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TicTacToe AI + API 🎮

Overview 📝

TicTacToe AI + API is a Python-based project that provides functionalities for building, training, and using a neural network to play the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe. The project leverages TensorFlow and Keras to create and manage the model.

Table of Contents 📚

  1. Project Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. License

Project Description 🧩

The TicTacToe API is designed to simulate and learn the game of Tic-Tac-Toe using a neural network. The API provides functionalities to:

  • Build a neural network model.
  • Generate training data by simulating random games.
  • Train the model.
  • Predict the best move given the current board state.
  • Save, load, and manage trained models.

Installation 🔧

To get started with the TicTacToe API, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository 📂

git clone
cd TicTacToe-AI

Install Dependencies 📦

Install the required Python libraries using pip:

pip install numpy tensorflow

Usage 🚀

Here is a brief guide on how to use the TicTacToe API.

Building and Training the Model 🏗️

To build and train the neural network model:

from tictactoe import TicTacToeAI

ai = TicTacToeAI()
ai.train(epochs=25, batch_size=32)

Loading and Using the Model 🔍

To load a pre-trained model and use it for predictions:

from tictactoe import TicTacToeAI
import numpy as np

ai = TicTacToeAI()

# Example board state
board = np.array([[1, 0, -1],
                  [0, 1, -1],
                  [0, 0, 0]])

move = ai.predict_move(board)
print(f"Predicted move: {move}")

Managing Models 🗂️

List all saved models:


Delete a saved model:


Playing the Game with AI 🤖

To play a game where the AI makes moves:

from tictactoe import TicTacToeAI, TicTacToeAPI

ai = TicTacToeAI()
api = TicTacToeAPI(ai, ai_first=True)

api.reset_board(ai_first=True)  # Reset board with AI starting the game

# Player makes a move (enter position 0-8)
player_move = int(input("Enter your move (0-8): "))
game_over = api.make_move(player_move)

# Continue game until there is a winner or a draw
while not game_over:
    game_over = api.ai_move()
    if game_over:
    player_move = int(input("Enter your move (0-8): "))
    game_over = api.make_move(player_move)

Using the UI 🖥️

The project also offers a UI for interacting with the TicTacToe AI. Here is how to use it:

import tkinter as tk
from tictactoe import TicTacToeUI

root = tk.Tk()
app = TicTacToeUI(root)

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. This provides a clear and structured guide for users to understand, install, and use your TicTacToe API project.