This project is intended to process information about release versions of Go from the following API:
In general it's best to build and run the latest official release of Go as it may contain security fixes. The intent of this project is two parts:
- Provide an easy API for accessing releases.
- Wrap these APIs in a binary that can be used as part of a build process.
$ go get
$ check-go-version
latest: Version{Name: go1.9.3.linux-amd64, Version: 1.9.3, Platform: linux, Architecture: amd64}
running: Version{Name: go1.9.3.linux-amd64, Version: 1.9.3, Platform: linux, Architecture: amd64}
This package contains a self-contained API to retrieve information about Golang versions. For more information, see godoc:
Note, this project provides a local cache of the response retrieved from
the bucket that's updated if the last query was > 30 minutes go. This can
behavior can be changed however by modifying one of the BucketCache*
variables in the api package.