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Multi bidder Interface

oktal edited this page Nov 18, 2014 · 9 revisions


The MultiBidderInterface can be used to multiplex a number N of BidderInterfaces. For example, you might want to configure an upstream stack to use both Bidding Agents as found in RTBkit 0.9 and another bid system exposing the new HTTP interface.

That way, for a given stream of BidRequests, some would be sent to the agents through the AgentsBidderInterface (over zeromq) and to an external Bid Optimization System through the HttpBidderInterface (over HTTP). Any combination of AgentsBidderInterface and/or HttpBidderInterface targets is supported.

MultiBidderInterface 1

MultiBidderInterface 2

Configuration Interface

The MultiBidderInterface has its own configuration file, usually called bidder-config.json. Below is an example of such a configuration file:

    "type": "multi",
    "interfaces": [
         "iface.agents": { "type": "agents" }
         "iface.http": {
               "type": "http",
               "router": {
                     "host": "http://downstream-host:8950",
                     "path": "/auctions"
                 "adserver": {
                       "host": "http://downstream-host",
                       "winPort": 18143,
                       "eventPort": 18144

Every BiddingInterface that the MultiBidderInterface owns must be identified by an unique name. Here, we configured the MultiBidderInterface to use two interfaces:

iface.agents: an AgentsBidderInterface;
iface.http: an HttpBidderInterface.

Each BidderInterface must also be configured as usual. For example, for the HttpBidderInterface, you should provide both the endpoints of the router (exchange connector) and the adserver. No specific configuration is needed for the AgentsBidderInterface.


To be able to use the MultiBidderInterface, one last thing needs to be done: pushing some configs to the Agent Configuration Service. A new field has been added to the AgentConfig called bidderInterface, which is a string used to identify the BidderInterface that this particular config should use.

Let's suppose for now that you only want to forward your traffic over HTTP to an external Bid Optimization System before booting some agents. To do that, after configuring the MultiBidderInterface like above, you should push a configuration to the AgentConfigurationService, indicating that you want to use the HttpBidderInterface for that config.

An easy way to test that is to use a curl command:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d @http_config.json

The http_config.json should look like so:

   "account": ["hello", "world"],
   "externalId": 123,
   "bidderInterface": "iface.http",
   "bidProbability": 1,
   "creatives": [
           "id": 1,
           "width": 300,
           "height": 250
    # additional filters

Note that the bidderInterface value must match one of the identifier used in the MultiBidderInterface configuration file.

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