icy is a lightweight currency converter.
It has almost everything to offer that you would expect from a currency converter, and it works in your web browser.
- Everything that you would expect from a currency converter.
- The
URL search parameter, which is the amount of money that you want to convert. - The
URL search parameter, which is the currency that you want to convert money from. - The
URL search parameter, which is the currency that you want to convert money to.
Note that the
URL search parameters should be any valid currency code (ISO 4217) listed on the Euro foreign exchange reference rates page.
The URL search parameters support is there to make icy more flexible and accessible via direct URLs.
So, for example, you have got a friend and you send them this URL: https://often.github.io/icy/?amount=1337&from=EUR&to=USD
Once they visit that URL, no further interaction with the website is required. icy will convert 1337 EUR to USD.
icy fetches the latest currency rates from the European Central Bank.
Note that icy uses Frankfurter's API made by Hakan Ensari to simplify fetching of the latest currency rates. By default, it uses the public Frankfurter instance. To self-host your own instance, click here. It is licensed under MIT.
If you decide to self-host Frankfurter, you will have to edit this line of code.
Everything else is handled locally, via client-side.
Sure! Get the source code by cloning this repository or by downloading it as a ZIP file. After that, simply place the files in your public website directory.
The entire project is licensed under GPL-3.0.
Fonts that were used (Outfit and Comforter) are licensed under OFL-1.1.
The icon is a part of Twemoji. It is licensed under CC BY 4.0.