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Bid Request Lifecycle

cellogic edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 9 revisions

The following page describes the lifecycle of a bid request as it flows through the various components of the system. Architecture

  1. The exchange sends a bid request to the router where it is parsed by the exchange connector
  2. The router relays the bid request to the Augmenter
  3. The augmenter returns augmentations("+") to the router
  4. The router sends augmented bid request("BR+") to the bidding agent
  5. The bidding agent computes a bid and returns it to the router
  6. The router relays the bid back to the exchange
  7. The exchange (or Ad Server) sends a win notification to the Ad Server Connector
  • The Ad Server Connector forwards the win to the post-auction service
  1. The post-auction service forwards the win notification to the agents

Additionally bid requests, wins as well as other events such as clicks are also forwarded to the logger for persistence.

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