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mikeburkat edited this page Jul 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

This is a description of the data format used by the Banker process to store its value in its Redis database.

banker:accounts (SET)
This set contains all the names of the banker accounts.
banker:archive (SET)
This set contains all the names of archived (closed) banker accounts.
banker-xxx[:xxx] (STRING)
A json representation of the accounts:
   "md" : {"objectType": "Account";
           "version": 1},
   "type": account type ("budget" or "spent")
   "budgetIncreases": amount (in USD/1M),
   "budgetDecreases": amount (in USD/1M),
   "spent": amount (in USD/1M),
   "recycledIn": amount (in USD/1M),
   "recycledOut": amount (in USD/1M),
   "allocatedIn": amount (in USD/1M),
   "allocatedOut": amount (in USD/1M),
   "commitmentsMade": amount (in USD/1M),
   "commitmentsRetired": amount (in USD/1M),
   "adjustmentsIn": amount (in USD/1M),
   "adjustmentsOut": amount (in USD/1M),
   "lineItems": additional keyed amounts,
   "adjustmentLineItems": additional keyed amounts
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