Image Editor is an Python Qt application that allows you to simply edit images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, etc.).
Reset - discard all changes (dialogue window will pop up)
Open - open new file without saving the current one
Save - save file as (example: picture.png)
Channels sliders allow you to control percentage of RGBA channels.
Mirror - mirrors image vertically / horizontally
Rotate - rotates image by given direction (left / right) with given degree (0, 90, 180, 270, 360)
Quantize - quantizes image by given colors
Gaussian blur - blurs image by given radius
Color adjusts - controls image's saturation by given factor (0,0 - grayscale; 1,0 - original image; 2,0 - more saturation; and so on)
Contrast - controls image's contrast by given factor (0,0 - no contrast; 1,0 - original image; 2,0 - more contrast; and so on)
Brightness - controls image's brightness by given factor (0,0 - dark; 1,0 - original image; 2,0 - more brightness; and so on)
Contrast - controls image's contrast by given factor (0,0 - no image; 1,0 - original image; 2,0 - more contrast; and so on)
Sharpness - controls image's sharpness by given factor (0,0 - lightly blurred image; 1,0 - original image; 2,0 - more sharpness; and so on)
Alt + Ctrl + O - open original image in separate window
Alt + Ctrl + C - open current image in separate window
Ctrl + Z - undo
Ctrl + Y - redo