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The problem is to find the score of every vertex in a graph. The initial score is simply the Closeness Centrality of the vertex. But a vertex can be flagged as fraudulent which would reduce the vertex score to zero and reduce the score of every other vertex by a factor proportional to the distance between it and the fraudulent vertex.

To calculate the Closeness Centrality we need to solve the shortest path problem for the graph. The algorithm I choose to resolve the problem was the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. This algorithm can handle both positive and negative weights and is kind of easy to express in a functional language because of the recurrence formula:

shortestPath(i, j, 0) = w(i, j)
shortestPath(i, j, k+1) = min(shortestPath(i, j, k), 
                              shortestPath(i, k+1, k) + shortestPath(k+1, j, k)) 

This formula makes the algorithm a good candidate for using a technique called memoization. In Clojure you need only to wrap your function with the memoize function and the result of every call to your original function will be saved. There is also a library core.memoize that gives a lot more control over the cache of results but I didn't explored it further.

I keep the state of the application in two atoms, the edges atom keeps a set of edges that are currently in the graph, and the fraudulents atom keeps a set of all vertices that are flagged as fraudulents. The calculate-score function uses this two atoms to calculate the current score of the vertices in the graph. Because of the use of memoization there is no need to have a separated score atom. There are some downsides: every client see the same graph, the graphs are not durable (i.e. they vanish when the server terminates). I select this implementation only because of its simplicity, if that is unacceptable I will gladly change the code and use Datomic to save the graphs.


  • The graph is connected.
  • The vertex id is always an Integer.
  • The first vertex id is zero and the last vertex id is (dec (count (vertices))).
  • The ids are compact, i.e. without holes.

Libraries used:


  • To run the server: in the project directory lein run starts the Pedestal server.

  • Use lein test in the project directory to run all unit and property-based tests.

  • To calculate the score of the example file start a REPL with lein repl and then input the following commands:

      (use 'challenge.graph)
      ; nil
      (use 'challenge.core)
      ; nil
      (score (read-edge-file "edges") [])
      ; ([44 0.005208333333333333] [88 0.005050505050505051] [20 0.005050505050505051] [74 0.005025125628140704] ...


Method Endpoint Description
GET /edge Returns a list all edges in the graph.
POST /edge Creates a new edge, expects vertex1 and vertex2 as the id (an int) of the vertices. And accepts an optional parameter undirected that when true makes an undirected edge, the default is false.
GET /edge/:id1/:id2 Retrieves information about the edge.
DELETE /edge/:id1/:id2 Deletes the edge from the graph.
GET /vertex Returns a list of all vertices.
GET /vertex/score Returns the current score of every vertex, sorted from the highest to lowest score.
GET /vertex/:id Returns information about the vertex with vertex-id.
PUT /vertex/:id/fraudulent Flags a vertex as fraudulent.


Copyright © 2015 Rodrigo Taboada

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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