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Exchange Connector specific configurations

Jan Sulmont edited this page May 30, 2014 · 2 revisions

Exchanges often impose configuration requirements, some of them being expressed at the creative level. These are used by the exchange connector, in order to build a response, or to apply filtering. In an attempt to unify this across exchange connectors, RTBkit recently introduced creative configuration framework -- new exchanges should use that framework.


It has happened quite often, that someone on the mailing list was asking for help, because her bider did not see bid requests sent to the exchange connector: although the bid request format was correct, and correctly parsed by the exchange connector, the bidding agent's callback was never called. And almost every time, that happened because the bidding agent didn't have a valid creative configured against the router, for these very specific exchange. For it is the case, that a given exchange can impose configuration constraints on creatives -- this is usually achieved with an override of getCreativeCompatibility(). Note that this method is called every time an agent sends its configuration to the router.

This documents summarises per exchange specific creative configurations.


Google AdX must have:

  • the externalId attribute
  • the htmlTemplate attribute containing the string %%WINNING_PRICE%%
  • the clickThroughUrl attribute
  • the vendorType attribute (set of integers)
  • the attribute attribute (set of integers)
  • the sensitiveCategory attribute (set of integers)

Google AdX might have:

  • agencyId attribute (defaulting to 1 if not provided)
  • adGroupId (see here for details)
  • restrictedCategories (see here for details)


For a creative to be compatible with the AppNexus exchange connector, it must have:

  • the memberId attribute
  • either the creativeId or creativeCode attribute

It might have:

  • clickUrl, pixelUrl or attributes attributes configured.


For a creative to be compatible with the BidSwitch exchange connector, it must have:

  • the nurl attribute configured, containing the string ${AUCTION_PRICE}
  • the adid and adomain attributes


For a creative/campaign to be compatible with the MoPub Exchange, it must have:

  • the seat, iurl, attr, cat, type, crid, adomain attributes
  • the adm attribute containing the string ${AUCTION_PRICE}


For a creative/campaign to be compatible with the Nexage Exchange, it must have:

  • the adm attribute, containing the string ${AUCTION_PRICE}
  • the adomain, iurl, crid attributes.


For a creative/campaign to be compatible with the Rubicon Exchange, it must have:

  • the adm attribute, containing the string ${AUCTION_PRICE:BF}
  • the adomain, attr, crid attributes.
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