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Posting Schedule

charlottejmc edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 5 revisions


Social Media

Contents of this page:


This table gives an overview of our posting schedule on Twitter and Mastodon:



Wednesday morning:

  • Check Social Media notifications:
    • Retweet or Like any relevant posts
  • If there are any newly published lessons:
    • Post the 'newly published' announcement post
    • Schedule the 'recently published' announcement post for ~21 days later
  • Schedule all posts for the following week:
    • two evergreen posts (Monday and Friday). We cycle through the languages over a period of four weeks, in the order EN -> ES -> FR -> PT
    • two engagement posts (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • Post about any current events or research

Friday afternoon:

  • Check Social Media notifications:
    • Retweet or Like any relevant posts
  • If there are any newly published lessons:
    • Post the 'newly published' announcement post
    • Schedule the 'recently published' announcement post for ~21 days later


Promotion posts:

  • Scheduling can be done directly through Twitter, but we must use Buffer to schedule our Mastodon posts
  • We must remember to manually log X (or XY) in the spreadsheets (ph-social-media-twitter-x and ph-social-media-mastodon) to record the evergreen promotion posts which have already been used.

Engagement posts:

  • 'Supporters' posts include: encouraging new Institutional Partners; thanking renewals; welcoming new members; encouraging new individual donations
  • 'Contributors' posts include: celebrating the number of contributors who have participated; sharing research published by members of the Project Team; sharing reviews, reports, interviews, etc. from the Research pages

(We are currently building a template bank for the engagement posts.)

New Wiki (in-progress)

Publishing Tasks

Phase 1 Submission

Phase 6 Sustainability Accessibility

Mermaid diagram templates


Social Media



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