Clothing shop made using React & firebase with Stripe payments implemented.
✔️ Authentication with Google account
✔️ Authentication with email & password
✔️ Persistant data with local storage
✔️ Asynchronous events handling
✔️ Paypal payments with Stripe
✔️ Performance improvement with lazy loading
Deployment: Heroku
Design: Sass & Styled Components
Authentication: Firebase auth
Database: Firebase Firestore
Backend: Firebase & NodeJs
- redux-logger: console logging redux data flow
- redux: state management
- redux-thunk: handling asynchronous events
- redux-saga: handling asynchronous events keeping actions pure
- axios: implement api requests with ease
- reselect: reusing redux selectors in a performant way
- redux-persist: storing data in local storage
- compression: for gzipping our files on heroku
- concurrently: for running multiple scripts concurrently
1. Server Setup
#1. clone this project
~ git clone
#2. cd into it
~ cd crwn-clothing
#3. install serevr dependencies
~ npm i
#3. install client dependencies
~ cd client && npm i
#4. run app (both client & server)
~ npm run dev
available scripts
~ npm run client
~ npm run server
~ npm run build
~ npm run dev
~ npm start
~ npm run heroku-postbuild
2. Firebase Setup
Remember to replace the config
variable in your firebase.utils.js
with your own config object from the firebase dashboard! Navigate to the project settings and scroll down to the config code. Copy the object in the code and replace the variable in your cloned code.
3. Stripe Setup
Set the publishableKey
variable in the StripeButton.jsx
with your own publishable key from the stripe dashboard.
First of all You need first to get your secret key from here
# Rename example.env to .env
~ mv example.env .env
Finally copy your secret key inside .env folder
! You don't need to put it in quotation marks '' ""
4. Heroku Setup
You will also need to connect your existing Heroku app to this new forked and cloned repo, or you have to create a new Heroku app and push to it. A quick refresher on how to do either of these:
Set to an existing Heroku app
To set to an existing Heroku app you already have deployed, you need to know the name of the app you want to deploy to. To see a list of all the apps you currently have on Heroku:
heroku apps
Copy the name of the app you want to connect the project to, then run:
heroku git:remote -a <PASTE_YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE>
And now you'll have your repo connected to the heroku app under the git remote name heroku
Then skip to the bottom of this article to see what to do next!
Create a new Heroku app
Create a new Heroku project by typing in your terminal:
heroku create
This will create a new Heroku project for you. Then run:
git remote -v
in the list. This means you have successfully connected your project to the newly created Heroku app under the git remote of heroku
Deploying to Heroku
Add the mars/create-react-app-buildpack
to your heroku project by typing:
heroku buildpacks:set mars/create-react-app-buildpack
You can then deploy to heroku by running:
git push heroku master
You will see this warning message if you are pushing to an existing app:
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
This is because we are pushing to an existing app that was deploying an entirely different repository from what we have now. Simply run:
git push heroku master --force
This will overwrite the existing Heroku app with our new code.
Open our Heroku project
After heroku finishes building our project, we can simply run:
heroku open
This will open up our browser and take us to our newly deployed Heroku project!
Pull request are welcome but please open an issue and discuss what you will do before 😊
This project is open-sourced under the MIT license.