This project creates a small python-based backend server that gives geo content and payment data to a very nice frontend that knows how to render it.
Backend is based on python with fastapi , asyncpg as the db connector and fastapi_asyncpg module as an effective bridge between. The python server talks to a postgis database that contains all the needed tables.
Initial assumptions
- There are two tables at the db from the two csv files one for the postal codes and the other one with the payment data
- There are also some postgis cities layer (postal codes are rendered on top )
- Frontend knows how to draw a GEO JSON layer
- geometry is assumed to be EPSG 4326 (WGS84)
In the project a docker compose yaml is provided to run it just..
# build the image
$ docker-compose build
# once built you can start the images
# backend server will be available at http://localhost:8000/docs
$ docker-compose up
# once you get bored you can just bring everything down with
$ docker-compose down