- The repo is a practical demo that demonstrates how to build a Web UI automation solution.
- The test scenarios are from BNZ Demo pages
- Behavior-Driven Development is a software development process and collaboration practice for software teams to work that closes the gap between business people and technical people
- Cucumber is a software/collaboration tool that supports behavior-driven development.
- Gherkin is a set of grammar rules that makes plain text structured enough for Cucumber to understand
- Selenium is an umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries that enable and support the automation of web browsers. (WebDriver, IDE, Grid)
- WebDriver is an API and protocol that defines a language-neutral interface for controlling the behaviour of web browsers.
- The TestNG Automation Testing Framework provides the mechanisms needed to run the test logic so the test writer only needs to provide the test-specific logics, inspired from JUnit framework
- Using Apache Maven as a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
- With integration the ExtentReports library, it can generate beautiful, interactive and detailed reports for the automation tests.
- Page Object Model is a design pattern to create an "object repository" for WebUI elements.
- The goal of using page objects is to abstract any page information away from the actual tests. Ideally, you should store all selectors or specific instructions that are unique for a certain page in a page object, so that you still can run your test after you've completely redesigned your page
- here in the demo project, "Payees" is the page object class
WebDriver Singleton Pattern
- the solution is using the single driver object for all instances where the WebDriver is required
- "DriverContext" class is the WebDriver singleton class
- the solution is integrating ExtentReports for test reporting and providing sceenshots for any failed steps.
webdrivermanager for more easy way of using different webdrivers
Install Java
- Java sdk 8
- set java home in your environment variables
Install Maven
- Maven
- set maven in your environment PATH
Fork / Clone repository or download zip and set it up in your local workspace.
- Go to your local project directory and run following commands
- mvn verify
- by default the test is running with Chrome broswer
- you can change to other browser type(firefox) by changing DriverType in src\main\java\com\auto\framework\config\Setting.java
- import the project as a Maven project in IntelliJ IDE
- select "Import Maven projects automatically
- select project SDK (1.8)
- enter a Project Name
- config settings and dependencies: Maven, Java Complier, pom.xml
- you can reivew the source code and debug or add new test scenarios
- several ways to run automated test scenarios from Intellij IDE:
TestNG: Right click on testng.xml file, and Run -> This will run all tests attached to specific xml runner
Maven tool window: Double click : UIAuto_DemoBNZ -> Lifecycle -> verify
- Right click on .feature file, and Run -> This will run .feature file on default settings;
- Right click on Scenario inside the .feature file, and Run -> scenario, this will run the scenario on default setting;
- Can use CucumberOptions -> tags to control test execution scope, e.g. @Major or @smoke level scenarios.
- The solution integrates ExtentReports
- it can generate beautiful, interactive and detailed reports under ..\src\test\Report\cucumber-reports\extent_report.html after test run
- The screenshot will be attached at the each failed step, and stored in src\test\Report\cucumber-reports\screenshots
- Test report can be found after test run: src\test\Report\cucumber-reports
- the command line run method can be integrated into CICD pipeline.