A collection of service-orinted homework projects. There are 5 different projects (each in a separate folder), which are detailed below separately. The assignment and API description of each project can be found in docs.
A tutorial ticket booking service for movies containing 3 microservices (in separate subfolders):
- Banking: Simulates charging a card.
- Ticketing: Handles movie tickets.
- Movies: Movies can be added and removed with a small amount of metadata.
Installation guide for all requirements to run this project can be found here.
You can use the following ways to run the services locally. In order to try them out you will need a client to send API requests detailed here. I recommend Postman.
You can simply open the project in Eclipse and run it from there using a wildfly server.
Or navigate to each subfolder and run the following commands to start the services:
mvn clean
mvn -P=generate-sources generate-sources
mvn package
mvn thorntail:run