Lightweight Swift validator supporting Language Independent Validation Rules Specification (LIVR).
See LIVR Specification for detailed documentation and list of supported rules.
- Rules are declarative and language independent
- Any number of rules for each field
- Return together errors for all fields
- Excludes all fields that do not have validation rules described
- Has possibility to validate complex hierarchical structures
- Easy to describe and understand rules
- Returns understandable error codes(not error messages)
- Easy to add own rules
- Rules are be able to change results output ("trim", "nested_object", for example)
- Multipurpose (user input validation, configs validation, contracts programming etc)
Common usage:
let rules = ["first_name": "required",
"age": "adult_age",
"last_name": ["required"],
"middle_name": [["required": []]],
"salary": ["required": []]
var validator = LIVR.validator(validationRules: rules, isAutoTrim: true)
var output: Validator.Output?
do {
output = try validator.validate(data: inputJson)
} catch { print((error as? ValidatingError)?.description) }
if let output = output {
} else {
print("Errors" + validator.errors.description)
You can use modifiers separately or can combine them with validation:
let rules = ["email": ["required", "trim", "email", "to_lc"]]
var validator = LIVR.validator(validationRules: rules, isAutoTrim: true)
Feel free to register your own rules:
You can use aliases(preferable, syntax covered by the specification) for a lot of cases, through a Dictionary of rules:
let rules = ["age": ["required", "adult_age"],
"age-2": ["adult_age_with_custom_error"]
var validator = LIVR.validator(validationRules: rules)
let aliasingRules = [
"name": "adult_age",
"rules": ["positive_integer", ["min_number": 18]]
"name": "adult_age_with_custom_error",
"rules": ["positive_integer", ["min_number": 18]],
"error": "WRONG_AGE"
validator.registerRule(aliases: aliasingRules)
or passing alias name, rules and errorCode:
let rules = ["password": ["required", "strong_password"]]
var validator = LIVR.validator(validationRules: rules)
validator.registerRule(alias: "strong_password", rules: ["min_length": 6], errorCode: "WEAK_PASSWORD")
Tested with pod --version
: 1.0.3
# Podfile
target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
pod 'Livr'
and then, in the Podfile
directory, type:
$ pod install
Feel free to fork, open feature requests, issues and PRs. Known issues and mapped activities are in this repo issues.
will be addressed soon.
Livr is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
- @jotafeldmann for helping me come up with understanding and maping the challenges of creating this framweork.