Ideal Main is a sophisticated web application designed to provide a comprehensive content management system with a variety of templates and customization options. It is suitable for creating dynamic websites with multiple features such as galleries, project showcases, and custom pages.
- Configuration Files:
for setting up and maintaining code standards and dependencies. - PHP Templates: Includes
, and numerous template files liketemplate-about-ideal.php
, etc., for various website functionalities. - Styling Sheets:
, and backup stylesheets for designing the website's appearance. - Media Files: Images like
, and their.webp
versions. - Other Files:
for licensing, project overview, and additional information.
- A web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx)
- PHP (version [specify version])
- MySQL (or another compatible database system)
- Composer for PHP dependency management
First, clone the repository to your local machine or server environment.
git clone [repository URL]
cd Ideal-main
Use Composer to install the required PHP dependencies. composer install
Copy config.sample.php to config.php (if such a sample file exists). cp config.sample.php config.php Edit config.php to set up your database and other configurations.
Create a new database in your MySQL database system. Import the provided SQL file (if available) to set up the database structure. mysql -u username -p database_name < path_to_sql_file.sql Replace username, database_name, and path_to_sql_file.sql with your MySQL username, newly created database name, and the path to the provided SQL file, respectively.
Set the root directory of your web server to the project's directory. Ensure the server is configured to handle PHP files and rewrite rules (if using Apache, ensure .htaccess is configured correctly).
Open your web browser and navigate to the project's URL. Verify that the application loads and functions as expected.
For further inquiries or information, please send a mail to