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Dockerized HPC cluster environment for convenient MPI application development.
Inspired by NLKNguyen/alpine-mpich.
Provides dockerized MPICH and OpenMPI implementations available in both Debian and Alpine Linux. Example images:

  • pikrog/mpich:4.1.1-alpine - MPICH 4.1.1 implementation installed in Alpine Linux,
  • pikrog/openmpi:4.1.5-bullseye - OpenMPI 4.1.5 implementation installed in Debian Bullseye,
  • pikrog/mpich-node:1.0-alpine - MPICH based cluster node in Alpine Linux,
  • pikrog/openmpi-node:1.0-bullseye - OpenMPI based cluster node in Debian Bullseye.

Visit my Docker Hub Page to discover all currently available variants.


You need to have an active docker service running

Setting up a local development environment

Open terminal. Make a new directory for the environment. Name it whatever you want, then switch to it.

$ mkdir hpc
$ cd hpc

Prepare a working directory. This directory will contain compiled MPI applications and will be shared amongst containers through a bind mount. Name it workdir.

$ mkdir workdir

The working directory can be conveniently used to place source code files to be compiled later.

Download one of the compose files from this repository and optionally modify the configuration according to your needs. For example, you may want to select different MPI implementation (OpenMPI, MPICH) or base Linux distribution (Alpine, Debian). This can be done by changing the image name provided in the image nodes.

$ wget -O compose.yml ""

Remember to rename this file to compose.yml. Otherwise you will need to specify the source compose file everytime when issuing docker compose:

$ docker compose -f my-custom-compose.yml ...

Start the cluster in the background. Use --scale worker=N to adjust the number of worker nodes. In the example below, a cluster with four workers is created, which gives a total number of five nodes (including the master node).

$ docker compose up -d --scale worker=4

Verify the cluster status.

$ docker compose ps
NAME              COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
hpc-master-1      "run-cluster-node …"     master              running   >22/tcp
hpc-worker-1      "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"      worker              running
hpc-worker-2      "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"      worker              running
hpc-worker-3      "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"      worker              running
hpc-worker-4      "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"      worker              running

Open bash in the master node container.

$ docker compose exec -it --user user master /bin/sh

... or open a SSH connection to it. First, download the private key located in this repository (master_Key) or copy it from the master container.

$ docker compose cp master:/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519 ./private_key

Then you can use the private key as the identity file.

$ ssh user@localhost -i private_key

Single node environment

In case you don't actually need multiple workers but just want to use the MPI dependencies (like the toolchain or the process executor), you can start a single container and immediately work with it. The command below starts a single container with the MPICH 4.1.1 implementation in Alpine Linux.

$ docker run -it --rm pikrog/mpich:4.1.1-alpine
/ #

Note that the --rm switch causes the container to be automatically removed after exit. Omit this switch if this behavior is unwanted. Alternatively, pass -v to attach a bind mount pointing to the working directory.

$ docker run -it --rm -v /host/path/to/workdir:/container/path/to/workdir pikrog/mpich:4.1.1-latest

Configurable runtime environmental variables

Variable name Value type Description Default value
HPC_AUTO_UPDATE_HOSTS switch Run a background task that periodically updates the default host file. Meaningful only when the node works as a master. yes
HPC_HOSTNAMES string Cluster nodes host names separated by whitespaces. This variable is used to automatically discover cluster hosts and update the default host file. none
HPC_NODE_MODE string Cluster node mode. Possible values: master, worker. worker
HPC_ROOT_PASSWORD string Set the root password. none
HPC_UPDATE_HOSTS_INTERVAL integer Interval between automatic default host file updates. 10
HPC_USER_PASSWORD string Set the standard user password. none
HPC_SSH_ROOT_EXTERNAL_KEYS string The value is a path to a directory containing SSH keys for the root. The contents of this directory will be copied directly into the root's SSH keys directory with appropriate permissions. All *.pub files will be interpreted as public keys and appended to the authorized_keys file. none
HPC_SSH_ROOT_DEFAULT_KEYS switch Use the built-in SSH key pair for the standard user as the SSH root keys for authentication. no
HPC_SSH_ROOT_DEFAULT_PUBKEY switch Leave built-in SSH public key for the root authentication. Meaningful only if HPC_SSH_ROOT_DEFAULT_KEYS is set enabled. yes
HPC_SSH_USER_EXTERNAL_KEYS string Similar to HPC_SSH_ROOT_EXTERNAL_KEYS but for the standard user. none
HPC_SSH_USER_DEFAULT_KEYS switch Leave built-in SSH key pair for the standard user authentication. yes
HPC_SSH_USER_DEFAULT_PUBKEY switch Leave built-in SSH public key for the standard user authentication. Meaningful only if HPC_SSH_USER_DEFAULT_KEYS is set enabled. yes

Note: the switch value type means that the option associated with the variable will be switched on if the assigned value is one of: yes, on, enable, enabled, true, 1.

Advices for Swarm and production environments


Building your applications

Programming "on the fly"


Embedding applications into a cluster node image


Cluster node images details


Building the images


The images available at Docker Hub are built on a specific platform. When a base image is built, selected MPI libraries source codes are downloaded and compiled. This causes the environment to be configured specifically for the host platform. Therefore, certain optimizations may be enabled (e.g. AVX2) that are usually unavailable on older processors making provided images unusable on some computers. On the other hand, some people might want to get optimizations that the publicly available images do not have. Also, the online images are built for the x86-64 architecture. Last but not least, all Dockerfiles can be adjusted according to users' needs (e.g. supplied with extra non-standard dependencies installed). In these cases, images have to be built from scratch.


Clone this repository.

$ git clone

Change directory to the distribution you want to use as a base. For example, if you want to run cluster nodes within Debian Linux, go to the debian directory.

$ cd debian

Modify the .env file if needed. This file can be used to update the MPI implementation or Linux distribution version to the latest. One can also modify the distribution image name. This can be used to pick a different platform architecture, e.g. arm64. The .env file below will cause the images to be built for arm64 with the MPICH libraries downgraded to 4.0.2.

# This is only an example. It is not required to modify this file

To build a cluster node image, two commands need to be issued.

# This is only a template
$ docker compose build [MPI_IMPLEMENTATION]
$ docker compose build [MPI_IMPEMENTATION]-node

For example, if you want to build a cluster embed with MPICH implementation, issue these commands:

$ docker compose build mpich
$ docker compose build mpich-node

It is possible to modify some build arguments when executing the build command and affect the building process as a result. The example below depicts how to select a different link from which the MPICH source code will be downloaded.

$ docker compose build --build-arg MPICH_SOURCE_LINK= mpich

See the chapter below to discover available build arguments.

Build arguments


Argument Description Default value
BASE_DISTRO Linux distribution to be used as the base for the image. varies, e.g. alpine:3.18.0
COMPILATION_PACKAGES Extra packages used only during the compilation process and not included in the final base image. varies, e.g. perl wget
EXTRA_BASE_PACKAGES Extra packages to be available in the base image. none
MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS Number of parallel make jobs compiling sources. Use to speed up the compilation process. 12


Argument Description Default value
MPICH_CONFIGURE_ARGS Arguments to pass to the ./configure command for MPICH. --disable-fortran --disable-f08 --disable-collalgo-tests
MPICH_MAKE_ARGS Arguments to pass to the make command for MPICH. -j ${MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS}
MPICH_SOURCE_LINK Link to a tarball archive containing MPICH source code.${MPICH_VERSION}/mpich-${MPICH_VERSION}.tar.gz
MPICH_VERSION MPICH implementation version to download. Meaningful only if MPICH_SOURCE_LINK is left default. varies, e.g. 4.1.1

OpenMPI Base

Argument Description Default value
OPENMPI_CONFIGURE_ARGS Arguments to pass to the ./configure command for OpenMPI. none
OPENMPI_MAKE_ARGS Arguments to pass to the make command for OpenMPI. -j ${MAKE_PARALLEL_JOBS}
OPENMPI_MAKE_INSTALL_ARGS Arguments to pass to the make install command for OpenMPI. none
OPENMPI_SOURCE_LINK Link to a tarball archive containing OpenMPI source code. {major_version} and {version} substrings are used to form a link based on OPENMPI_VERSION.{major_version}/openmpi-{version}.tar.gz
OPENMPI_VERSION OpenMPI implementation version to download. varies, e.g. 4.1.5

MPI Node

Argument Description Default value
MPI_VERSION_TAG MPI implementation version tag of the base image from which the node image will be built. none
BASE_DISTRO_TAG Distribution tag of the base image from which the node image will be built. none
BASE_IMAGE_NAME Name of the base image from which the node image will be built. none
MPI_USER Name of the standard (non-root) user. user
MPI_DIRECTORY Path to the standard working directory containing i.a. MPI applications. /home/${MPI_USER}/mpi
DEFAULT_HOST_FILE Path to the default host file. This file is used by the mpirun and mpiexec wrappers and is updated automatically by the background task. /etc/mpi/hosts
DEFAULT_HOST_FILE_ENV Name of the environmental variable for the default host file that the mpirun and mpiexec wrappers recognize. This name depends on a particular MPI implementation. HYDRA_HOST_FILE (MPICH)

Note: BASE_IMAGE_NAME, MPI_VERSION_TAG, BASE_DISTRO_TAG form the full image name, e.g. for BASE_IMAGE_NAME=pikrog/openmpi, MPI_VERSION_TAG=4.1.1, BASE_DISTRO_TAG=bullseye they form pikrog/openmpi:4.1.1-bullseye.


Node Image Version Tag MPICH Version OpenMPI Version
1.0, 1.1 4.1.1 4.1.5


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