An example plugin which uses TypeScript (and soon tsvfs) on a background web-worker thread.
You're probably not that interested in running it, more reading and understanding the code.
yarn add rollup-plugin-web-worker-loader --dev
Edit the config: ./rollup.config.js
+ import webWorkerLoader from 'rollup-plugin-web-worker-loader';
- plugins: [typescript({ tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json' }), commonjs(), node(), json()],
+ plugins: [typescript({ tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json' }), commonjs(), node(), json(), webWorkerLoader()],
Setup your plugin to talk to a worker in ./src/index.ts
import Worker from 'web-worker:./main.worker.js';
const makePlugin = (utils: PluginUtils) => {
const customPlugin: PlaygroundPlugin = {
id: "example",
displayName: "Dev Example",
didMount: (sandbox, container) => {
const worker = new Worker();
// @ts-ignore
worker.postMessage({ action: "start", loaderSrc: window.loaderSrc, requireConfig: window.requireConfig });
// ... normal plugin stuff
This will give the web worker info about the URLs needed to load TS, and tell rollup where to find the worker.
Create a main.worker.js
/// <reference lib="webworker" />
self.onmessage = function (msg) {
switch( {
case "start": {
// Import the vscode loader into the runtime, but we don't actually use it
// Next grab TS
// looks like ""
const tsBase =
const ts = `${tsBase}/language/typescript/lib/typescriptServices.js`
// Now you have access to ts which is the same as require("typescript")
self.postMessage({ action: "ready" })
// ... other actions
See for the full details, however, TLDR:
git clone ...
yarn install
yarn start
Then tick the box for starting plugin development inside the TypeScript Playground.