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Integrate the YOGA++ (floating-base-balancing-torque-control) with the matlab-whole-body-simulator
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nunoguedelha authored May 10, 2021
2 parents 5a1a92c + 4e03377 commit c217f05
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Showing 19 changed files with 26,896 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
register_mdl(MODELNAME "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu")
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
## Module description

This module implements a torque control balancing strategy. It computes the interaction forces at the feet in order to stabilise a desired `centroidal momentum` dynamics, which implies the tracking of a desired center-of-mass trajectory. A cost function penalizing high joint torques - that generate the feet forces - is added to the control framework.

<img src="/doc/pics/torqueControl.png" width="1800">

For details see also: [iCub whole-body control through force regulation on rigid non-coplanar contacts]( and [Stability Analysis and Design of Momentum-Based Controllers for Humanoid Robots](

### Compatibility

The folder contains the Simulink model `torqueControlBalancing.mdl`, which is generated by using Matlab R2017b.

### Supported robots

Currently, supported robots are: `iCubGenova04`, `iCubGenova02`, `icubGazeboSim`, `iCubGazeboV2_5`.

## Module details

### How to run the demo

For information on how to use the controllers both in **simulation** and with the **real robot**, please refer to the **wiki** of the repo.

### Configuration file

At start, the module calls the initialization file initTorqueControlBalancing.m. Once opened, this file contains some configuration variables. Please follow the instruction inside the script to properly configure your simulation.

### Robot and demo specific configurations

The gains and references for a specific robot (specified by the variable YARP_ROBOT_NAME) or a specific demo can be found in the folder `app/robots/YARP_ROBOT_NAME`.
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% CONFIGROBOT initializes parameters specific of a particular robot
% (e.g., icubGazeboSim)

%% --- Initialization ---

Config.ON_GAZEBO = true;
Config.GRAV_ACC = 9.81;

% Robot configuration for WBToolbox
WBTConfigRobot = WBToolbox.Configuration;
WBTConfigRobot.RobotName = 'icubSim';
WBTConfigRobot.UrdfFile = 'model.urdf';
WBTConfigRobot.LocalName = 'WBT';

% Controlboards and joints list. Each joint is associated to the corresponding controlboard
WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames = {'torso','left_arm','right_arm','left_leg','right_leg'};
WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints = [];
Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [];

ControlBoards = struct();
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{1}) = {'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{2}) = {'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{3}) = {'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{4}) = {'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{5}) = {'r_hip_pitch','r_hip_roll','r_hip_yaw','r_knee','r_ankle_pitch','r_ankle_roll'};

for n = 1:length(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames)

WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints = [WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints, ...
Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard; length(ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{n}))];

% Total degrees of freedom
Config.N_DOF = numel(WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints);

% Frames list
Frames.BASE = 'root_link';
Frames.IMU = 'imu_frame';
Frames.LEFT_FOOT = 'l_sole';
Frames.RIGHT_FOOT = 'r_sole';
Frames.COM = 'com';

% Config.SATURATE_TORQUE_DERIVATIVE: if true, the derivative of the control
% input is saturated. In this way, it is possible to reduce high frequency
% oscillations and discontinuities in the control input.

% if TRUE, the controller will STOP if the joints hit the joints limits
% and/or if the (unsigned) difference between two consecutive joints
% encoders measurements is greater than a given threshold.

% Config.USE_MOTOR_REFLECTED_INERTIA: if set to true, motors reflected
% inertias are included in the system mass matrix. If
% Config.INCLUDE_COUPLING is true, then the coupling effect (some joints
% motion is the result of more than one motor motion) is taken into account.
% Config.INCLUDE_HARMONIC_DRIVE_INERTIA is true, then the harmonic drive
% reflected inertia is also considered
Config.INCLUDE_COUPLING = false;

% Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE: if set to false, the base frame is estimated by
% assuming that either the left or the right foot stay stuck on the ground.
% Which foot the controller uses depends on the contact forces acting on it.
% If set to true, the base orientation is estimated by using the IMU, while
% the base position by assuming that the origin of either the right or the
% left foot do not move.
Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE = false;

% Config.YAW_IMU_FILTER when the flag Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE = true, then
% the orientation of the floating base is estimated as explained above. However,
% the foot is usually perpendicular to gravity when the robot stands on flat
% surfaces, and rotation about the gravity axis may be affected by the IMU drift
% in estimating this angle. Hence, when either of the flags Config.YAW_IMU_FILTER
% is set to true, then the yaw angle of the contact foot is ignored and kept
% equal to the initial value.
Config.FILTER_IMU_YAW = true;

% Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU: when set equal to true, the kinematics from the
% IMU and the contact foot is corrected by using the neck angles. If it set
% equal to false, recall that the neck is assumed to be in (0,0,0). Valid
% ONLY while using the ICUB HEAD IMU!
Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU = false;

% Config.USE_QP_SOLVER: if set to true, a QP solver is used to account for
% inequality constraints of contact wrenches.
Config.USE_QP_SOLVER = true;

% Ports name list
Ports.WRENCH_LEFT_FOOT = '/wholeBodyDynamics/left_leg/cartesianEndEffectorWrench:o';
Ports.WRENCH_RIGHT_FOOT = '/wholeBodyDynamics/right_leg/cartesianEndEffectorWrench:o';
Ports.IMU = ['/' WBTConfigRobot.RobotName '/inertial'];
Ports.NECK_POS = ['/' WBTConfigRobot.RobotName '/head/state:o'];

% Ports dimensions
Ports.IMU_PORT_SIZE = 12;
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@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %
% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Init simulator core physics paramaters
physics_config.GRAVITY_ACC = [0,0,-9.81];
physics_config.TIME_STEP = Config.tStepSim;

% Robot configuration for WBToolbox
WBTConfigRobotSim = WBToolbox.Configuration;
WBTConfigRobotSim.RobotName = 'icubSim';
WBTConfigRobotSim.UrdfFile = 'model.urdf';
WBTConfigRobotSim.LocalName = 'WBT';
WBTConfigRobotSim.GravityVector = physics_config.GRAVITY_ACC;

% Controlboards and joints list. Each joint is associated to the corresponding controlboard
WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames = {'torso','left_arm','right_arm','left_leg','right_leg'}; %,'head'};
WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints = [];
numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [];

ControlBoards = struct();
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{1}) = {'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{2}) = {'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{3}) = {'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{4}) = {'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll'};
ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{5}) = {'r_hip_pitch','r_hip_roll','r_hip_yaw','r_knee','r_ankle_pitch','r_ankle_roll'};
% ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{6}) = {'neck_pitch','neck_roll','neck_yaw'};

for n = 1:length(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames)
WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints = [WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints, ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{n})];
numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [numOfJointsForEachControlboard; length(ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{n}))];

% structure used to configure the Robot class
robot_config.jointOrder = WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints;
robot_config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = numOfJointsForEachControlboard;

% Note: Since iDynTree 3.0.0, if meshFilePrefix='', the standard iDynTree workflow of locating the
% mesh via the ExternalMesh.getFileLocationOnLocalFileSystem method is used. The iCub model meshes
% file tree is compatible with this workflow.
robot_config.meshFilePrefix = '';
robot_config.fileName = WBTConfigRobotSim.UrdfFile;
robot_config.N_DOF = numel(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints);
robot_config.N_DOF_MATRIX = eye(robot_config.N_DOF);

% Initial condition of iCub and for the integrators.
initialConditions.base_position = [0; 0; 0.619];
initialConditions.orientation = diag([-1, -1, 1]);
initialConditions.w_H_b = mwbs.State.Rp2H(initialConditions.orientation, initialConditions.base_position);

% joint (inital) position
initialConditions.s = [
0; 0; 0; ...
-35.97; 29.97; 0.06; 50.00; ...
-35.97; 29.97; 0.06; 50.00; ...
10; 0; 0; -20; -10; 0; ...
10; 0; 0; -20; -10; 0]*pi/180;

% velocty initial conditions
initialConditions.base_linear_velocity = [0; 0; 0];
initialConditions.base_angular_velocity = [0; 0; 0];
initialConditions.base_pose_dot = [initialConditions.base_linear_velocity; initialConditions.base_angular_velocity];
initialConditions.s_dot = zeros(robot_config.N_DOF, 1);

robot_config.initialConditions = initialConditions;

% Reflected inertia

% Robot frames list
FramesSim.BASE = 'root_link';
FramesSim.IMU = 'imu_frame';
FramesSim.LEFT_FOOT = 'l_sole';
FramesSim.RIGHT_FOOT = 'r_sole';
FramesSim.COM = 'com';

robot_config.robotFrames = FramesSim;

% structure used to configure the Contacts class

% foot print of the feet (iCub)
vertex = zeros(3, 4);
vertex(:, 1) = [-0.06; 0.04; 0];
vertex(:, 2) = [0.11; 0.04; 0];
vertex(:, 3) = [0.11; -0.035; 0];
vertex(:, 4) = [-0.06; -0.035; 0];

contact_config.foot_print = vertex;
contact_config.total_num_vertices = size(vertex,2)*2;

% friction coefficient for the feet
contact_config.friction_coefficient = 0.1;

%% Motors reflected inertia

% transmission ratio (1/N)
Gamma = 0.01*eye(ROBOT_DOF);

% modify the value of the transmission ratio for the hip pitch.
% TODO: avoid to hard-code the joint numbering
Gamma(end-5, end-5) = 0.0067;
Gamma(end-11,end-11) = 0.0067;

% motors inertia (Kg*m^2)
legsMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
torsoYawMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;
armsMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;

% add harmonic drives reflected inertia
legsMotors_I_m = legsMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
torsoYawMotors_I_m = torsoYawMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;
armsMotors_I_m = armsMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;

I_m = diag([torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m*ones(2,1);

% parameters for coupling matrices. Updated according to the wiki:
% and corrected according to
t = 0.615;
r = 0.022;
R = 0.04;

% coupling matrices
T_LShoulder = [-1 0 0;
-1 -t 0;
0 t -t];

T_RShoulder = [ 1 0 0;
1 t 0;
0 -t t];

T_torso = [ 0.5 -0.5 0;
0.5 0.5 0;
r/(2*R) r/(2*R) r/R];

T = blkdiag(T_torso,T_LShoulder,1,T_RShoulder,1,eye(12));
T = eye(robot_config.N_DOF);

motorsReflectedInertia = wbc.computeMotorsReflectedInertia(Gamma,T,I_m);

% Joint friction

% === Mapping ===
jointDefaultOrder = {...
'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw', ...
'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow', ...
'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow', ...
'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll', ...

KvmechMappingTorso = 0.2*ones(3,1);
KvmechMappingLeftArm = 0.2*ones(4,1);
KvmechMappingRightArm = 0.2*ones(4,1);
KvmechMappingLeftLeg = [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6]';
KvmechMappingRightLeg = [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6]';

KvmechMapping = containers.Map(...
jointDefaultOrder, ...

KvmechMat = diag(cell2mat(KvmechMapping.values(robot_config.jointOrder)));

jointFrictionMat = wbc.computeMotorsReflectedInertia(eye(robot_config.N_DOF),T,KvmechMat);

%% size of the square you see around the robot
visualizerAroundRobot = 1; % mt

clear ControlBoards numOfJointsForEachControlboard FramesSim initialConditions vertex

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