Program to generate cloze-deletion anki cards from text in 日本語
Version: 0.9
Status: Basic functionality (good for song lyrics with no punctuation)
The Automatic Japanese Anki Cloze Generator will do what it says on the tin.
- Use python / mecab to split Japanese text into words / particles separated by " "
- Create cloze-deletions from text
- Use genanki to create an anki deck and package it as .apkg
- Install dependencies:
- python3
- python3 mecab
pip install --user mecab-python3 - python3 genanki - python3 jaconv (not sure about python 2.7) pip install --user jaconv
- Clone or download this repo
- cd JAnkiAutogen/
- ./JAnkiAutogen [infile(.txt)] [outfile.apkg] ["Deck Title"]
Converts Japanese text in infile into cloze deletion flash cards and outputs outfile.apkg
Passing no arguments takes text from input.txt and outputs TestDeck.apkg
Current Anki version: 2.0.50