Corpus container managed by CoreData for macOS/iOS/tvOS/watchOS to evaluate machine learning with Swift
no error handling
//Download and parse the archived data from web and build CoreData persistent store
let container = Container(delegate: nil) MNIST.train)
no error handling
let context = container.viewContext
//Fetch 0 indices
let index = try!context.index(series: MNIST.train, labels: ["0"]).first!
//Get a label from the index
let label = index.label //"0"
//Get 0 images
let images = index.contents as! [Image]
//let label = images.first!.index.label//"0"
//Get a 0 image
let image = images.first!
no error handling
let vector: [Float] = image.array
no error handling
let ciimage = image.ciimage
let ciContext = CIContext()
let path = URL(fileURLWithPath: ANY FILEPATH)
try!ciContext.writeTIFFRepresentation(of: ciimage, to: url, format: ciContext.workingFormat, colorSpace: ciContext.workingColorSpace!, options: [:])
let indices = try!context.index(series: MNIST.train)
let images = indices.reduce([]) {
$0 + $1.contents.flatMap{$0 as? Image}
let cifar10_labels = context.label(series: CIFAR10.batch1)
let fashionMNIST_labels = context.label(series: FashionMNIST.train)