A framework to track and visualise online activity of someone in your whatsapp network. Please note that this software does not endorse stalking or any other form of illegal activities. This was made with a an intention to learn things and not to invade anyone's privacy.
Everything is hosted locally and nothing is tracked or saved at all. Feel free to browse the code.
- docker client installed
chmod +x ./setup.sh && ./setup.sh
kubectl apply -k kustomizer/
Note: In order to delete the above specs, use the following
kubectl delete -k kustomizer/
- Install skaffold and the run the following
sudo skaffold dev --port-forward --kube-context=minikube --default-repo=<a-docker-repo>
The above command requires a docker repo which can either be
or a local/private registry that you have.
Note: The above does not work well because grafana latest image has some problem related to uid.
- Clone the repository and run the setup file.
chmod +x ./setup.sh && docker-compose up -d
- Clone
- Update helm chart deps
helm dep update
- Install the app. Run the command from the helm directory
helm install .
- The steps to setup tracker.js remains the same. (See browser setup)
Run chrome with CORS enabled (to send data to your backend) and CSP disabled (to be able to run tracker.js in dev console).
Open web.whatsapp.com in your browser
Paste the tracker.js code into your chrome snippets and run it. You should see some logs now in the console.
Now open chat window with a person you want to track. You can continue chatting or just leave it as it is for as long as you want to monitor his/her online activity.
As soon as the person you want to track comes online and then goes offline, the timespan (in seconds) and is updated
Now run the setup here on grafana. The password for grafana can be configured in the .env file but by default it'll be admin/admin and then you can change it. Open the whatsapptracker dashboard to see the visual changes in case your friend gets online on whatsapp.