I'm an opensource enthusiast currently in search of my next gig. Previously I've held engineering roles most notably @ Salesforce, SumUp and Paysafe.
🔭 I’m currently working on a secret scanning tool called rvsecret.
Golang, APIs, K8s, IaC, distributed systems, developer productivity tools, platform engineering
I've contributed to a number of OSS projects over the years. Here're a few of them:
- [external-secrets/external-secrets]: remove redundant parameter grab call, we already have the data
- [integrations/terraform-provider-github]: add support for web commit sign off
- [integrations/terraform-provider-github]: add pagination to GetCommit() call
- [opentofu/registry]: response code must be 204, because body has no content
- [github.com/goph/licensei]: introduce unknown license list
- [opentofu/registry]: fix error handling; unexport func
- [gessnerfl/terraform-provider-instana]: add data source alerting channel office365
- [hashicorp/vault-plugin-auth-kubernetes]: send audience to tokenreview api
- [git-hooks/git-hooks]: Autodetect protocol from git address
I've also started a few OSS projects myself, but those you'd be able to find in my account. :)