing g_gametypename didn't actually show the modified gametype in game, now it works as it should.
  • Fix an automap crash triggered by certain settings.
  • Rotating the automap with the grid enabled used to have lines clipped off, now they draw as expected.
  • Generic locked doors weren't making sounds while opening, now they do.
  • Ultimate Doom E2M7 was inadvertently triggering MBF21 flags due to a bug or oversight in id's tooling. This has been fixed.
  • ZDoom Generalized Secrets didn't always trigger before, they should now.
  • A crash caused by crushers blowing up barrels that damage other mobjs if blockmap compatibility was disabled is now fixed. This should fix Eviternity MAP10.
  • A crash caused by out-of-bounds column access into a patch while drawing a vissprite has been fixed. This was a rare semi-random renderer crash that was hard to reproduce.
    • Thanks to those who provided crash dumps.
  • Intermission scripts are now properly ignored.
    • Fixes lostepis.wad.
  • Generalized sectors that used model sectors didn't work in all cases, now they should.
  • ANIMDEFS that don't parse correctly now get ignored.
    • More complete support of ANIMDEFS will come in a forthcoming version of Odamex.
  • Properly either handle or skip over compatflags in ZMAPINFO.
  • Walkable Trigger Once lines in ZDoom weren't clearing themselves properly.
  • You used to be able to use invalid DEHEXTRA thing names in HORDEDEF, resulting in a crash. Now there's an error message.
  • Chex Quest now plays finale music again.
  • Demobar no longer displays when screenblocks is set to fullscreen with no HUD.
  • Perpetual generalized lifts could sometimes get stuck in an invalid state.
  • ZDoom format maps were not applying a side test to activation, now they do.
  • Building Odamex with musl is now possible.

Odamex 10.0.0

13 Feb 23:46
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Yes, 10.0.0

At some point in the past decade and a half, Odamex went from a beta, work-in-progress port to a port stable enough to have been used for tournaments, events, and even online leagues. So instead of releasing 0.10.0, we thought it was about time to get rid of that leading "0" in our version number.

The Release

There are so many testers, developers, and contributors involved, we cannot possibly thank them all individually. However, we do want to welcome two new members to the Odamex team:

KBlair - introduced MBF21 and DEHEXTRA along with Ch0wW. KBlair has been helping Odamex behind the scenes for years with server hosting, stats, and many other factors.

DeathEgg - namely implemented UMAPINFO, and many improvements to overall MAPINFO.

With this, welcome to the team guys! Thanks for making Odamex 10 what it is!

It's not just for looks, as this release is one of the largest in the port's history. First, Odamex now has a brand-spanking new game mode, the first unique one since the port has been publicly announced. We've also added support for many new modern extended MBF features such as DEHEXTRA and MBF21. We have added a brand new boot menu that isn't just for selecting IWADs. Our interface has taken its long-overdue first step beyond its Quake 2 inspirations. Behind the scenes, our server-to client network protocol has undergone a complete rewrite - there is not a single network message left untouched.


There are a lot of details with this release, but what you need to know is listed below:

New Features

  • Horde Gamemode

    • Odamex now has a horde gamemode, which will be familiar to anyone who has ever played Killing Floor, Halo's Firefight mode, or Unreal Tournament's Invasion gamemode. This gamemode is new and unique to Odamex, and is not compatible with Invasion maps from Skulltag/Zandronum.
    • Monsters spawn into the map in waves, and it's up to you and a few buddies to continuously thin their ranks until a big boss spawns in. Beat the boss and you win the wave, reach the wave limit and you win the level. Sounds easy, but the monsters spawn relentlessly only giving you the occasional breather, and the bosses have special boss properties that make them far more of a threat.
    • There are many ways to play Horde. Play it in single-player straight from "New Game" or join up with a few friends online. Play it on UV skill for the intended experience or dial the skill down a few notches if things get a little too hectic. Online servers can either use either limited or unlimited lives. There are also numerous variables that can adjust the size of the horde, the length of waves, and more.
    • Alongside Odamex 10.0 we are releasing our Odamex Horde map pack, which is as much an exploration of many different themes and shapes of Horde map as it is a selection of hellspawn-filled tempests. This map pack also comes with a number of popular custom monsters like Arachnorbs, Stealth Aliens, and Suicide Bombers, with a few WAD-only wave defines to show them off in.
  • A Boot IWAD Selector and IWAD Manager.

    • Starting Odamex for the first time now gives you a selection of all IWADs the port has found. You can select and launch any one you prefer.
    • Is Odamex not finding your WAD files? The launcher also allows you to manage your waddirs setting allowing you to add, remove, or move around directories that will be searched for WAD files.
    • The Boot window is supported on Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Kill Feed Obituaries

    • Odamex now has a brand-spanking new obituary feed in the top right hand corner of the screen.
    • This feed is much like the ones you might find in modern FPS games - instead of listing a textual obituary, the means of death is representated with player names and icons instead.
    • By default, old text obituaries no longer show up in the message line in the top left of the screen, although they do appear in the dropdown console. If you prefer the old way, you can re-enable message line obituaries and disable the killfeed from the options menu.
    • All of the obituary icons are brand new art courtesy of Scuba Steve. Thank you for your contribution!
  • A 21st century server protocol

    • All of Odamex's server-to-client messages are now contained in shiny new protocol based on Google's Protocol Buffers. We can now add new network messages and add fields to existing messages without breaking protocol, allowing us much more flexibility to make protocol changes in minor releases.
    • One nice side effect of this is now that we can accurately measure how big a message is going to be before we write it, we can now fit many more messages into one packet. This means fewer opportunities for packets to be dropped or delivered out-of-order.
    • In the process of rewriting, many unused and "reserved" messages were removed. Others were consolidated or simplified. A few messages were even hoisted into the header of each packet as a fundamental part of the new protocol.
      Either way, we expect this new protocol to function as base to further improve the netcode in future.
  • Pistol-starting support. You can now play through the game starting from a pistol on every level-switch.

    • Support for pistol-starting has been added to the difficulty selection menu.
      g_resetinvonexit is the cvar, so-named because you can change your starting inventory with Spawn Inventory.
    • The -pistolstart command line switch is also supported, for parity with prBoom.
  • A baseline-based netcode

    • Odamex has revamped in a major its way of sending monsters and objects to the client in a way that should feel much more "solid" with fewer mispredictions.
    • Based on an idea from Quake, we now send over a "baseline" containing an initial set of data to each client, and then for every subsequent update we only send over the fields that have changed between the baseline and the current time.
    • On average, this new baseline approach to object persistence is not only more accurate than the old 0.9 method, but also uses less bandwidth.
  • We are quite eager to support the new Extended-vanilla and BOOM-based standards that have been coming to fruition as of late. To that end, we have implementations of the following:

    • UMAPINFO support. If your WAD has a UMAPINFO lump, Odamex should be able to parse and run it. Thanks to DeathEgg for the implementation!
    • DEHEXTRA support. More frames, more sprites, more sounds, more of everything. Thanks to Ch0wW and KBlair for the contribution.
    • MBF21 support, adding support for both the map extensions and extra DeHackEd codepointers, plus arguments. Again, you can thank Ch0wW and KBlair for the tag-team.
  • That said, we don't want to forget about ZDoom features either:

    • MAPINFO now supports episode definitions. Thanks to DeathEgg for the implementation.
    • Additionally, MAPINFO now supports boss actions, and special handling of EXM8/E4M6/MAP07 is now handled completely through this feature. Again, thanks to DeathEgg for the implementation.
    • UsePlayerStartZ now works in ZDoom-flavored MAPINFO. Thanks to Ru5tk1ng for the contribution.
    • Thing_Stop was added as a line special and ACS function. Thanks to Ru5tk1ng for the contribution.
    • A long list of ZDoom line specials have been added, courtesy of DSDA-Doom. Thanks to KBlair for the contribution.

The widely used SR50 bind is now a built-in feature of the engine, available with a new setting: in_autosr50, which is enabled by default.
This does not require rebinding any keys, and simply changes +strafe to add the boost you get from turning left or right with strafe on automatically.

  • Exiting a level via trigger now prints a completion time to the console.

  • Pausing during netdemo playback now allows you to advance frame by frame using the right arrow key.

  • A new setting: hud_demoprotos.

    • This allows you to examine the server messages that were received during a given demo frame.
    • By default the first message is "unfolded" and shows the packet contents. You can select which message to unfold using Page Up/Page Down.
  • A new setting has been added for cl_switchweapon which allows holding +attack to override player weapon order.

  • A new font is available based on BOOM's digital font. It is used in various places.

  • New cheats:

    • MDK (Kills whatever the player's crosshair is pointing at)
    • TNTEM (Kills all monsters)
    • BUDDHA (Player health cannot dip below 1%)
  • Added give function to console.

  • Added support for the REKKR 1.16a IWAD.

  • A bump to the major version number

    • As alluded to above, the numbers in our version have shifted right by one place, getting rid of the needless leading "0".
    • Compatibility of version numbers has shifted over one as well. A hypothetical Odamex 13.1 can connect to Odamex 13.0 servers, but not Odamex 13.2 or 12.0 or 14.0 servers. If you see a release with a third version number, like 13.2.1, that number is reserved for optional updates and is ignored by clients and servers.


  • An instance where a corrupt patch could crash the game was fixed.
  • Doomguy's head now looks in the direction of your attacker while playing online.
  • A_Mushroom has been re-enabled and should be fully working, including the misc parameters.
  • notarget now works online.
  • Translucent graphics at 100% opacity no longer leak any of the background.
  • Colored lighting now has the correct amount of brightness, instead of being over-bright.
  • Music no longer starts over when loading a map with the same music track.
  • Demos in an old demo format now produce an error when they're played.
  • "Avatar" voodoo dolls can now telefrag.
  • Running out of blue armor and picking up an armor bonus now correctly shows green armor when pl...
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Odamex 0.9.5

09 Sep 03:20
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Odamex 0.9.5 - Released on September 8, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an exploit allowing clients to spy players when they're not supposed to.

Odamex 0.9.4

17 Aug 03:10
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Odamex 0.9.4 - Released on August 14, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • An occasional crash caused by the fuzz drawer has been pinpointed and fixed.
  • An instance of Tutti Frutti that showed up in tall wall and sky textures that had more than one post per column has been taken care of.
  • Fixes many of 32in24-17's sky textures.
  • Teleport line type 208 now works again.
  • Fixes BFG teleporter in lazarus1k map08.
  • odasrv on Windows now properly shows an error message in the console output.
  • Certain classes of corrupt patches that would have crashed the game now raise an error instead.


  • In 3-Team modes, dead players on a team who is completely out of lives can now spectate other teams as well.


  • Support for DogSoft as a WAD downloading source. Thanks to Mega-Dog for going out of his way to add support for Odamex.
  • A new setlobbymap console function that can apply lobby functionality to any arbitrary map in any loadable WAD. There is also a clearlobbymap that clears any currently set lobby map.
  • Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown now scroll the console 16 lines at a time.

Odamex 0.9.3

12 Jun 18:50
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Odamex 0.9.3 - Released on June 12, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where a player health desync was leading to ghost players has been resolved.
  • Friendly target nameplates are now always visible unless the client turns them off.
  • During demo playback, target nameplates now show health indicators.
  • Note that at this stage the health indicator is considered a debugging tool and is not 100% accurate - thus why it's limited to demos for now.
  • Addressed an issue where non-keyboard buttons couldn't be unbound.
  • mute_spectators was also blocking spectator teamchat, now it doesn't anymore.