Vim filetype support for GitHub Actions
This is a Vim filetype support for GitHub Actions.
It provides:
- Highlighting
files.- It only highlights keywords described in official document. You can easily notice wrong attribute names.
- Indentation for
If you use any package manager, please follow its instruction.
With vim-plug:
Plug 'rhysd/vim-github-actions'
With dein.vim:
call dein#add('rhysd/vim-github-actions')
With minpac:
call minpac#add('rhysd/vim-github-actions')
When you're using Vim's builtin packager, please follow instruction at :help pack-add
After this plugin is loaded, highlights and indentation are automatically applied. You have nothing to do anymore.
Please confirm that ghaworkflow
filetype is set when you open .github/*.workflow