- geometry
- if name ==
Playing around.
excercise: create an API that calls the various functions and displays them as SVG
use draw turtle grid for debugging geometry of new SVG objects
use case
- user wants to correct geometry of SVG output
- user calls function of obj1
- user calls grid function
- obj1 and grid are both displayed
- user manually fixes obj1 geometry
e.g. run draw_smiley_face on top of draw_turtle_grid
It works.
see the reengineering document
How can I call a complete SVG object through a python function? e.g.
with open ('blob.svg') as f:
return f
This is exciting!
and this is too!
I wonder if I can get these tools running on github codespace!
Drawing with SVG turtle doesn't show you the animation! I use VS Code Live Server to view the SVG in the browser.
Without any real effort I was able to get Git Hub Co Pilot to generate some basic functions for me.
What I quickly realized that since each letter is it's own function, I would need to think about running each one separately!
I SHOULD have made a grid to draw out the location of each coordinate. Maybe even graphed a background in Turtle first... later. It's time for dinner.
Pass functions to functions
e.g. I have a spiral function.
Pass the triangle function to the spiral function.
Figure out the fill option
Draw shapes randomly on screen but don't let them touch.
Add argv to activate varables from command line
Stack geometry on center of highest point of geometry
Make function that fills the screen with any of the shapes