Releases: opencart/opencart
OCMOD back!!
French language
Blog system
order editor. normalised the ordered editor system.
Subscription system
Please read release notes for full list
What's Changed
- Fix Zone list - status always "Enabled" by @batumibiz in #12694
- CKEditor ShowBlocks alternate config by @stalker780 in #12693
- Remove German language test files /extension/opencart/catalog/language/de-de by @pemaier in #12699
- Removed unused variable from common/column_left by @SecretSergey in #12723
- Update review.php by @tmdashwani in #12703
- Added int cast in cms/comment by @TheCartpenter in #12716
- [Master] Added missing language variable cms/blog by @condor2 in #12711
- Update robots.txt by @chongshengdz in #12732
- Update forgotten.php by @rahulabs in #12705
- Renamed Apcu class in library/cache/apcu by @TheCartpenter in #12722
- Update subscription.php by @rahulabs in #12704
- Update setting.php by @Cubuss in #12735
- Update comment.php by @TheCartpenter in #12747
- Update forgotten.php by @TheCartpenter in #12737
- Fixed an error in the SQL query by @batumibiz in #12756
- Fix anti-spam validate in the Returns page by @willdevx in #12752
- Update opencart.sql - updated image_topic_width from D to 1140 by @pemaier in #12753
- Update location_form.twig by @stalker780 in #12760
- #12757 mysql ssl connection support by @fmarslan in #12758
- Removed empty trailing lines. by @TheCartpenter in #12748
- error vendor uninstaller.php by @BuslikDrev in #12654
- More code alignments by @TheCartpenter in #12761
- Update setting.php by @TheCartpenter in #12770
- Update cli_install.php by @TheCartpenter in #12776
- Update step_2.twig by @TheCartpenter in #12775
- Fixed Tax and Zone Date by @ppalashturov in #12786
- Update comment.php by @opencartbot in #12783
- - License link updated by @pemaier in #12803
- Fix message "PHP7.4 Required" by @opencartbot in #12794
- Update product.php by @stalker780 in #12801
- Delete the last comma by @opencartbot in #12793
- Update index.php and fixed Model Filter by @ppalashturov in #12789
- Blogs $limit from 'config_pagination' by @opencartbot in #12790
- Add skipped 'error_author' translation by @opencartbot in #12792
- Update user.php by @rahulabs in #12814
- Update default.php by @TheCartpenter in #12817
- Update developer.php by @TheCartpenter in #12838
- Update gdpr.php by @TheCartpenter in #12842
- Sticky admin filters by @stalker780 in #12807
- Admin - escape aliases by @stalker780 in #12808
- Update user.php by @TheCartpenter in #12843
- Update bestseller.php by @TheCartpenter in #12847
- Update affiliate.php by @TheCartpenter in #12822
- Update forgotten.php by @TheCartpenter in #12823
- Update currency.php by @TheCartpenter in #12848
- Update cron.php by @TheCartpenter in #12825
- Update product.php by @TheCartpenter in #12846
- Update dashboard.php by @TheCartpenter in #12824
- Update subscription.php by @TheCartpenter in #12826
- Update store.php by @TheCartpenter in #12827
- Update returns.php by @TheCartpenter in #12836
- Update customer.php by @stalker780 in #12856
- Update download.php by @TheCartpenter in #12828
- Update cookie.php by @TheCartpenter in #12829
- Update country.php by @TheCartpenter in #12834
- Update customer_approval.php by @TheCartpenter in #12835
- Update opencart.sql - Added extension/modul/topic by @pemaier in #12830
- Update default.php by @TheCartpenter in #12840
- Update marketplace.php by @TheCartpenter in #12841
- Update security.php by @TheCartpenter in #12839
- Update register.php by @TheCartpenter in #12844
- Update wishlist.php by @TheCartpenter in #12845
- Update language.php by @TheCartpenter in #12850
- Update download.php by @TheCartpenter in #12860
- Update language.php by @TheCartpenter in #12849
- Update subscription.php by @TheCartpenter in #12857
- Update order.php by @TheCartpenter in #12862
- Update sale.php by @TheCartpenter in #12858
- Update order.php by @TheCartpenter in #12859
- Update order.php by @TheCartpenter in #12861
- Update product_purchased.php by @TheCartpenter in #12864
- Update customer_transaction.php by @TheCartpenter in #12867
- Update ecb.php by @TheCartpenter in #12872
- Update customer.php by @TheCartpenter in #12865
- Update gdpr_export.php by @TheCartpenter in #12873
- Update map.php by @TheCartpenter in #12863
- Catalog - escape aliases by @stalker780 in #12809
- Update general.php by @stalker780 in #12888
- Update authorize.php by @TheCartpenter in #12879
- Update authorize.php by @TheCartpenter in #12881
- Update credit_card.php by @TheCartpenter in #12885
- Update comment.php by @TheCartpenter in #12880
- Update antispam.php by @TheCartpenter in #12892
- Update product_viewed.php by @TheCartpenter in #12886
- Update affiliate.php by @TheCartpenter in #12882
- Update authorize.php by @TheCartpenter in #12883
- Update cart.php by @TheCartpenter in #12890
- Update comment.php by @TheCartpenter in #12884
- Fixed PHP 7.4 warning for GDPR controller by @condor2 in #12896
- Update sale.php by @TheCartpenter in #12891
- Add missing prefix property to redis session class by @AJenbo in #12905
- Fix leftover from Twig 2.4 to 3.0 migrating by @AJenbo in #12906
- Fix getTotalArticles() not accepting the given filter by @AJenbo in #12901
- Add missing void returns to code base by @AJenbo in #12907
- Remove unused parameter from install.php by @AJenbo in #12904
- Fix bad array push by @AJenbo in #12900
- Update product.php by @ppalashturov in #12912
- Fix missing $order_info in subscription cron by @AJenbo in #12902
- Correct catalog store return value when locked by @AJenbo in #12903
- Remove dead code from getTotalProductsByProductId by @AJenbo in #12899
- Fixed PHP 7.4 warning for mail library by @AJenbo in #12920
- Fixe...
What's Changed
- currency rates refresh bugfix by @mhcwebdesign in #12810
- Fix marketing message counter by @ADDCreative in #12868
- Corrections to .htaccess.txt by @ADDCreative in #12910
- [3.0.x.x] Added DB_PREFIX backup controller by @condor2 in #12975
- attribute automcomplete fix by @mhcwebdesign in #12990
- PHP 8 - null parameter by @opencartbot in #13019
- [3.0.x.x] Wrong message on Manufacturer List by @condor2 in #13029
- [3.0.x.x] Added language variable 'text_no_results' for Manufacturer … by @condor2 in #13030
- Fix redirect protection by @ADDCreative in #13095
- Fix pagination bug in the Google Base extension by @opencartbot in #13100
- [3.0.x.x] Fixed PHP 8 warning Laybuy model by @condor2 in #13244
- [3.0.x.x] Typo fraudlabspro model by @condor2 in #13303
- [3.0.x.x]Typo's sale report model by @condor2 in #13307
- [3.0.x.x]Typo's return report model by @condor2 in #13308
- [3.0.x.x] Removed duplicated values from array - utf8 helper by @condor2 in #13384
- [3.0.x.x] Create phpstan.neon by @condor2 in #13386
- [3.0.x.x] Create Lint.yml by @condor2 in #13387
- [3.0.x.x] .php-cs-fixer.php by @condor2 in #13388
- Fix for timezone change breaking session expiration by @ADDCreative in #13390
- Revert "Fix for timezone change breaking session expiration" by @danielkerr in #13391
- [3.0.x.x] Remove Ref check from proxy.php by @AJenbo in #13426
- [3.0.x.x] Caught class DB\mysqli_sql_exception not found. mysqli.php by @condor2 in #13432
- [3.0.x.x]Undefined variable: $ - sagepay_direct.php by @condor2 in #13433
- [3.0.x.x] Undefined variable: $i - sagepay_server.php by @condor2 in #13434
- [3.0.x.x] Added Paypal language fix by @condor2 in #13435
- [3.0.x.x] Undefined variable: $data - router controller by @condor2 in #13439
- [3.0.x.x] Undefined variable: $data- upload model by @condor2 in #13436
- [3.0.x.x] Removed duplicated array - paypal.php by @condor2 in #13437
- [3.0.x.x] Duplicated array key - ec_ship.php by @condor2 in #13438
- [3.0.x.x] incorrect case: googleshopping\exception\Connection. by @condor2 in #13440
- [3.0.x.x]Update model google.php by @condor2 in #13441
- [3.0.x.x] Update googleshopping library by @condor2 in #13443
- [3.0.x.x] Update alipay_cross.php by @condor2 in #13444
- [3.0.x.x] Undefined variable: $query customer model by @condor2 in #13445
- [3.0.x.x] Updated fix_case function fraudlabspro controller by @condor2 in #13447
- [3.0.x.x] Updated pgsql.php by @condor2 in #13455
- [3.0.x.x] Update router.php by @condor2 in #13482
- [3.0.x.x] Added 'public' to funtion - alipay_cross model by @condor2 in #13478
- [3.0.x.x] Update divido.php by @condor2 in #13479
- [3.0.x.x] Update divido.php by @condor2 in #13480
- [3.0.x.x] Updated startup.php by @condor2 in #13481
- Fix duplicate key by @mhcwebdesign in #13483
- [3.0.x.x] Update pp_express.php by @condor2 in #13484
- PayPal Integration Update by @mhcwebdesign in #13491
- [3.0.x.x] Update squareup.php by @condor2 in #13487
- [3.0.x.x]Added Opayo Payment by @condor2 in #13493
- Update pp_express.php by @condor2 in #13505
- Bugfix framework by @mhcwebdesign in #13516
- 3.0.x.x bugfix alipay by @mhcwebdesign in #13517
- Add missing type cast for Opayo by @ADDCreative in #13519
- [3.0.x.x] Typo Opayo Catalog model by @condor2 in #13520
- [3.0.x.x] Hint classes loaded during framework bootup by @AJenbo in #13555
- [3.0.x.x] Include WeChat dependency by @AJenbo in #13556
- [3.0.x.x] Fix WeChat XML response by @AJenbo in #13557
- [3.0.x.x]Update securetrading_ws.php by @condor2 in #13578
- [3.0.x.x]Update securetrading_pp.php by @condor2 in #13577
- [3.0.x.x]Update .php-cs-fixer.php by @condor2 in #13581
- [3.0.x.x] Restored old code for php-cs-fixer.php by @condor2 in #13583
- extensions uninstall fixes: remove permissions, + fixes for phpstan.neon by @mhcwebdesign in #13602
- [3.0.x.x]Updated phpstan to 1.10.57 by @condor2 in #13633
- [3.0.x.x lvl 1 phpstan.neon by @condor2 in
- [3.0.x.x] replaced wget with curl ecb controller by @condor2 in #13642
- Bugfixes for Opayo and Geo Zones by @mhcwebdesign in #13655
- More bugfixes as per phpstan level 1 by @mhcwebdesign in #13656
- [3.0.x.x] Another bugfix as paer phpstan level 1 by @mhcwebdesign in #13657
- Bugfix geo zones by @mhcwebdesign in #13658
- [3.0.x.x] More bugfixes as per phpstan level 1 by @mhcwebdesign in #13662
- [3.0.x.x] Add cache control headers by @ADDCreative in #13599
- [3.0.x.x] Make identically identified functions have the same signature by @AJenbo in #13665
- [3.0.x.x] updates for payment extensions by @mhcwebdesign in #13681
- [3.0.x.x] Upgrade Paypal to Version 2.2.1 by @mhcwebdesign in #13691
- [3.0.x.x] Remove duplicate array key by @mhcwebdesign in #13692
- [3.0.x.x] remove old pp_express recurring by @mhcwebdesign in #13693
- [3.0.x.x] Add missing type cast for PayPal by @ADDCreative in #13697
- [3.0.x.x] Add missing escape to filter moule by @ADDCreative in #13698
- [3.0.x.x] Fix timezone change breaking session and API by @ADDCreative in #13704
- [3.0.x.x] Bugfix backup tool by @mhcwebdesign in #13709
- [3.0.x.x] Improved security for account forgotten by @mhcwebdesign in #13710
- [3.0.x.x] Improved security for admin forgotten by @mhcwebdesign in #13714
- [3.0.x.x] Pagination fixes by @mhcwebdesign in #13716
- [3.0.x.x] More pagination fixes by @mhcwebdesign in #13732
- [3.0.x.x] Windows line endings by @mhcwebdesign in #13734
- [3.0.x.x] PayPal upgrade by @mhcwebdesign in #13736
- [3.0.x.x] Minir bugfix for PayPal by @mhcwebdesign in #13737
- [3.0.x.x] Security patch by @mhcwebdesign in #13741
- [3.0.x.x] Add missing type cast for PayPal by @mhcwebdesign in #13742
- [3.0.x.x] Token generator by @mhcwebdesign in #13743
- [3.0.x.x] Add cast to zone_id in setting by @ADDCreative in #13744
- [3.0.x.x] Add missing PayPal files by @mhcwebdesign in #13747
- [3.0.x.x] The administrator should not be able to disable himself by @mhcwebdesign in #13750
- [3.0.x.x] Bugfix for currency cache by @mhcwebdesign in #13751
- [3.0.x.x] 3rd party vendor library update by @mhcwebdesign in #13759
- [3.0.x.x] Add BluePay Hosted enabled check by @ADDCreative in https://gith...
What's Changed
- fixed install text issue by @WebkulOpencart in #10179
- Added HTTPS on HREF - admin/view/template/common/header.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10178
- Fix for bug #10197 in maintenance branch v2 by @mathsolutions in #10203
- Fix for issue #10216 by @mathsolutions in #10217
- Corrected typo - admin/controller/common/filemanager.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10171
- Fixed deleteApiSessionBySessionId method call - admin/controller/extension/payment/klarna_checkout.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10135
- Pushed dots on $code - admin/controller/design/translation.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10127
- Added space on IF statements - admin/controller/common/login.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10116
- Added space on IF statements - admin/controller/marketing/contact.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10117
- Added space on IF statement - admin/model/localisation/currency.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10118
- Added space on IF statement - catalog/controller/event/activity.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10119
- fixed the issue #9739 by @webkul-dilip in #10248
- Improved summernote language by @webkul-dilip in #10275
- [3.0.x.x] Fixed custom_fields not inserted in database when register as affiliate by @condor2 in #10322
- [3.0.x.x] Autogenerate tracking code when add a customer from admin by @condor2 in #10323
- Fix upload date filter by @ADDCreative in #10326
- [3.0.x.x] Update affiliate custom_field when edit a customer by @condor2 in #10325
- Split base64 encoded lines in mail by @ADDCreative in #10269
- Fix mail line endings for PHP 8 by @ADDCreative in #10539
- Don't use strftime as deprecated in PHP 8.1 by @ADDCreative in #10457
- Change session read return type to array by @ADDCreative in #10414
- Fix deprecated optional parameter in PHP 8 by @ADDCreative in #10541
- Fix null credentials in marketplace for PHP 8 by @ADDCreative in #10542
- PHP 8.x support for 3.0.x.x maintenance branch (09-03-2022) by @mhcwebdesign in #10467
- [Maintenance] - Removed console.log entry - catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/advertise/google_dynamic_remarketing_cart.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10674
- [3.0.x.x] Fixed PHP 8.1 warning pp_braintree by @condor2 in #10679
- [3.0.x.x]Fixed PHP 8.1 warning marketplace extension info by @condor2 in #10682
- 3.0.x.x maintenance - update scssphp for PHP8.x by @mhcwebdesign in #10684
- [Maintenance] - Removed console.log entry - catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/payment/paypal.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10677
- [Maintenance] - Removed console.log entry - catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/advertise/google_dynamic_remarketing_product.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10675
- [Maintenance] - Replaced addReference with editReference - catalog/controller/extension/payment/pp_express.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10681
- Fix error handler for PHP 8 by @ADDCreative in #10835
- Fix passed by reference warning in PHP 8 by @ADDCreative in #10836
- [Maintenance] - Added payment prefixes - admin/view/template/extension/payment/klarna_account.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10815
- Revert change made to contact from address by @ADDCreative in #8931
- [3.0.x.x] Fixed sort by username API by @condor2 in #11138
- [3.0.x.x] Added missing language variable Menu by @condor2 in #11153
- PHP 8.x support for catalog/model/product.php by @mhcwebdesign in #11430
- Fixed custom fields support for affiliate by @mhcwebdesign in #11463
- Fix validation for custom_fields in checkout by @MarvinKlein1508 in #11464
- Refresh left menu and extensions list after an extension uninstall by @mhcwebdesign in #11669
- Load correct language file in install function. by @mhcwebdesign in #11670
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #11680
- Fixed pagination. by @mhcwebdesign in #11817
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #11874
- [Maintainance] Fix onRegionClick by @osworx in #11880
- mail classes fixes for PHP 8.2 by @mhcwebdesign in #12070
- Bugfix for using str_split in PHP 8.2 by @mhcwebdesign in #12073
- [3.0.x.x] Fixed PHP 8.2 recurring warning by @condor2 in #12087
- [3.0.x.x_Maintenance] Add support for images of type *.webp by @nmpetkov in #12104
- [3.0.x.x] Added webp support filemanager controller by @condor2 in #12109
- [3.0.x.x] Added webp support opencart.sql by @condor2 in #12110
- Bugfix order editor for special characters in form fields by @mhcwebdesign in #12116
- Keep order options sort order by @mhcwebdesign in #12164
- Fix double slash in session path by @ADDCreative in #10536
- Italic support for summernote by @mhcwebdesign in #12210
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #12230
- bugfix backup / restore by @mhcwebdesign in #12296
- Check if encryption negotiation failed by @ADDCreative in #12321
- [3.0.x.x] Update pagination Return controller by @condor2 in #12252
- [3.0.x.x] Update Download pagination controller by @condor2 in #12253
- [3.0.x.x] Update Order pagination controller by @condor2 in #12254
- [3.0.x.x] Update Pagination in Transaction controller by @condor2 in #12255
- [3.0.x.x] Update pagination code Reward controller by @condor2 in #12256
- [3.0.x.x]Update paginatio Recurring controler by @condor2 in #12257
- Update city length check by @dennisbuijsgmailcom in #12251
- no more addthis by @mhcwebdesign in #12362
- matching default fontsizes by @mhcwebdesign in #12385
- Fix SMTP line lengths by @ADDCreative in #12384
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #12388
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #12390
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #12391
- Update Twig docs link by @bloodyKnuckles in #12156
- need leading space to prevent appending to link by @daretogo in #12223
- 3.0.x.x maintenance by @mhcwebdesign in #12463
- filemanager fix by @mhcwebdesign in #12491
- deprecation error fixes by @mhcwebdesign in #12519
- Update translation_form.twig by @mhcwebdesign in #12640
- Fixed error displaying guest shipping by @SirStepheno in #12672
- re-added old jquery by @mhcwebdesign in #12715
New Contributors
- @mathsolutions made their first contribution in #10203
- @bloodyKnuckles made their first contribution in #12156
- @daretogo made their first contribution in #12223
- @SirStepheno made their first contribution in #12672
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Update sale_tax.twig by @opencartbot in #12439
- Fix the admin map - html to json data type by @opencartbot in #12440
- jQuery version fix by @opencartbot in #12441
- Fix warning about minimum SEO URL length by @opencartbot in #12458
- Added missing line subscription cron language by @condor2 in #12456
- subscription.php - remove double text_history by @pemaier in #12436
- Removed white space sale/subscription language by @condor2 in #12454
- Update subscription.php language - catalog side by @condor2 in #12455
- resolve #12428 Unable to change admin language by @batumibiz in #12465
- Update JQuery 3.7.0 by @stalker780 in #12466
- Removed duplicated banner_image_description table in upgrade/upgrade_… by @TheCartpenter in #12475
- Update opencart.sql - Added report customer and report affiliate entries by @pemaier in #12493
- Removed empty space in catalog/product model by @TheCartpenter in #12501
- Fix SQL space in product model by @stalker780 in #12500
- Update opencart.sql - Added extension/marketplace by @pemaier in #12498
- Update opencart.sql - Removed report/affiliate by @pemaier in #12515
- empty instruction on the default extensions causes a bad time by @eddimull in #12502
- Fix session_samesite by @opencartbot in #12518
- Update opencart.sql - Added German Islands in zone table by @pemaier in #12533
- fix #12465 Removed unused event by @batumibiz in #12537
- Added cast in product/compare by @TheCartpenter in #12540
- Added cast in account/wishlist by @TheCartpenter in #12539
- Added cast on product/review by @TheCartpenter in #12538
- Update catalog download.php - Added . to filename check by @pemaier in #12617
- Correct multilingual SEO URLs in the catalog language switcher by @opencartbot in #12448
- Bootstrap 5.3.1 Update by @stalker780 in #12524
- Update admin/controller/sale/order.php to fix Fraud Order Tab issue by @fraudlabspro in #12516
- Fixed Search Products By Multi Stores by @ppalashturov in #12637
- Update notification.php by @opencartbot in #12511
- demonstration group permission = null by @BuslikDrev in #12646
- rename comment by @BuslikDrev in #12659
- Removed Euro requirement by @batumibiz in #12666
- resolve #12668 Image Manager pagination bug by @batumibiz in #12673
- Fix product controller by @stalker780 in #12680
- Bootstrap 5.3.2 update by @stalker780 in #12686
- FontAwesome 6.4.2 update by @stalker780 in #12687
- jQuery 3.7.1 update by @stalker780 in #12688
- Codemirror 5.65.15 update by @stalker780 in #12689
- CKEditor 4.22.1 update by @stalker780 in #12690
New Contributors
- @batumibiz made their first contribution in #12465
- @eddimull made their first contribution in #12502
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 in /upload/system/storage by @dependabot in #12278
- Update sub_total.twig by @fubaman in #12323
- Check if encryption negotiation failed by @ADDCreative in #12322
- Fix backup with NULL values by @ADDCreative in #12299
- Update cart.php by @sabeti05 in #12302
- Update order_info.twig by @sabeti05 in #12325
- Fixed admin order editor incorrect error display by @faheem5157 in #12295
- Update product_form.twig by @sabeti05 in #12281
- Added Extension Compatibility in Marketplace controller by @condor2 in #12264
- Display Compatibility info for Extension in Marketplace by @condor2 in #12265
- Fixed sub category URL update match all value start with old path by @qaharmdz in #12292
- Update city length check by @dennisbuijsgmailcom in #12249
- Update review.php by @rahulabs in #12244
- Update module.php by @rahulabs in #12245
- fixed #12231 issue by @satish35 in #12243
- remove media="screen" from order_invoice.twig by @pemaier in #12312
- remove media="screen" from order_shipping.twig by @pemaier in #12313
- Change page location on admin product filter by @stalker780 in #12402
- Change page location on admin review filter by @stalker780 in #12405
- Change page location on admin customer filter by @stalker780 in #12407
- Change page location on admin order filter by @stalker780 in #12408
- allow pass through $default to system resize by @hayden-t in #12357
- Change page location on admin customer_approval filter by @stalker780 in #12409
- Change page location on admin seo_url filter by @stalker780 in #12410
- Change page location on admin gdpr filter by @stalker780 in #12411
- Change page location on admin returns filter by @stalker780 in #12412
- Change page location on admin zone filter by @stalker780 in #12413
- Change page location on admin country filter by @stalker780 in #12414
- Change page location on admin affiliate filter by @stalker780 in #12415
- Change page location on admin marketing filter by @stalker780 in #12416
- Change page location on admin subscription filter by @stalker780 in #12417
- Create apcu by @BuslikDrev in #12288
- Renamed apcu to apcu.php by @TheCartpenter in #12423
- copyProduct support for variant/override fields by @hayden-t in #12348
- Improve flexbox to show button groups in product thumb by @MarvinKlein1508 in #12343
- Update download.php by @ppalashturov in #12430
- subscription.php - Removed double text entries by @pemaier in #12401
- Added subscription_alert TWIG file - catalog/view/template/mail/subscription_alert.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #12038
- Added subscription_alert language file - catalog/language/en-gb/mail/subscription_alert.php file by @TheCartpenter in #12037
- Font Awesome 6.3.0 update by @stalker780 in #12179
New Contributors
- @fubaman made their first contribution in #12323
- @faheem5157 made their first contribution in #12295
- @rahulabs made their first contribution in #12244
- @satish35 made their first contribution in #12243
- @hayden-t made their first contribution in #12357
- @ppalashturov made their first contribution in #12430
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog:
- Works with PHP 8.2
- Changed the route to use . instead of using | for compatibility with some payment gateways
- Payment methods need to be updated:
$method_data = [];
if ($status) {
$method_data = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer',
'title' => $this->language->get('heading_title'),
'sort_order' => $this->config->get('payment_bank_transfer_sort_order')
has changed to:
$method_data = [];
if ($status) {
$option_data['bank_transfer'] = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer.bank_transfer',
'name' => $this->language->get('heading_title')
$method_data = [
'code' => 'bank_transfer',
'name' => $this->language->get('heading_title'),
'option' => $option_data,
'sort_order' => $this->config->get('payment_bank_transfer_sort_order')
What's Changed
- Corrected Two-factor Security Error Message by @nexadomain in #11599
- fix email url by @iamsyh in #11603
- Fixed SQL abbreviation typo and pushed space - upload/system/library/db.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11619
- Update free.php by @osworx in #11625
- fix: upgrade dirname failure fix by @v5mvidal in #11605
- add text for guest checkout success message by @iamsyh in #11613
- Use seperate success message for guest checkout by @iamsyh in #11614
- build yml file by @KennedyFVB in #11469
- Fixed sentence - catalog/language/en-gb/checkout/register.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11628
- Replaced account/subscription model as lowercase - catalog/controller/account/subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11627
- Removed commented out $data['balance'] - admin/controller/sale/subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11584
- Update customer.php by @PhamToan in #11636
- fix: add slash ("/") at the end of the directory when generating autoload by @valdeirpsr in #11635
- Replaced | with . on address list URL - catalog/view/template/account/address.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #11642
- Replaced | with . in URL - catalog/view/template/product/product.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #11643
- fix: Correctly add subscriptions report by @v5mvidal in #11640
- Replace ; with , by @anytizer in #11661
- Update FontAwesome 6.2.0 & jQuery 3.6.1 by @stalker780 in #11653
- Update order.php by @PhamToan in #11666
- Update order_info.twig by @sabeti05 in #11655
- Removed spaced on int cast - extension/opencart/admin/model/report/customer_subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11647
- Update Bootstrap 5.2.1 by @stalker780 in #11671
- Update custom_field.php by @nexadomain in #11672
- Fixed loading button if more than one request by @padaliyajay in #11674
- Bootstrap minor fixes by @stalker780 in #11677
- Improved sentence - system/library/template/twig.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11710
- Improved can not with cannot - admin/controller/common/security.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11681
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/cart/weight.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11724
- Replaced can not with cannot - index.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11693
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/controller/common/column_left.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11682
- Added intend on comment text - system/library/url.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11749
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/controller/tool/upload.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11683
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/index.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11684
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/language/en-gb/common/filemanager.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11685
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/language/en-gb/common/security.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11686
- Replaced can not with cannot - admin/language/en-gb/setting/store.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11687
- Replacd can not with cannot - admin/language/en-gb/user/user.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11688
- Replaced can not with cannot - catalog/controller/tool/upload.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11689
- Replaced can not with cannot - catalog/language/en-gb/api/sale/cart.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11690
- Replaced can not with cannot - catalog/language/en-gb/checkout/register.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11691
- Improved can not with cannot - catalog/model/checkout/cart.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11692
- Various sentence corrections - system/framework.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11694
- Replaced then with comma - admin/controller/catalog/product.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11695
- Sentence correction. Methods unfinished - admin/controller/mail/subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11696
- Improved sentences - admin/controller/startup/language.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11697
- Aligned equal alignments - admin/language/en-gb/catalog/product.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11698
- Improved sentence - admin/controller/user/user.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11699
- Improved sentence - admin/language/en-gb/mail/voucher.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11700
- Improved sentence - admin/language/en-gb/marketplace/marketplace.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11701
- Improved sentence - admin/model/catalog/product.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11702
- Improved sentence - admin/model/localisation/language.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11703
- Improved sentence - catalog/controller/event/activity.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11704
- Improved sentence - catalog/controller/mail/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11705
- Improved sentence - catalog/controller/product/compare.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11706
- Improved sentence - catalog/controller/startup/language.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11707
- Improved sentence - catalog/language/en-gb/mail/gdpr.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11708
- Added space after 'then' - catalog/language/en-gb/product/product.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11709
- Added note for __call magic method in proxy engine - system/engine/proxy.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11712
- Added magic method comments - system/engine/controller.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11713
- Added return void in set comments - system/engine/registry.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11714
- Added magic method comment for the get method - system/engine/model.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11715
- Added intend of 2 spaces for $registry object by @TheCartpenter in #11716
- Added comment text on each magic methods - system/library/cache/apc.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11717
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/cache/file.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11718
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/cache/memcached.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11719
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/cache/mem.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11720
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/cache/redis.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11721
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/engine/autoloader.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11723
- Added comment text on magic methods - system/library/db/mysqli.php file by @th...
What's Changed
- Update install.php by @PhamToan in #11547
- Removed whitespace - system/library/cart/cart.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11556
- Fixed subscription data - catalog/model/checkout/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11557
- Fixed reference field - catalog/model/checkout/subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11558
- text_warning correction - catalog/language/en-gb/information/gdpr.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11571
- Removed extra space - admin/controller/common/language.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11562
- Removed extra space - admin/controller/mail/authorize.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11563
- Removed extra space - admin/controller/localisation/location.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11564
- Removed extra space - admin/view/template/tool/backup.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #11565
- Removed extra space - install/controller/upgrade/upgrade_1.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11566
- Typo correction in api.php - USername to Username by @pemaier in #11581
- Fixed output comment text typo - install/cli_cloud.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11593
- Double url sort parameter by @pashast in #11592
- fix: crash when listing scripts in footer by @valdeirpsr in #11587
- Added quote on points value - admin/model/customer/customer.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11580
- Added quote on customer_id value - admin/model/report/online.php file by @TheCartpenter in #11582
New Contributors
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Update en-gb.php by @osworx in #10882
- Update marketplace.php by @osworx in #10890
- Correct facebook icon by @saosangmo in #10889
- build(deps): bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.2 to 7.4.3 in /upload/system/storage by @dependabot in #10895
- Fixed CKEditor language interface bug by @condor2 in #10888
- fix error auto login customer by admin by @loja5combr in #10894
- Fix world map zoom in/out button issue by @saosangmo in #10893
- Fixed delete product & required option on Firefox by @saosangmo in #10913
- [Master] - Added array in getEvents() method - catalog/model/setting/event.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10592
- May require basename with request type - admin/controller/marketplace/extension.php file. by @straightlight in #8733
- OC4: Fix Ukrainian Crimea and Sevastopol by @stalker780 in #10917
- [Master] - Updated SQL query - install/model/install/install.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10920
- cart-heading does not exist - extension/opencart/catalog/view/template/module/store.twig file. by @straightlight in #8875
- Update contact.php by @PhamToan in #10901
- [Master] - Model getStorageByHostName didn't use a function argument. by @trydalcoholic in #10862
- Removed unused language variables admin user/profile by @condor2 in #10899
- [Master] - Code structure - catalog/controller/account/login.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10908
- Added array in Order Sale Model by @condor2 in #10898
- Fixed hover color for header cart button by @condor2 in #10912
- Missed some Return names by @condor2 in #10897
- error API by @BuslikDrev in #10925
- error API style array =) by @BuslikDrev in #10926
- Add IndexIngore, header nosniff, prevent FLOC by @osworx in #9631
- OC4: utf8mb4 in mysqli.php by @stalker780 in #10931
- OC4: utf8mb4 charset fix in db_schema by @stalker780 in #10934
- OC4 straighten .row.mb-3 + .row.mb-3 border by @stalker780 in #10404
- OC4 return created module_id by @stalker780 in #10410
- Update pgsql.php by @MrTomek in #9593
- Replaced final class with class - system/library/db/pgsql.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10936
- Changed style array cart controller by @condor2 in #10927
- return to returns by @BuslikDrev in #10929
- Modified comment text - admin/controller/common/login.php file by @TheCartpenter in #9864
- Made various changes - extension/opencart/catalog/controller/module/category.php file by @TheCartpenter in #9902
- Fix default report settings by @ADDCreative in #10408
- Update by @anytizer in #10940
- Don't remove leading slash from PHP_SELF by @ADDCreative in #10501
- Cast various variables - admin/controller/sale/subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10373
- Update marketplace.php by @boxaltcoin in #10483
- Trimmed for attribute - extension/opencart/catalog/view/template/payment/credit_card.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10477
- [Master] - Renamed credit to transaction - extension/opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_transaction.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10569
- [Master] - Added customer subscription - extension/opencart/admin/model/report/customer_subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10570
- [Master] - Added customer subscription report - extension/opencart/admin/controller/report/customer_subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10571
- [Master] - Added customer subscription report - extension/opencart/admin/language/en-gb/report/customer_subscription.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10572
- [Master] - Added customer subscription report - extension/opencart/admin/view/template/report/customer_subscription.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10573
- [Master] - Added customer subscription form - extension/opencart/admin/view/template/report/customer_subscription_form.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10574
- [Master] - Added void on deleteReturnAction() method - admin/model/localisation/return_action.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10580
- [Master] - Added string and array in two methods - admin/model/sale/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10581
- [Master] - Added void on delete() method - admin/controller/common/security.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10584
- [Master] - Added void on chart() method - extension/opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/chart.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10582
- [Master] - Added void on map() method - extension/opencart/admin/controller/dashboard/map.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10583
- [Master] - Added void on addHistory() method - catalog/controller/api/sale/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10585
- [Master] - Added void on save() method - catalog/controller/checkout/register.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10586
- [Master] - Added void on index() method - catalog/controller/mail/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10593
- [Master] - Added void on addReport() method - catalog/model/catalog/product.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10591
- [Master] - Added void on addReport() method - catalog/model/account/download.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10588
- [Master] - Added void on remove() method - catalog/controller/checkout/voucher.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10587
- [Master] - Added 2 voids on two methods - catalog/model/account/gdpr.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10589
- [Master] - Added array on getOrders() method - catalog/model/account/order.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10590
- [Master] Added void on setShippingAddress() method - system/library/cart/tax.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10594
- [Master] - Added bool on login() method - system/library/cart/user.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10595
- [Master] - Added string on escape method - system/library/db/pdo.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10596
- [Master] - Added string on getId() method - system/library/session.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10597
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefixes to fas - admin/view/template/catalog/product_form.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10598
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - admin/view/template/common/header.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10599
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - admin/view/template/marketplace/marketplace_extension.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10601
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - admin/view/template/marketplace/promotion.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10602
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - admin/view/template/sale/order_info.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10603
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - extension/opencart/catalog/view/template/module/banner.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10604
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - install/view/template/install/step_2.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10605
- [Master] - Renamed fa prefix to fas - install/view/template/install/step_3.twig file by @TheCartpenter in #10606
- [Master] - Pushed switch parentheses - extension/opencart/admin/model/report/returns.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10611
- [Master] - Pushed switch parentheses - extension/opencart/admin/model/report/sale.php file by @TheCartpenter in #10612
- [Master] - Added backward escaped qu...
Its finally here! OpenCart After many years hard work.
PHP 8.1+ Compatibly
New event based extension system
Startup page
CRON job page
Product variants. You can now choose to use create a new product variant based off a master product and link the stock quantities.
Cookie accept policy.
Admin notification system. OpenCart can now send you updates and news information directly to your OpenCart admin.
Autoloader class
Telephone field now optional
Additional admin security, renaming admin folder, install directory, moving storage folder.
Boootstrap 5
jQuery v3.6.0
Font Awsome 6
CKEditor 5
Renamed order_recurring to subscription system.
Sliding buttons instead of checkboxes
All forms are now using AJAX.
New installer
Upgrade system can be done fully via the admin.
Reports system.
Admin alerts.
Backup system now backs up the database in parts to avoid crashing with large tables.
Order editor has been completely reworked so API session is not required.
All 3rd party extensions. There is a system to download and add core extensions directly to the extension pages.