a tool to chop pngs out of images
set up a virtual environment with virtualenv venv
and activate it with . venv/bin/activate
then just install all the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
python photochop.py --pre-smooth --minimum-group-size 25 /path/to/image
usage: photochop.py [-h] [--max-subprocesses MAX_SUBPROCESSES]
[--disable-diacritics] [--auto-align]
[--set-threshold-to SET_THRESHOLD_TO]
[--allow-diagonal-connections] [--disable-multiprocessing]
[--row-despeckle-size ROW_DESPECKLE_SIZE]
[--minimum-group-size MINIMUM_GROUP_SIZE] [--despeckle]
[--min-groups-per-row MIN_GROUPS_PER_ROW] [--pre-smooth]
[--smoothing-passes SMOOTHING_PASSES]
dice an image, separating out groups of dark pixels
positional arguments:
filename an input png file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--max-subprocesses MAX_SUBPROCESSES
number of worker processes to use. uses the cpu core
count by default
--disable-diacritics disable diacritic alignment
--auto-align auto-align the document
--set-threshold-to SET_THRESHOLD_TO
set the threshold for a match (0-255)
allow diagonal connections as well as cardinal
disable multiprocessing.
--row-despeckle-size ROW_DESPECKLE_SIZE
despeckler size for row chopping
--minimum-group-size MINIMUM_GROUP_SIZE
minimum pixel group size
--despeckle despeckle the document.
--supercontrast supercontrast the image. can help mitigate compression
--min-groups-per-row MIN_GROUPS_PER_ROW
minimum groups per row
--pre-smooth smooth original document before processing
--smoothing-passes SMOOTHING_PASSES
number of smoothing passes to make