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EPF - Evolutionary Protocol Fuzzer

system overview

EPF is a coverage guided protocol-aware network fuzzer. It combines Scapy packet models with prebuilt state transition graphs to increase process depth and, thus, bug finding effectiveness during dynamic analysis. Static instrumentation - borrowed from AFL and AFL++ (USENIX) - is used to establish a dynamic feedback loop that is fed into a population-based simulated annealing algorithm. The fuzzer aims to maximize test coverage metrics on the target by incrementally evolving and mutating a population of valid sample packets. Such seeds are obtained by feeding EPF with PCAP files.

In other words, you teach EPF a target protocol, pass a compile-time instrumented target network binary, and provide PCAP examples of well-defined communication. EPF then tries to maximize fuzzing effectiveness by automatically setting the network target into reasonable processing states. Genetic algorithms derive new - partially corrupt - packets with the goal to trigger undefined behavior and security policy violations during dynamic analysis.

Disclaimer: This repository serves academic code.


  1. About
  2. Dependencies
  3. Setup
  4. Synopsis
  5. Example
  6. Contributions


Coming soon 😉



sudo apt-get update && sudo apt get install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

Additionally: AFL++ for compile-time instrumentation.




  1. install AFL++ by following the project's build instructions.
  2. install EPF:
git clone # clone
cd epf                                       # workdir
python3 -m venv .env                         # setup venv
source .env/bin/activate                     # activate venv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt             # dependencies

You should now have a working copy of both AFL++ and EPF. Verify the latter with:

python3 -m epf --help

EPF must always be executed within the previously setup virtual python environment.


$ python3 -m epf --help

`-:-.   ,-;"`-:-.   ,-;"`-:-.   ,-;"`-:-.   ,-;"
   `=`,'=/     `=`,'=/     `=`,'=/     `=`,'=/
     y==/        y==/        y==/        y==/
   ,=,-<=`.    ,=,-<=`.    ,=,-<=`.    ,=,-<=`.
,-'-'   `-=_,-'-'   `-=_,-'-'   `-=_,-'-'   `-=_
        - Evolutionary Protocol Fuzzer -

positional arguments:
  host                  target host
  port                  target port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Connection options:
  -p {tcp,udp,tcp+tls}, --protocol {tcp,udp,tcp+tls}
                        transport protocol
  -st SEND_TIMEOUT, --send_timeout SEND_TIMEOUT
                        send() timeout
  -rt RECV_TIMEOUT, --recv_timeout RECV_TIMEOUT
                        recv() timeout

Fuzzer options:
  --fuzzer {iec104}     application layer fuzzer
  --debug               enable debug.csv
  --batch               non-interactive, very quiet mode
  --dtrace              extremely verbose debug tracing
  --pcap PCAP           pcap population seed
  --seed SEED           prng seed
  --alpha ALPHA         simulated annealing cooldown parameter
  --beta BETA           simulated annealing reheat parameter
  --smut SMUT           spot mutation probability
  --plimit PLIMIT       population limit
  --budget TIME_BUDGET  time budget
  --output OUTPUT       output dir
  --shm_id SHM_ID       custom shared memory id overwrite
  --dump_shm            dump shm after run

Restart options:
  --restart module_name [args ...]
    Restarter Modules:
        afl_fork: '<executable> [<argument> ...]' (Pass command and arguments within quotes, as only one argument)
  --restart-sleep RESTART_SLEEP_TIME
                        Set sleep seconds after a crash before continue (Default 5)


To provide a working example on how to prepare and use EPF with your target protocol, we are going to fuzz lib60870 by MZ Automation. It is an open source implementation of the IEC 60870-5-101/104 SCADA protocols. They are commonly used in european critical power infrastructure for remote monitoring and controlling. The main reason of why this target has been chosen is of simple nature: the master's thesis that EPF originates from focuses on this domain.

Example Step 1: Download, Instrument, and Build the Target

We assume that epf, aflplusplus, and lib60870 are all situated in the user's home.


git clone
cd lib60870/lib60870-C

Prepare Instrumentation

We need to exchange the C compiler with the AFL++ toolchain to instrument the code during compilation. It is nothing but a wrapper for clang:

# may vary, check how your target project selects the compiler. most of the time, a CC=... environment variable is sufficient
echo "CC=~/AFLplusplus/afl-clang-fast" >> make/



You have now a working, instrumented, and statically linked library of lib60870 that is compatible with both EPF and AFL++ (./build/lib60870.a).

Test Harness

You can not run lib60870 on its own because it is a library. This is why we need a test harness, a minimal executable wrapper around the library that allows the fuzzer to pass input to the target. In this case, we only need a wrapper that initializes the library and creates a socket. The cs104_server_no_threads example in the target's project folder (lib60870-C/examples/cs104_server_no_threads/cs104_server_no_threads.c) is sufficient. It is a minimal IEC 60870-5-104 slave server application.

Because the Makefile in this folder does adhere to make/, we can simply compile the executable:

cd examples/cs104_server_no_threads
cp cs104_server_no_threads ~

The resulting cs104_server_no_threads executable is the input for EPF. Take note that it has been copied to ~.

Step 2: Teach EPF the protocol

Everything but the last paragraph is skippable if you only want to execute this example

Each target protocol requires its own module in EPF's project structure. Modules come in this subfolder:

cd ~/epf/epf/fuzzers

Take iec104 as an example:

$ cat iec104/

from typing import Union, Dict

from epf.fuzzers.ifuzzer import IFuzzer
from epf import Session, constants
from epf.transition_payload import TransitionPayload
from epf.chromo import Population, Crossover
from scapy.contrib.scada.iec104 import IEC104_APDU_CLASSES
from scapy.packet import Packet

class IEC104(IFuzzer):
    name = 'iec104'
    pcap_file = ''
    populations = {}

    def layer_filter(pkt: Packet) -> Union[Packet, None]:
        Filter to extract iec 104 apdu packets only.
        @param pkt: Packet to strip a specific layer from
        @return: Stripped Layer or None if completely discard
        if not any(layer in pkt for layer in IEC104_APDU_CLASSES.values()):
            return None
        return pkt.getlayer(3)

    def get_populations(session: Session) -> Dict[str, Population]:
        return IEC104.populations

    # --------------------------------------------------------------- #

    def initialize(*args, **kwargs) -> None:
        IEC104.pcap_file = kwargs['pcap']
        IEC104.populations = Population.generate(
        testfr = TransitionPayload(name="testfr", payload=b'\x68\x04\x43\x00\x00\x00', recv_after_send=True)#True)
        startdt = TransitionPayload(name="startdt", payload=b'\x68\x04\x07\x00\x00\x00', recv_after_send=True)#True)
        stopdt = TransitionPayload(name="stopdt", payload=b'\x68\x04\x13\x00\x00\x00', recv_after_send=False)
        # <-- in case we want to receive after sending an individual of a specific population
        for species, pop in IEC104.populations.items():
            if species == 'population_that_requires_receive':
                pop.recv_after_send = True
            if species != 'IEC-104 U APDU':

Each protocol in EPF requires a layer filter, which uses scapy data models to filter the relevant packets from PCAP files for dynamic analysis (layer_filter(...)). Because iec104 is already supported by PCAP, we do not have to implement the models.

The initialize method is called by the fuzzer to kick off pcap parsing. Another important aspect is the minimal state graph that is constructed for the purpose of fuzzing IEC 60870-5-104. You can define so-called TransitionPayload(s) which can be concatenated in a directed acyclic graph. These are sent before (pre) fuzzing a specific packet type and afterward (post). This enables EPF to connect to the target, open a session, and trigger state transitions for proper packet handling. The code depicted above constructs the following acyclic graph for the protocol-specific I- S-, and U-Packet Types:

iec104 state graph

That's it. If you follow this layout based on the iec104 module as example for your own protocol, you are now done.

Except for one small thing: For our IEC 60870-5-104 example, we must apply a data type patch to scapy's iec104 implementation because there is (in my opinion) a bug in the sequence number field representation. Apply the 01_scapy_iec104_sequence_number_fix.patch which has been shipped as part of the EPF project. It is in ~/epf/patches.

Example Step 3: Fuzz the target!

Acquire a pcap file containing legitimate communication between the target and a client

... here's one for IEC 60870-5-104, for example. We call it iec104.pcap from now on. You put it in ~/epf.

Run epf!

... but don't forget to cp ~/cs104_server_no_threads ~/epf into EPF's project dir ;).

cd ~/epf
source .env/bin/activate  # activate virtualenv
python -m epf 2404 -p tcp --fuzzer iec104 --pcap iec104.pcap --seed 123456 --restart afl_fork "./cs104_server_no_threads" --smut 0.2 --plimit 1000 --alpha 0.99999333 --beta 1.0 --budget 86400

Hint: Refer to Synopsis for the meaning of each argument.

You'll be greeted with an interactive console, which is a stripped down version of EPF's base project, Fuzzowski:


Type continue to start fuzzing. This is the status screen:


Press ctrl+q to return to the console. Type exit to exit EPF.

Results are in ~/epf/epf-results. However, they require manual verification due to a high false positive rate: A bug that was introduced during the thesis had to be hotfixed by flushing the history of previous


I'm actively looking for people that are willing to contribute their fuzzing- and development-expertise to this project. The goal is to completely rewrite EPF's PoC implementation in a more stable/structured/robust/effective/modular way. The language of choice is Rust.