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1107 lines (752 loc) · 59.8 KB

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1107 lines (752 loc) · 59.8 KB


v0.17.2 (2022-03-06)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #937 Improve robustness of isNode check (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #938 Make sync-record-cache-update-test mirror async equivalents (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.1 (2022-03-01)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #932 IndexedDBCache: Fix handling of empty operations array (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #925 Ensure that fetch errors always throw errors that contain response [jsonapi] (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

  • #928 Fix incorrect uses of "relationship" instead of "relation" in filtering docs (@bradjones1)
  • #924 Refinements to v0.17 docs (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 2

v0.17.0 (2022-01-31)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.28 (2022-01-30)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/memory
    • #923 Fix autoValidate: false setting to work for forks (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.27 (2022-01-30)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #921 Ensure that validator settings are properly transferred to caches and forks (@dgeb)

Committers: 2

v0.17.0-beta.26 (2022-01-22)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #915 Introduce autoValidate setting for RecordCache and RecordSource (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/records

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #916 Encourage use of useBuffer: true for improved IndexedDB write performance (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #915 Introduce autoValidate setting for RecordCache and RecordSource (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/core
    • #913 Use crypto.randomUUID by default for Orbit.uuid (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/build, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #911 Improve building of JSONAPI fetch params (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/records
  • @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/validators
    • #896 Expand validation error descriptions (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

  • @orbit/records
    • #919 Mark KeyDefinition#primaryKey deprecated (@dgeb)
  • Other

🏠 Internal

Committers: 2

v0.17.0-beta.25 (2021-08-12)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #883 [jsonapi] Introduce partialSet request option (@dgeb)
    • #882 JSONAPISource: Allow multiple consecutive removeFromRelatedRecords ops to be coalesced (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #881 IndexedDBCache: Provide a naive, idempotent default implementation of migrateDB (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/memory
    • #877 Introduce MemorySource#reset (@dgeb)
    • #876 MemoryCache#reset now resets state to match its base cache, if present (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
    • #884 Add top-level LICENSE file and update all copyright dates (@dgeb)
  • Other

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.24 (2021-07-26)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/memory
    • #873 Introduce new fork / merge possibilities in MemorySource and MemoryCache (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • Other
  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/record-cache
    • #871 Fill out tests to improve checking update responses (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.23 (2021-07-18)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #868 Extract RecordTransformBuffer interface (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.22 (2021-07-16)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #867 Ensure JSONAPISource query and update return arrays to match array requests (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/validators
    • #866 validateObject should not accept null as a valid object (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

  • Other
  • @orbit/records

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.21 (2021-07-07)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/validators
    • #858 Fill in gaps in @orbit/validators (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.20 (2021-07-04)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/core
    • #856 Do not await TaskQueue settlement as part of push, retry, skip, and unshift (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.19 (2021-07-03)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #855 Allow for explicit "singular" requests (queries / transforms) (@dgeb)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #855 Allow for explicit "singular" requests (queries / transforms) (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/utils
    • #854 Improve typings for core interfaces (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/memory
    • #853 Improve MemorySource#merge typings and deprecate transformOptions (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.18 (2021-06-22)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/memory
    • #852 Fix typings for MemorySource#merge (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/records
    • #850 Validate that validator exists for attribute type [records] (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.17 (2021-06-11)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #848 Fix sharing of validatorFor function between record sources and caches, and memory sources and forks (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data
    • #847 Fix data-only response from update when a transform has already been applied (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.16 (2021-05-22)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/validators
    • #842 Introduce @orbit/validators and record-specific validators (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/records, @orbit/serializers
    • #837 Refinement of serialization options (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/data
    • #832 Deprecate Pullable and Pushable interfaces (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #831 Add debug setting to Orbit global (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/records
    • #830 Support use of a transform builder in Syncable (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #828 Deprecate Record interface in favor of InitializedRecord (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #827 Allow record-cache-based sources to define a custom cacheClass (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #822 Introduce RecordTransformBuffer for improving performance and atomicity of cache updates (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.15 (2021-03-07)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #826 Add fallback and error logging guidance to improve PR 823 (@dgeb)
    • #821 Improve bulk IndexedDB performance (@dgeb)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #823 Fix IndexedDBCache getInverseRelationshipsAsync (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.16.8 (2021-03-07)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb

🏠 Internal

  • #824 Update release-0-16 branch to use GH actions (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.14 (2021-02-22)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
    • #820 Move all tsconfig settings to each package (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.13 (2021-02-22)

🚀 Enhancement

  • Other
    • #819 tsconfig: enable alwaysStrict + noFallthroughCasesInSwitch options (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #818 Introduce raiseNotFoundException option for transform requests (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #817 Fill in tests for update for sync+async caches (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.12 (2021-02-17)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/coordinator
    • #814 Coordinator: Allow generic typing of getStrategy & getSource (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #813 Implement Queryable + Updatable across all cache-based sources (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/build, @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.11 (2021-02-11)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/memory
    • #812 MemorySource: Use cache.update instead of cache.patch (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.10 (2021-02-11)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/records
    • #811 Use generics in typing record query/transform results (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #810 Ensure that query/transform options are shared between sources and their caches (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.9 (2021-02-09)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #794 Extract @orbit/records from @orbit/data and introduce full, detailed responses across all sources and caches (@dgeb)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/core, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/records
    • #808 Ensure that schema + source upgrades are reliably async (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #807 Improve typings via separate interface definitions, overloaded methods, and more generics (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi
    • #806 JSONAPISource: Introduce parallelRequests option (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi
    • #805 Improve usage of transform / query options (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/integration-tests
    • #804 Remove includeSources request option (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records
    • #794 Extract @orbit/records from @orbit/data and introduce full, detailed responses across all sources and caches (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #793 Update operations serializers to follow atomic operations extention (@tchak)
  • @orbit/memory
    • #795 Improve perf by cloning only newly added relationship (@enspandi)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
    • #789 Further improvements in typings (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/build, @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/records, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
    • #809 Add publishConfig settings to package.json (@dgeb)
  • Other
    • #802 CI: Separate lint+compile job from test job (@dgeb)
    • #800 Switch CI from Travis to Github (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #792 Add multi-expression/operation tests for jsonapi (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/record-cache
    • #791 Separate extra-long test modules into multiple modules (@dgeb)

Committers: 3

v0.17.0-beta.8 (2020-09-27)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/data
    • #784 Introduce UninitializedRecord interface, with optional id (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/memory, @orbit/utils
    • #787 Remove redundant / unnecessary type-related comments (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/utils
    • #786 Deprecate merge, extend, and expose utility fns (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data
    • #785 Deprecate inflectors (singularize/pluralize) on Schema (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.7 (2020-09-16)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #783 [jsonapi] Register object and array types to use NoopSerializer by default (@dgeb)
    • #775 Add unknown serializer (@tchak)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data
    • #780 Support coalescing of addRecord/updateRecord + updateRecord (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/build, @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #776 Expand record-cache tests for liveQuery (@dgeb)

Committers: 3

v0.16.7 (2020-09-14)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.5 (2020-07-31)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data
    • #772 Fill out recordDiffs implementation (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #771 Expand exports in @orbit/jsonapi (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.4 (2020-07-27)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi
  • @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/utils

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #765 Add options to QueryExpression and Operation (@tchak)
  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi
  • @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
    • #761 Introduce inflectors to @orbit/serializers (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/serializers
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #759 cache settings as part of source settings should be partial (@tchak)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #762 Fix cache integrity processors' handling of relationships without explicit inverses. (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #752 Finish opening/upgrading indexeddb dbs before closing them (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/build
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #766 Refactor internal modules to remove default module exports (@dgeb)
  • Other
    • #764 Upgrade build dependencies (except snowpack) (@dgeb)
    • #753 Test on travis with updated ubuntu (and thus updated Chrome) (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/build, @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/integration-tests
    • #748 Reintroduce @orbit/integration-tests (@dgeb)

Committers: 2

v0.16.6 (2020-07-24)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #763 Backport PR 762 to v0.16 (Fix cache integrity processors' handling of relationships without explicit inverses) (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.3 (2020-05-08)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #746 [jsonapi] Support url request option (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #742 Standardize request option handling (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/record-cache

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils

Committers: 2

v0.16.5 (2020-03-12)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #739 Backport PR 735 to v0.16 (Improve mergeRecords to better handle links, meta, and relationships) (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.17.0-beta.2 (2020-03-07)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #718 Implement live query on @orbit/record-cache (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data
    • #736 Remove deprecated expression property on query (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #735 Improve mergeRecords to better handle links, meta, and relationships (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #727 Handle 304 responses in jsonapi-request-processor (@pangratz)
    • #731 Export all the types from jsonapi source (@tchak)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data
    • #732 Improve control of source and strategy activation and deactivation (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/local-storage-bucket
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #692 Deprecate model on relationshipDef (@tchak)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data
    • #710 Allow mergeOperations to set null for hasOne relationship (@jembezmamy)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #712 [BUGFIX] Always allow serialization of null attributes (@makepanic)

📝 Documentation

  • #729 first pass at generating docs with typedoc (@brumm)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/record-cache
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils

Committers: 6

v0.17.0-beta.1 (2019-09-22)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/record-cache
    • #695 Return off function from evented subscribers (@tchak)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage
    • #689 Various small improvements to indexeddb and local-storage sources (@tchak)
  • @orbit/indexeddb
    • #694 Move indexeddb database opening code to source activate hook (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache

Committers: 1

v0.16.4 (2019-12-10)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data
    • #710 Allow mergeOperations to set null for hasOne relationship (@jembezmamy)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #712 [BUGFIX] Always allow serialization of null attributes (@makepanic)

Committers: 2

v0.16.3 (2019-09-22)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #702 Always ignore undefined values when filtering (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #701 fix: added null case to relatedRecord filter processing (@Michiel87)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator
  • @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
  • Other

Committers: 3

v0.16.2 (2019-09-05)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/coordinator
    • #687 Ensure that RequestStrategy handler functions receive all args (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.16.1 (2019-08-20)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/core
    • #686 Add guards to check that TaskQueues have at least one processor (@cibernox)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #684 Target ES-latest by default + Fix ES5 builds (@dgeb)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 3

v0.16.0 (2019-07-30)

No changes.

v0.16.0-beta.11 (2019-07-18)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #678 [BREAKING] Shift some responsibilities for transform-related interfaces to source implementations (@dgeb)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory
    • #680 [DEPRECATION] Deprecate _transformed in favor of transformed (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/memory
  • @orbit/data
    • #677 Convert source interface implementations to use async/await (@dgeb)

Committers: 2

v0.16.0-beta.10 (2019-07-10)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/memory
    • #676 [memory] Support hints for update (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/memory

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data
    • #674 Remove queues processing from deactivate (@tchak)

Committers: 2

v0.16.0-beta.9 (2019-07-09)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/core
    • #673 Ensure that cancelled tasks in queues have promises rejected (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #668 Expose meta and links from processors to source (@tchak)
    • #667 Add Updatable interface to jsonapi source (@tchak)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/data, @orbit/integration-tests
    • #671 Introduce explicit source activation + deactivation (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/record-cache
    • #669 Add filter|sort|page support to findRelatedRecords queries (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data
    • #662 Warn if naive singularize method receives a word that doesn't end in "s" (@lukemelia)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/core
    • #673 Ensure that cancelled tasks in queues have promises rejected (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/data, @orbit/integration-tests
    • #671 Introduce explicit source activation + deactivation (@tchak)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store
    • #672 Clean up yarn.lock interdependencies (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/utils
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache
    • #666 Refactor @orbit/record-cache with a stricter TS config (@tchak)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #664 Upgrade npm dependencies (mostly prettier) (@tchak)

Committers: 3

v0.16.0-beta.8 (2019-06-09)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #658 Add serializeOperation to @orbit/jsonapi (@tchak)
    • #639 @orbit/jsonapi-serializer operations (deserialize) (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data
    • #642 Add {get|each}Attribute and {get|each}Relationship methods (@tchak)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/data
  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #648 When serializing, exclude attributes & relationships not in the schema (@lukemelia)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store
    • #657 And the last packages with prettier (@tchak)
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/utils
    • #656 Apply prettier to even more packages (@tchak)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable
  • @orbit/core

Committers: 3

v0.16.0-beta.7 (2019-05-24)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #647 Revert "Update language level of module target to es2017" (@dgeb)

Committers: 1

v0.16.0-beta.6 (2019-05-23)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #644 Update language level of module target to es2017 (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/memory, @orbit/store
    • #634 Rename @orbit/store to @orbit/memory (@tchak)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi
  • @orbit/identity-map
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/record-cache

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/identity-map, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/memory, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #645 Update lerna and build scripts (@dgeb)
    • #643 git clean prior to publishing packages (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/integration-tests, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/serializers, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils

Committers: 4

v0.16.0-beta.5 (2019-04-16)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/record-cache
    • #625 Fix updating an empty record with an empty relationship (@simonihmig)

Committers: 1

v0.16.0-beta.4 (2019-04-15)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #621 Extract appendQueryParams in its own method (@tchak)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store
    • #620 Fix update record not populating inverse relationships (@ggayowsky)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/indexeddb

Committers: 2

v0.16.0-beta.3 (2019-03-17)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache
    • #608 RemoveRecord when part of has many relationship should not clobber the whole relationship in IndexedDB source (@tchak)
  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage
    • #606 Do not reset persisting sources on initalize (@tchak)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage
    • #610 Add tests to verify local storage + indexeddb sources are not reset on initialization (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/integration-tests

Committers: 2

v0.16.0-beta.2 (2019-03-14)

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/record-cache

    • #603 Return empty array when querying for non-existing relationships with findRelatedRecords (@PieterJanVdb)
  • @orbit/record-cache

    • #605 Extends #603 to fix related errors (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/store
    • #604 Cleanup and extend store tests (@dgeb)

Committers: 3

v0.16.0-beta.1 (2019-02-10)

💥 Breaking Change

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store
    • #574 Deprecate replaceRecord op in favor of updateRecord (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #573 [BREAKING] Expose assert + deprecate only on OrbitGlobal (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store
    • #567 Define Listener interface and remove support for explicit binding object in listeners (@dgeb)

🚀 Enhancement

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/jsonapi
    • #591 [jsonapi] Use new serializers for serializing / deserializing attribute values (@dgeb)
    • #587 Expand areas in which meta data is allowed (@dgeb)
    • #586 Define Link interface and links objects (refactor of #509) (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/serializers
    • #590 JSONAPISerializer implements new Serializer interface (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/serializers
  • @orbit/store
  • @orbit/data, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store
    • #584 Support finding records by an array of identities (@dgeb)
    • #555 Extract new @orbit/record-cache package (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/data
    • #581 Introduce "hints" for requests (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/jsonapi
    • #572 [jsonapi] allowedContentTypes can be customized (@dgeb)
    • #571 [jsonapi] Consider application/json to be valid content (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/immutable
    • #550 Expand capabilities of ImmutableMap (@dgeb)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • @orbit/core, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/store
  • @orbit/jsonapi
  • @orbit/data
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils

📝 Documentation

  • #593 Clarify Orbit’s purpose and primary use cases (@dgeb)

🏠 Internal

  • @orbit/data, @orbit/store
    • #582 Remove unused exception classes + other minor cleanup (@dgeb)
  • @orbit/coordinator, @orbit/core, @orbit/data, @orbit/immutable, @orbit/indexeddb-bucket, @orbit/indexeddb, @orbit/jsonapi, @orbit/local-storage-bucket, @orbit/local-storage, @orbit/record-cache, @orbit/store, @orbit/utils
    • #579 Use prepare npm task instead of deprecated prepublish (@dgeb)
    • #570 Fix security alerts (@dgeb)
    • #569 Further typing improvements + test refactor (@dgeb)
  • Other

Committers: 5