JdbcExamples - a collection of small examples that show how to work with JSON type column values in JDBC 21c+
MongoExamples - examples of using the Oracle API for MongoDB from a Java program
SodaExamples - a collection of small examples that show how to work with JSON collections in the Autonomous Database (19c+).
MuShop - a cloud-native microservice written in Java. The service stores shopping cart data in the autonomous database using JSON collections (SODA).
MuSprint - a web application designed to track sprint user stories on a story board. Stories are organized into 'To Do', 'In Progress' or 'Completed' category. The application is built using the SERN stack (SODA, Express.js, React.js, Node.js).
WineDemo - a web application written in JavaScript/Node.js that uses JSON collections (SODA) to store wine collection data.
SODA Lab - a lab on using SODA Node.js in the autonomous database.
Microservices With Node & SODA - Step-by-step instructions on creating a microservice using Node.js and SODA in the autonomous database.
Python and AJD - This article shows how to process JSON data from Riot Games API using python and the Autonomous JSON Database.
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