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Ryota Shioya edited this page May 27, 2015 · 2 revisions


  • In this page we introduce how to simulate a sample of "HelloWorld" by Onikiri.

Extract Onikiri archives

  • Extract the following files to the same directory.
    • onikiri2-~-base.tar.gz
    • onikiri2-~-lib.tar.gz
    • onikiri2-~-benchmark.tar.gz

An image after extracting archives

(root of Onikiri)
|  +--boost                   



  • Open project/msvc/onikiri2.sln by Visual Studio and 'build'.


  • run 'make' by using project/gcc/Makefile


  • For the first time, the script extracts the Boost archive so it takes a long time to compile Onikiri.

Execution of Onikiri

  • Parameters for simulation are set by XML.
  • In this tutorial, we use benchmark/HelloWorld/param.xml
    • Currently we don't have any documents for this. Please refer to sample XML files and src/DefaultParam.h.


  1. Choose Project>Properties from the menubar.
  2. Change "Compsition" to "All Compositions".
  3. Move to Composition Property>Debug.
  4. Input "......\benchmark\HelloWorld" in "Working Directory".
  5. Input "param.xml" in "Command Arguments"
  6. Choose Debug>Execute without Debug from the menubar to execute.

The execution is a success if "hello, world" is written to the standard output and "result.xml" is generated in the working directory.


  1. Move to /project/gcc/onikiri2.
  2. Enter the command below.

./a.out ../../../benchmark/HelloWorld/param.xml

The execution is a success if "hello, world" is written to the standard output and "result.xml" is generated in the working directory.

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