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Gitutils is a tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories. It allows users to create forks and merge requests directly from the command line interface.



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Gitutils is a python tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories. It allows users to create forks and merge requests directly from the command line interface.

Detailed readthedocs documentation

Please note that Gitutils depends on the Oauth2 authentication via the GITLAB EE API v4. Because of this, gitlab accounts with the two-factor authentication (2FA) activated are not allowed to use the Oauth2 authentication and,therefore, the gitutils token can't be generated.

for more information: and



usage: [-h] [-e ENDPOINT]

GITUTILS is a tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        Endpoint of the git server. Default:

  valid commands

    addldap             Add a ldap group user to a group.
    clonegroup          Clones all existing projects within a group.
    creategroups        Create a new group (or multiple).
    createprojects      Create a new project (or multiple) inside the specified group.
    find                General search inside all the groups/projects.
    fork                Creates a fork from the repository.
    login               Fetches the gitlab token (saved in ~/.gitutils_token).
    merge               Creates a request to merge the defined fork to the original repository.
    setrole             Sets the role for a specific user on a specific group or project (or multiple)

To see the gitutils help message use: > gitutils -h. If not specified otherwise the default endpoint is


usage: addldap [-h] group ldapgroup [role]

positional arguments:
  group       Group that the LDAP group will be added to.
  ldapgroup   LDAP group common name.
  role        The role defines the permissions. Options: guest, reporter, dev, maintainer, owner

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

To see the addldap help message use: > gitutils addldap -h


usage: clonegroup [-h] group [url] [pattern [pattern ...]]

positional arguments:
  group       Group name
  url         Url to clone the projects: http_url (https://git...) or url (git@git...)
  pattern     Initial name pattern of the repositories that will be cloned (3 letters minimum).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: creategroups [-h] name [name ...]

positional arguments:
  name        Group name or multiple (if multiple groups should be created).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: createprojects [-h] group name [name ...]

positional arguments:
  group       Group name
  name        Name of the new project (or multiple separated with spaces).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: gitutils find [-h] term

positional arguments:
  term        Term to search.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

To see the clonegroup help message use: > gitutils find -h


usage: fork [-h] [-n] [-c] [-g] [project]

positional arguments:
  project         (REQUIRED) Indicates the project to be forked. It must be indicated as follow:
                  - <group_name>/<project_name>.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -n, --no_clone  Indicates that the forked project will not be cloned after forking. A fork
                  will be created on the server-side and no clone nor upstream will be
                  generated on the local git repository.
  -c, --clean     Flag to delete personal fork of the project.
  -g, --group     Indicates if the fork should not be a personal project.

To see the fork help message use: > gitutils fork -h


usage: merge [-h] [-t TITLE] [-p PROJECT] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-s SOURCE_BRANCH] [-o ORIGINAL_BRANCH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                         The title of the merge request that is going to be created.
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        Indicates the project to be merged. It should follow the format below:
                        - "" : (DEFAULT) The user doesn't provide this argument, the project's group and name
                              will be fetched from the /.git/config folder within the path where the
                              gitutils is being called.
                        - <group_name>/<project_name> : The user provides a combination of group_name and
                              project_name divided by "/".
                        The description of the merge request that is going to be created.
  -s SOURCE_BRANCH, --source_branch SOURCE_BRANCH
                        The source branch of the merge request.
                        The destination branch of the merge request.

To see the merge help message use: > gitutils merge -h


usage: setrole [-h] [-p] role username group [group ...]

positional arguments:
  role           The role defines the permissions. Options: guest, reporter, dev, maintainer, owner
  username       Username that will be given the role.
  group          Group in which the user will be given such role.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -p, --project  If indicated, the setrole gives the access on a project level (and not on the default group level).

To see the merge help message use: > gitutils setrole -h



  1. The login command creates the token file and stores it for further usage. - To fetch the token and create/update, use the following command:

        > gitutils login

    After the username and password are provided the token is fetched and saved on the local home directory in ~/.gitutils_token. As a verification, a list of owned projects will be fetched to validate the token.


  1. The clonegroup command clones all the existing projects from a specified group.

    • To clone all projects of group_name:

      > gitutils clonegroup <group_name>

    This will clone each repo into its specific folder, depending on the amount of projects this command might take a while. Additionally, a 2 seconds sleep time had to be added in between clones in order not to be blocked by Gitlab API.


  1. The find command will do a general search for all projects and groups.

    • To search for term:

      > gitutils find <term>

      Keep in mind that depending the number of groups and projects, this task can take some minutes...

    • The output will display the group and the enumerated matching cases according to this example:

      Gitutils searching for term " S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1 "...
      Group:  archiver_config
          1 )   S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1  :
                  #  BAM vme ioc cpu/memory usage
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1:MEM_USED                    Monitor 1 60
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1:MEM_FREE                    Monitor 1 60
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1:IOC_CPU_LOAD                Monitor 1 60
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1:UPTIME                      Monitor 1 60
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT1:STATUS                      Monitor 1 60
                  S10CB04-CVME-DBAMT2:MEM_USED                    Monitor 1 60


Gitutils fork walk-through

  1. Define a project to fork and issue the command. Once a repository is forked, it also creates a local clone and an upstream link to the reference repository. Arguments: -n, -c and project. Examples:

    • To fork and clone into a repository, use the following command:

      > gitutils fork <group_name>/<repository_name>
    • To fork and not clone, add the directive -n :

      > gitutils fork -n <group_name>/<repository_name>
    • To delete existing fork and create a clean fork of a repository, use the following command:

      > gitutils fork -c <group_name>/<repository_name>
    • To fork into a different group, use the -g to indicate which group:

      > gitutils fork -g <destination_group> <group_name>/<repository_name>
  2. Implement the changes/development necessary on the forked repository.

  3. Add all changes, commit and push the changes to your forked repository.

    > git add .
    > git commit -m <commit_message>
    > git push

Remark: When a successful fork happens, it already creates the upstream link. This is done automatically. Therefore, to synchronize your fork with the current state of the original repository and deal with possible merge conflicts, do the following:

> git fetch upstream
> git merge upstream/master

Tip: To update your current fork state, use the fork command with -c directive. It will delete your personal fork and pull the latest state of the original project.


Gitutils merge walk-through

  1. Once all the necessary changes/development have been committed and pushed to a forked repository.

  2. Navigate to the home folder of your forked repository (where the /.git folder is). Issue the command to merge. Arguments:-t, -d, -p.

    • To create a merge request for a repository, use the following command while on a git repository folder:

      > gitutils merge -t <title> -d <description>
    • To create a merge request for a repository by using the argument -p to indicate the project:

      > gitutils merge -p <group_name>/<repository_name> -t <title> -d <description>

If -p is not indicated, gitutils fetches the group and project from the .git/config file (it assumes that the command is executed within the root directory of the git repository). Alternatively, one can use the directive -p to indicate directly which project should be merged.

If title and description are not provided, gitutils uses a default title and description indicating the user who is creating the merge request.

Full walk-through example

  1. Fork and clone a repository:

    > gitutils fork <group_name>/<repository_name>
  2. Change the current working directory to your local project cd <repository_name>.

  3. Do the changes and/or development necessary.

  4. Stage your changes to commit by adding them:

    > git add .
  5. Commit your changes with a descriptive commit_message:

    > git commit -m <commit_message>
  6. Push changes to the forked repository:

    > git push
  7. Once you're ready to create the merge request, fetch and merge changes from original repository:

    > git fetch upstream

    Fetch the branches and their respective commits from the upstream repository.

    > git merge upstream/master

    This brings your fork's 'master' branch into sync with the upstream repository without losing your changes.

    You might have to deal with existing conflicts between your changes and the original repo changes. Decide if you want to keep only your branch's changes, keep only the other branch's changes, or make a brand new change, which may incorporate changes from both branches. If this is the case, go back to step 4 after solving the merge conflicts (add, commit and push the resolved merge conflicts files).

  8. Finally, create a merge request:

    > gitutils merge -p <group_name>/<repository_name> -t <title> -d <description>

    if you are located on the repository folder, simply:

    > gitutils merge  -t <title> -d <description>

Development & extra details

Checkout the project:

> git clone


Unit and functional tests are available on the folder tests

Unit tests

To run the unit tests:

> python -m unittest gitutils/tests/

Functional tests

To run the functional tests:

> python -m unittest gitutils/tests/

New features/changes

To practically test changes and new implementations:

> python -m gitutils.gitutils <new_command>

Building the conda package

First, login into gfa-lc6-64, source the right anaconda environment by executing the command:

> source /opt/gfa/python

After that, clone into the repository or pull the latest changes (if you've already cloned it before). The package can be build via

> conda build conda-recipe

Remember to increase the package version before the build (inside and conda-recipe/meta.yaml)

After building, the package should be uploaded to via the command displayed at the end of the build process (similar to the shown below).


If you need to build for different python versions, use the command (where X.X is the specific needed version of python):

> conda build conda-recipe --python=X.X


The package has to be installed as root on .

> source /opt/gfa/python
> conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute gitutils

As this will change the global Python distribution, make sure that only the gitutils package gets updated.

Built With

  • Python-Gitlab - A library for command-line interaction with gitlab servers.

Official documentation

The readthedocs documentation is generated based on the files inside the docs folder in the github repository.

Detailed readthedocs documentation

GIT Credentials

Gitutils authenticates on the git server using the OAuth2 protocol. If the token is non existent or not valid, gitutils will request username and password and store the token in a file located on the user's home directory (~/.gitutils_token). The user will not be requested for username nor password until the saved token is not valid anymore.

Contact / Questions

Questions or problems: Leonardo Hax Damiani -


Gitutils is a tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories. It allows users to create forks and merge requests directly from the command line interface.








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