Converts SAZ file (from Fiddler) to HAR file (for Chrome).
This fork of the original project includes the following enhancements:
- Runs on OSX. (Replaced
.) - The HAR validation can be disabled. (The current validator does not handle date-time values in some Fiddler logs well.)
- The command-like tool is documented and prints usage instructions.
- The dependencies are upgraded to the the most recent versions.
Make sure that you use Node.js 6 or newer. Install this package locally if you want to use it programmatically:
$ npm i @prantlf/saz2har
If you want to use the command-line tool, install the package globally:
$ npm i -g @prantlf/saz2har
- path to the input .saz fileoutput
- path to the output .har fileoptions
- object with conversion optionsvalidate
- enables validation of the the HAR output (default:true
const saz2har = require("@prantlf/saz2har");
saz2har.convert("tmp/log.saz", (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
$ saz2har --help
Usage: saz2har [options] input.saz [output.har]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version [boolean]
--no-validate Validate the output HAR file (default: true) [boolean]
saz2har foo.saz bar.har --no-validate