- A Python application that works like a manager to control the file-servers and get the requests from the clients.
- A node.JS server that can have multiple instances in different environments that store the files
- Balance the number of files per server, as file-servers connects and clients send files
- Restrict 36 files per directory, if it exceeds, should create a new directory
Not implemented yet. Responsible for sending requests to the manager.
Implemented with Python using the Flask framework to provide a REST API, MongoDB to persist files and Socket.IO to communicate with File Servers
- Receive client requests
- Control which server should receive which file
- Persist information about files
- Balance servers
Implemented with node.JS using socket.IO to communicate with the File Manager.
- Connect with manager using Socket.IO
- Receive manager requests like:
- delete-file
- upload-file
- download-file
- transfer-file
- Control how many files per directory to do not exceed the number provided (36) then create another
- Can have many file-servers running simultaneously
- A file send to the File-Manager should be saved in only one server
- There's no replication between file-servers
- A file server must have only 36 files/folder per directory
- The client will send a base64 file, but the file-server must save it as a normal
Store a file in one of the file-servers
POST: http://localhost:8000/file
Field | Description | Required |
filename | Name of the file, will be used to get the file later | X |
file | Content of the file encoded in base64 | X |
- filename: Filename provided
- id: Generated ID for the file saved
Get the content of the file with the name provided
GET: http://localhost:8000/file/:filename
Delete the file of the file with the name provided
DELETE: http://localhost:8000/file/:filename
Code | Content | Description |
1 | Servers unavailable | When no server is available |
2 | File does not exist | When the client request a file that does not exists |
3 | File name already exists | When the client tries to upload a file with a name that is already in use |
4 | File unavailable | When the server of the file requests is unavailable |
# Clone de project
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pedrokehl/distributed-file-server.git
# Run MongoDB
Execute mongod
# Go to file-server-manager directory and install Python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the manager
python main.py
# Open another terminal and go to the file-server-storage diretory
# Install dependencies (use --production flag if you don't want devDependencies)
npm install
# Start the server with the server id
node index.js 100
- Implement the client
- Change the manager to accept files directly instead of base64