Library for doctest like functionality for Clojure programming language
The akronim package provides defns
to make testing and inplace documentation easier.
(require '[thereisnodot.akronim.core :refer [defns]))
;; Tests
(defns simple-sum
"Will execute function over value of the map"
[(simple-sum 3 4) => 7
(simple-sum 4 5) => 9]
[a b]
(+ a b))
(test #'simple-sum) => :ok
;; On the other hand, erroneous tests will give AssertionError
(defns simple-sum-will-fail
"Will execute function over value of the map"
[(simple-sum 3 4) => 222]
[a b]
(+ a b))
(test #'simple-sum-will-fail) =>
AssertionError Assert failed: (clojure.core/= (test-defns-simple-sum-will-fail 3 4) 222)
;; Examples. Providing examples in this form is useful for external documentation tools
(:akronim/example (meta #'simple-sum)) =>
["(simple-sum 3 4)" "=>" "7"]
["(simple-sum 4 5)" "=>" "9"]
Here is how to use it in conjunction with testing pipeline.
(ns thereisnodot.utils.html-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[thereisnodot.utils.html :as html]))
(deftest test-inlines-within-namespace
(doseq [[symbol access] (ns-publics 'thereisnodot.utils.html)]
(when (:test (meta access))
(testing (str "Testing inlines of: " symbol)
(is (= (test access) :ok))))))
The :akronim/example
metadata field is formatted with the help of zprint library.
By default, it is set to be 80 characters long.
To alter docstring of a function at the time of declaration
set the following config option either as: .lein-env
or .boot-env
or environment
variables or Java system properties.
Set akronim_docstring
parameter as:
- nothing will not alter docstring on declaration
- text will append examples at the end of the docstring
- markdown will wrap the declaration into markdown Clojure code block and append examples at the end of the docstring
- hljs will wrap the declaration into HTML code for and append examples at the end of the docstring
Default is nothing
(defns simple-sum
"Will execute function over value of the map"
[(simple-sum 3 4) => 7
(simple-sum 4 5) => 9]
[a b]
(+ a b))
;; with nothing set
(:doc (meta #'simple-sum)) => "Will execute function over value of the map"
;; with text set
(:doc (meta #'simple-sum)) =>
"Will execute function over value of the map
(simple-sum 3 4) => 7
(simple-sum 4 5) => 9"
;; with markdown set
(:doc (meta #'simple-sum)) =>
"Will execute function over value of the map
(simple-sum 3 4) => 7
(simple-sum 4 5) => 9
;; with hljs set
(:doc (meta #'simple-sum)) =>
"Will execute function over value of the map</br>
<code class='cljs clojure'>
(simple-sum 3 4) => 7
(simple-sum 4 5) => 9
Sometimes we have to demonstrate function usage, but, for some
reason, we don't want the function to generate :test
Usually, it happens when we are dealing with mutability.
In this case, pass :no-test?
as a metadata field to the
function declaration. For example:
(defns temp-file
"Will return temp file handler without actually making it"
{:no-test? true}
[(str (temp-file)) => "/tmp/cljtmpfile1555885885588503551"]
(temp-file "cljtmpfile" ""))
([prefix extension]
( prefix extension)))
(test #'temp-file)
;; => :no-test
(:akronim/example (meta #'temp-file))
;; => (list [(str (temp-file)) => "/tmp/cljtmpfile1555885885588503551"])
This will clone the repo and start a local repl and run tests
git clone;
cd akronim;
tmuxinator . ;
0.1.2 2018-10-21
- formatting for :akronim/example metadata field
There are tools that assume function declaration form to beNow the same declaration as perdefn
should work. See tests
- configuration through environ library
- basic functionality
- readme
- core tests
- template tests
- external configuration
- Moved from another project into separate repository
- Moved templates
- User defined :example and docstring generation funtionality