Neovim config based on nvim_lsp
and good support for languages like C/C++ and rust. Also, vimwiki is there because it's great.
Note:Requires neovim nightly.
Zsh config based on oh-my-zsh. Includes plugins like autojump
, syntax-highlight
and aliases I find useful and you may do so too.
Rquires starship, which is included and is as shown in the screenshot above.
Config is always under construction.
Quite simple bar.(screenshot above)
Note: Make scripts executable.
Also simple rofi config much like pressing mod in many DEs. Arc theme.
Beware the font size. Srcery theme and a little transparency.
Picture preview in vifm.
Note:Make scripts executable.
You can ./confie install dotfiles
to install everything. For more information visit confie.