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Rubicon Based Bidding Agents And Configuration

Sirma edited this page Feb 25, 2016 · 1 revision

This page will help you to integrate your RTBKIT with rubicon exchange for testing mode.The open rtb version of RTBKIT is 2.1 .While rubicon get migrated to open rtb 2.2.

  1. Change the open rtb version to 2.2 in rtbkit/plugins/exchange/ .

if (openRtbVersion != "2.2") { connection.sendErrorResponse("UNSUPPORTED_OPENRTB_VERSION", "The request is required to be using > version 2.2 of the OpenRTB protocol but requested " + openRtbVersion); return none; }

  1. Change Exchange type to rubicon in rtbkit/examples/router-config.json

"exchangeType": "rubicon", "listenPort": 10002,

  1. For testing integration with Rubicon.Use this url

  1. Here we have RTB Endpoint.Make sure the IP of your linux box on which RTB is configured should be open for request on port 10002.So your RTB End Point will look like this.

RTB Endpoint:

  1. Now create Rubicon based Bidding agent.We are using node.js for it.

a) Download bidding agent node based for rubicon from here.

b) Here we have all the configuration in agent-config.json.This particular bidding agent is created for 300 x 250 addvertisement.You are free to modift it accordingly.

d) Run command node /node_300_250/nodebidagent.js

  1. Now send request from rubicon integration page.After sending some request it will get passed for some cases.
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